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Foresight and STI Governance no 3, 2017

The special issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal covers various aspects of innovation entrepreneurship in transition economies

Alexander Chepurenko 
Innovation Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Problems and Outlook

Alexander Chepurenko 
Entrepreneurial Activity in Post-Socialist Countries: Methodology and Research Limitations

Karina Bogatyreva, Galina Shirokova
From Entrepreneurial Aspirations to Founding a Business: The Case of Russian Students

Alina Sorgner
The Automation of Jobs: A Threat for Employment or a Source of New Entrepreneurial Opportunities?

Pshemyslav Zbirovski
The Aspirations of New Technology-Based Firms in CEE and CIS Countries

Elif Kalayci
Stakeholder Relationships in the Framework of R&D-based Startups: Evidence from Turkey

Olga Obraztsova, Tatiana Poliakova, Ekaterina Popovskaya
The Choice of Funding Sources for Start-Ups in a Transitional Economy: The Ability to Predict in a National Context

Victoria Golikova, Boris Kuznetsov
Suboptimal Size: Factors Preventing the Growth of Russian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Ian Miles
, Veronika Belousova, Nikolay Chichkanov
Innovation Configurations in Knowledge-Intensive Business Services

Jana Hojnik, Mitja Ruzzier, Tatiana Manolova
Eco-Innovation and Firm Efficiency: Empirical Evidence from Slovenia

Since 2017,  Foresight and STI Governance became an open-access journal. Electronic versions of the issues can be downloaded at the journal's website, online libraries (e-Library and Kiberleninka), and via mobile applications available at AppStore and GooglePlay.