Pre-Christmas Debates about New Roles in the Digital Age
The 'map of professions' is being redrafted right in front of our eyes, and approaches to staff training are changing radically. Russian and German experts discussed the factors affecting the labour market in the 21st century in an unusual format — podium debates combined with a pre-Christmas reception. The event was hosted by the Moscow German Embassy’s Department of Science, the German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH), and the Higher School of Economics on 4 December, 2018.
Workers for Digital Economy
The impact of digitalisation of the economy on the national labour market commanded increased attention in recent years. Development of information and communication technologies (ICT) leads to the emergence of new professions and promotes employment in the ICT sector. Experts at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) have calculated, on the basis of the Rosstat survey, how many people work in ICT-related professions.