59% (figure of the day)
of people holding doctoral and candidate of science degrees are theoretically willing to change jobs if offered the opportunity to take part in a large-scale project that is important for the country. These data were obtained during a nationwide survey of researchers holding doctoral and candidate degrees as part of a Monitoring of the Labour Market for Highly Qualified R&D Personnel study, the most recent wave of which was carried out in 2014 by HSE ISSEK.
For other reasons only 3% of highly qualified academic personnel are planning to move to a new job in the near future.
The results of the monitoring study will be published in an international book entitled ‘The value of doctorate degrees on the labour market: research and non-research careers’. The book will present the results of a survey of degree holders in the UK, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Japan, the U.S., and Russia. The book will be published by Springer in the first half of 2015.
Source: HSE website