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Regular version of the site
2013, no 2
Conferences and Workshops
May 23, 2013: Seminar on "Assessing Consequences of Russia’s Accession to the OECD" (news in Russian)
The seminar held by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, organised jointly with the Higher School of Economics, brought together high-level experts of various ministries and agencies, that are responsible for presenting the position of Russia in the accession to the OECD negotiations. The ISSEK experts reported the results of the study "Assessing Consequences of Russia’s Accession to the OECD”, that was commissioned by the RF Ministry of Economic Development and carried out by more than twenty HSE experts. Their work was coordinated by the ISSEK’s OECD – HSE Partnership Centre.
May 21, 2013: Workshop on the Russian S&T Foresight 2030 (news in Russian)
Higher School of Economics hosted a discussion of the ongoing work on the Russian S&T Foresight 2030. Representatives of the RF Ministry of Education and Science, other relevant government agencies, technology platforms and large companies, prominent Russian scientists, members of expert panels of the RF State programme “Development of Science and Technology in 2013—2020”, were invited to take part.
April 25, 2013: Workshop “Foresight: Theory and Practice” (news in Russian)
Participants of the round table at the Higher School of Economics — which started off a series of workshops hosted by the International Research and Educational Foresight Centre — discussed Foresight methodology and its application to policy shaping. The key presentation was made by Özcan Saritas, leading researcher at the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, and editor-in-chief of the international Foresight journal — one of central periodicals on futures research worldwide.
April 25, 2013: Workshop “Tools for Strategic Planning of Regional Innovation-based Development” (news in Russian)
Some of the debates held at the HSE’s XIV April International Academic Conference indicated that there was an obvious need to discuss opportunities for innovation-based development of Russian regions, and their specific contribution to increasing efficiency of the country’s national innovation system. The workshop devoted to these issues featured quite impressive speakers: heads of relevant departments of federal ministries (Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, RF Ministry of Economic Development), heads of development institutes (Vnesheconombank, RVC), CEOs of joint public-private companies (Rostech), and the HSE experts.
April 2—5, 2013: the XIV HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
Every year in April, the Higher School of Economics hosts a major conference devoted to various aspects of economic and social development. The ISSEK organised a three-day section “Science and Innovations” which comprised several sessions, round tables, and workshops. The most important ones are described below.
Round Table “Monitoring Economics of Science: Main Results and Development Prospects”
ISSEK staff members presented results of a recent study aimed at developing a system for collection, processing and presentation of data describing economic aspects of the Russian S&T sector.
Session “Innovations: the Regional Aspect” (news in Russian)
Participants discussed institutional and industrial traps of Russia’s cluster policy, and analysed the dynamics of the national economy’s innovation activities during the last 20 years.
International Workshop “Global Trends in Public R&D Investments: Designing, Setting up and Running Centres of Excellence”
Initial debate: What Centres of Excellence Should Be Like?
Further round: How They Should Be Managed, and How Their Efficiency Should Be Measured?
Video interview with certain key participants of the ISSEK section
Jonathan Linton, Professor at the Ottawa University and editor-in-chief of the Technovation journal, spoke about applying Foresight methodology and road maps to increase universities’ efficiency.
Mu Rongping, director of the Institute of Policy and Management of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, spoke about Chinese policy shaping experience based on long-term Foresights.
Jean Guinet, head of the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, commented on the key points of his paper “Increasing Efficiency of National Innovation System: Centres of Excellence’s Role”.
March 28, 2013: Kazuhito Oyamada’s workshop: “New S&T Development Plans and Programmes in Japan” (news in Russian)
Kazuhito Oyamada, leading researcher at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), presented latest trends in the Japanese S&T and innovation policy, major policy-shaping documents and programmes.
March 26, 2013: Jutta Günther’s workshop “Structural Changes and Emergence of Innovation System in Eastern Germany” (news in Russian)
Head of Structural Change department at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (Germany), Jutta Günther spoke about the problems associated with integrating the former GDR lander into the German innovation system.
March 26, 2013: Information Day on New Calls under Specific Programme “People” of the FP7 (news in Russian)
International centre for promoting international mobility of Russian and EU scientists, students and post-graduates (ISSEK-based NCP Mobility), jointly with the Delegation of the European Union to Russia, hosted a workshop on new calls under specific programme “People” of the FP7. The audience was informed about the preliminary results of the Russian participation in the FP7 (which will be completed later this year), the basic principles of the new EU S&T international cooperation strategy, and the key objectives of Horizon 2020 and Erasmus Mundus programmes. See statistics on Russian and the HSE participation in the FP7 in the material published at the HSE web portal.
Monitoring of Education Markets and Organisations (MEMO) (news in Russian)
The monitoring results obtained in 2012 provide a large pool of information for analysis of issues mentioned in decrees #596—606 signed by President Vladimir Putin in 2012, soon after his inauguration. Primarily those specifying the steps to be taken to increase efficiency of the education system in the nearest future. MEMO is an integrated project on collection, processing and presentation of structured data describing economic behaviour of educational services’ market participants. The project was launched in 2002 by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and is currently being implemented by various divisions of the HSE, with participation of Yuri Levada’s Analytical Centre. The project coordinator is ISSEK’s Centre for Statistics and Monitoring of Education.
