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Foresight and STI Governance no 3, 2018

The new issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal examines the experience of different countries in managing innovations in the public and private sectors.


Jonathan Linton
Quiet Contributors: The Role of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in Innovation

Irene Ek
Research Programmes that Address Societal Challenges — Aligning Policy, Implementation, and Expected Impact

Vincenzo Bianco
The Future of the Italian Electricity Generation Sector. An Analysis of the Possible Strategic Models

Innovation at Companies

Jonathan Calof
Enhancing Innovation Performance at Companies

Hein Roelfsema, Yi Zhang
Internationalization and Innovation in Emerging Markets

Elena Zavyalova, Artem Alsufyev, Inna Krakovetskaya, Wan Lijun, Jessica Li
Personnel Development in Chinese Innovation-Active Companies

Volker Nissen, Tatiana Lezina, Andrey Saltan
The Role of IT-Management in the Digital Transformation of Russian Companies

Natalia Davidson, Oleg Mariev, Andrey Pushkarev
The Impact of Externalities on the Innovation Activity of Russian Firms

Previous issue 

Foresight and STI Governance journal website

Since 2017, Foresight and STI Governance became an open-access journal. Electronic versions of the issues can be downloaded at the journal's website, online libraries (e-Library and Kiberleninka), and via mobile applications available at AppStore and GooglePlay.