Basic Research
The Centre staff participates in the HSE Basic Research Programme.
Research and monitoring projects:
- Laboratory for Economics of Innovation
- Innovation Activities of the Innovation Process Actors Monitoring
Basic research topics:
- Institutional analysis of national innovation systems
- Science-industry cooperation, open innovation
- New indicators for measuring innovation systems
- STI policy analysis and evaluation
- Analysis of economic and technological complexity of countries and regions
- Creative economy and creative industries
Applied Research Projects
The Centre coordinates or takes part in a large number of research and policy advice projects commissioned by federal and regional authorities, large state-owned companies, development institutions, foreign and international organisations.
Examples of completed projects:
Intellectual property management in Russia: estimates of potential losses, risks, and drivers (Intellectual Property Federation, 2020)
Forecast, analytical and information materials for ensuring S&T development of the IT industry in Russia and updating the Strategy for the development of the IT industry (Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, 2020)
The study of creative industries in Moscow (Government of Moscow, 2019-2020)
Assessment of policies aimed at achieving national goals and strategic objectives of the Russian Federation, recommendations for improving their efficiency (Centre for Strategic Research, 2019)
Analysis of the Strategy for S&T Development of Russia and provision of expert and analytical support for science policy (Government of the Russian Federation, 2019)
Assessment of R&D results implementation and proposals for S&T policy measures aimed at ensuring global scientific leadership and accelerating the technological development of the Russian Federation (Government of the Russian Federation, 2019)
Mechanisms of state support for research and educational centers of competence in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 2018)
Concept of Moscow innovation cluster (Government of Moscow, 2018)
Unified methodology for assessing the effectiveness of innovation activities of the Russian Railways holding (Russian Railways SDC, 2018)
Updated "dashboard" indicators and assessment of innovation policy impact on their dynamics (for the 3d National Report on Innovations in Russia) (Russian Venture Company JSC, 2017-2018)
Methodology for statistical assessment of the level of technological development of Russian economy, as well as certain types of economic activity (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2017)
Proposals for creating a system for assessing S&T policy in Russia and its integration into public administration practice (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2016-2017)
Research on the state of the field of science and technology, directions and instruments of its governance (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2016-2017)
Analysis of the efficiency of budgetary and extrabudgetary expenditures on civil R&D provided through state and federal target programs (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2016-2017)
The Strategy of socio-economic development of the Troitsk urban district (Moscow) until 2032 and an action plan for its implementation (Troitsk urban district administration, 2016)
Innovation development strategies for a number of large Russian state-owned companies (2011-2019)
Organizing and holding the events for consulting and expert support for the development of the Russian S&T Development Strategy (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2015-2016)
Analysis of the advanced research areas of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in the field of science, technology and innovation and development of a system of information support for interaction with the OECD (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2015-2017)
Priority areas and key instruments of international S&T cooperation between Russia and leading foreign countries on forming a system of S&T forecasting in the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2014-2015)
Scientific, methodological and analytical support for monitoring and evaluating scientific organizations that perform civil R&D (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2014-2015)
Analysis of research and innovation activities of Moscow universities and developing measures of their organizational and economic support at regional level (Government of Moscow, 2014-2015)
Design of a system for monitoring engineering services and industrial design markets in Russia (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2014-2016)
UNESCO Science Report: The Current Status of Science around the World. Russian Federation (UNESCO, 2010, 2015)
The study of international approaches to participation in global value chains (GVC) and recommendations for improving the efficiency of Russia's participation in GVC (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2014)
Rising Powers: Emerging Technologies and Implications of Next Generation Innovation Systems Development in China and Russia (University of Manchester, Beijing Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013-2016)
Overview and analysis of the implementation of innovation development programs of Russian state-owned companies (Russian Venture Company JSC, 2013)
Assessment of the efficiency of federal budget expenditures on science, technology and innovation (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, 2013)
Roadmap for the transition to a new model for training and certification of highly qualified personnel for science and other fields of activity (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2012-2013)
Roadmap for the transition to ‘efficient contracts’ in science (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2012-2013)
R&D Globalization and R&D Cooperation between German and Russian Enterprises (Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, University of Hohenheim, 2012)
S&T cooperation between Russian SMEs and German enterprises (Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, Foundation for Assistance to Small and Medium Enterprises, 2012)
New mechanisms and policy tools for the innovative development of the economy (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2011)
Analytical support for the realization of public policy in the sphere of education, science, technology and innovation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2010-2012)
The third mission of universities. Russian universities in the context of reforming the national innovation system; a case study of the third mission of universities in Russia (UNIDEV, 2009)
Innovation development as the basis for the Russian economy's modernization (JSFC Sistema, 2008)
- National Innovation Systems of BRICS Countries. Russia’s Innovation System; Prospective Agenda for S&T and Innovation Policies in Russia. (BRICS, 2008).