New Publications
Editions of the HSE Publishing House

Long-term Priorities for Applied Research in Russia / Edited by L. Gokhberg. — Мoscow: HSE, 2013. — 120 p. — ISBN 978-5-9904002-2-1. (in Russian)
This analytical report presents results of the project “Updating the Russian S&T Foresight 2030”, commissioned to the HSE by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and carried out in 2011—2013. The report presents long-term priorities for applied research in Russia in seven areas: Information and communication technologies, Biotechnology, Medicine and health, New materials and nanotechnologies, Efficient environmental management, Transportation and space systems, and Energy efficiency and energy saving.
Information Bulletin “Statistical Characteristics of Professional Education Sphere”, 2013, no 1 (64). — Moscow: HSE, 2013. — 52 p. (in Russian)
The new issue of the Monitoring of Education Markets and Organisations (MEMO) bulletins series presents a statistical survey covering activities of educational institutions in lower vocational, secondary vocational and higher education.
Composite Materials: Production of Carbon Fibres and Products Based on Them. Road Map / Edited by L. Gokhberg, O. Karasev, A. Malyshev. — Мoscow: RUSNANO, HSE, 2013. — 136 p. — ISBN 978-5-7218-1320-7 (in Russian)
The publication starts off a series of joint works by RUSNANO and the Higher School of Economics, on long-term S&T Foresights and innovation-based development in various sectors of the economy.
HSE Working Papers
WP BRP Series: Science, Technology and Innovation / STI

"Science, Technology and Innovation / STI" series was launched by ISSEK at the end of September, 2012. Now it is the youngest and at the same time the most popular among all series of working papers of the HSE Basic Research Program. In March-April, 2013, six new working papers were added to “Science, Technology and Innovation/STI” series.
Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T., Roud V., Zaichenko S.
Monitoring Innovation Activities of Innovation Process Participants (2011: R&D Organisations)
. HSE Research Paper No. WP BPR 06/STI/2013. This preprint is available at the SSRN database: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2237896.
Khripunova A., Vishnevskiy K., Karasev O., Meissner D.
Intelligent Data Systems to Aid Decision-Making at Tenders for Oil and Gas Fields Development
. HSE Research Paper No. WP BRP 07/STI/2013. This preprint is available at the SSRN database: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2246647.
Zaytseva A., Shuvalova O., Meissner D.
User Innovation — Empirical Evidence from Russia. HSE Research Paper No. WP BRP 08/STI/2013. This preprint is available at the SSRN database: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2246685.
Khramova E., Meissner D., Sagieva G.
Statistical Patent Analysis Indicators as a Means of Determining Country Technological Specialisation. HSE Research Paper No. WP BRP 09/STI/2013. This preprint is available at the SSRN database: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2247936.
Kotsemir M., Meissner D.
Conceptualizing the Innovation Process — Trends and Outlook. HSE Research Paper No. WP BPR 10/STI/2013. This preprint is available at the SSRN database: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2249782.
Kutsenko E., Meissner D.
Key Features of the First Phase of the National Cluster Program in Russia. HSE Research Paper No. WP BRP 11/STI/2013. This preprint is available at the SSRN database: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2253377.
Business Climate Surveys (in Russian)
The Economic Sentiment Index (HSE Index) in the 1st Quarter, 2013
Business Climate in Small Industrial, Construction, and Retail Companies in the 1st Quarter, 2013
Business Climate in the Retail Sector in the 1st Quarter, 2013
Business Climate in the Retail Sector in Moscow and Moscow Region in the 1st Quarter, 2013
Business Climate in the Service Sector in the 1st Quarter, 2013
Business Climate in Industry in March, 2013, in April, 2013
In This Issue:
Conferences and Workshops
New Publications
Forthcoming Publications
In June, 2013 the international Edward Elgar Publishing is releasing the book “Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement”/ Ed. by Fred Gault. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013. ISBN (hardback) 978 0 85793 364 5
ISBN (eBook) 978 0 85793 365 2
This Handbook comprehensively examines indicators and statistical measurement related to innovation (as defined in the OECD/Eurostat Oslo Manual). It deals with the development and the use of innovation indicators to support decision-making and is written by authors who are practitioners, who know what works and what does not, in order to improve the development of indicators to satisfy future policy needs.
The book presents: the historical and geographical context for innovation indicators and measurement, practical examples of how measurement is actually undertaken, new areas of innovation indicators and measurement, including consumer innovation, public sector innovation and social innovation. This informative Handbook will appeal to policymakers in government departments, statistical offices and research institutes, international organisations such as the EU, OECD and the UN, as well as university departments of economics, sociology, law, science and technology, and public policy.
Members of the ISSEK contributed to writing two chapters of the book. Authors of the first chapter — Leonid Gokhberg, Konstantin Fursov, Ian Miles, and Giulio Perani of the Italian National Institute of Statistics — discuss issues associated with measuring emerging technologies with potentially colossal socio-economic impact. The other chapter (written by Dirk Meissner and Alexander Sokolov) contains an analysis of links and interconnections between two informational and decision-making support tools — S&T and innovation indicators, and Foresight studies.
In June, 2013 will be released national report “Pilot Innovation Territorial Clusters in the Russian Federation”, based on the results of competitive selection of pilot clusters in 2012.
The authors of the report, among whom are the ISSEK cluster policy experts, presented international experience of implementing national cluster support programmes; criteria and procedures for selecting pilot innovation territorial clusters in the Russian Federation; and recommendations for their subsequent government support.
The main body of the report is devoted to comparative analysis of industrial, investment, and innovation potential of the 25 pilot clusters. The authors also wrote about funding sources and allocation of funds.
Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge
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