Analytics for Management and Economics Conference 2020
Valeriya Vlasova took part in the Analytics for Management and Economics Conference (AMEC 2020) that was held in a digital format, September-December, 2020.
The conference, which has been held for the third year already, brought together researchers and practitioners from various fields of business, management, finance and public administration. In a separate session dedicated to research in the field of technology upgrading in emerging and catching-up economies, Valeriya Vlasova presented a paper co-written by Vitaliy Roud “Cooperative strategies in the age of open innovation: choice of partners, geography and duration”.
The paper, which uses data from two surveys of Russian manufacturing enterprises conducted in 2015 and 2018, offered answers to questions about typical configurations of cooperative networks — the choice of partners, the role of spatial distance, and the duration of joint projects, and analyzed the role of cooperation for the firms’ innovation performance.
Following the results of the research, Valeriya Vlasova and Vitaliy Roud wrote a paper, which has been accepted to the Foresight and STI Governance Journal and will be published in the Issue 4, 2020.