Instruments of Russia-EU Science and Technology Cooperation
Published by HSE International Organisations Research Journal has issued an article where policy instruments of cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the field of science were analysed by the leading experts of ISSEK Centre of International Projects Anna Pikalova and Elena Nasybulina in collaboration with Anna Gutnikova, Director of HSE Institute of Legal Regulation.
The European Union is the Russian Federation strategic partner in a wide range of social, economic, educational, cultural, and other fields including science and technology. The article analyses cooperation between Russia and the European Union in implementing research and technological policy. The authors explore the institutional and legal basis of the bilateral partnership, the experience of implementing joint projects within the financial framework and the opportunities the new institutional basis contain for deeper engagement of the parties within research and innovation.
Highlighting a very positive dynamics of science and technology cooperation among Russia, the European Union, and EU Member States generally, it is stressed the necessity for reinforcement of coordination approaches for combined financial instruments in the field of international research and innovation in the framework of new programmes, projects and initiatives.
2014 will open a new phase of partnership between Russia and the European Union with launching of new large-scale national programmes such as the Federal Targeted Programme “Research and Development on Priority Fields of Science and Technology Complex of Russia 2014–2020” under the State Programme of the Russian Federation “Development of Science and Technology” (2013–2020), and the Framework Programme of the European Community for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020” (2014–2020).
In this context adaptation of existing cooperative models, and development and application of advanced principles and methods for equitable partnership in science, technology and innovation is very important. The article concludes with recommendations for the cooperation enhancement.
See also:
S&T Foresight: the Challenge of Exploring New Horizons
“EU-Russia Year of Science 2014” will commence in late November 2013