Development and Analysis of Policy Documents
The Center staff participates in the development and analysis of strategic, programme and methodological documents in the field of STI and takes part in the official working groups of public authorities.
Strategic and programme documents:
- The Strategy for Science and Technology Development of the Russian Federation (up to 2035)
- Recommendations for the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation 2020 (the expert group "From stimulating innovations to innovation-based growth"
- Russia’s Innovative Development Strategy 2020
- State programme of the Russian Federation "Development of Science and Technology"
- Concept for the Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation 2020
- Strategy for the Development of Science and Innovation in the Russian Federation 2015
- Strategy of for Social and Economic Development of Moscow 2025
- National Project “Science”
Methodological and expert materials:
- Materials for a joint meeting of the Presidium of the State Council and the Council for Science and Education under the President of the Russian Federation (2020)
- Methodology for assessing the level of technological development in the field of ICT (Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, 2020)
- Unified methodology for assessing the effectiveness of innovation activities of the Russian Railways holding (Russian Railways SDC, 2018)
- Methodology for statistical assessment of the level of technological development of Russian economy, as well as certain types of economic activity (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2017)
- Concept of monitoring engineering services and industrial design markets in Russia (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, 2015)
- Guidelines for development and enhancement of innovation development programmes of joint-stock companies with state participation, state corporations, state-owned companies and federal state unitary enterprises (The Government of the Russian Federation, 2015)
- Methodological materials on monitoring system for the implementation of innovation development programmes of joint-stock companies with state participation, state corporations and federal state unitary enterprises (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2011)
- Methodological materials on developing passports of innovation development programmes of joint-stock companies with state participation, state corporations and federal state unitary enterprises (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2011)
Analysis of strategic documents:
- President's Decree No. 204 dated May 7, 2018 on the National Development Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation in the Period until 2024" (the part regarding STI
- National Project “Science”
- Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 596, 597, 599 (the part regarding STI)
Educational Activities
The Center staff takes part in the only English-taught international master's programme on STI policy in Russia “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation including the following courses:
- STI Policy, course director – Mikhail Gershman
- Economics of Innovation, course director – Vitaly Roud
- Innovation Strategies, course director – Dirk Meissner
- Managing Creativity and Innovation, course director – Mikhail Gershman
- The History of Technological Development in Society, course director – Thomas Thurner
- Corporate Entrepreneurship, course director – Dirk Meissner
The Center staff conducts training seminars and participates in professional development programmes for the representatives of federal and regional authorities, companies, universities and research organisations:
- "Implementation of the national projects in the Tyumen region: from federal tasks to advanced development of the region" program (2019 г.)
- "Implementation of the national projects in the Republic of Tatarstan: from federal tasks to advanced development of the region" strategic session (2019)
- Seminar on STI policy within the framework of the Advanced training program for civil servants at HSE ISSEK (2017)
- Seminar on STI policy within the framework of the Advanced Training Program for Vice-Rectors for Research and Innovation of Russian universities at MEPhI (2016)
- Training seminar for of federal executive authorities’ staff "Practical aspects of interaction with the OECD" (2016)
- Short-term training programme for the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam staff «Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance» at HSE ISSEK (2015)
International Cooperation
- Participating in the committees and working groups of the OECD (until 2022)
- Participating in international expert and research networks
Asian STI Think Tanks Network (ASTN)
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