Международные издания
Meissner D., Erdil E., Chataway J. (eds.) (2018) Innovation and the Entrepreneurial University. Springer.
Главы в книгах
Gokhberg L., Fursov K., Miles I. D., Perani G. (2013) Developing and Using Indicators of Emerging and Enabling Technologies, in: Handbook Of Innovation Indicators And Measurement, Edward Elgar.
Sokolov A., Meissner D. (2013) Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, in: Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement, Edward Elgar.
Главы в серии коллективных монографий “BRICS National Systems of Innovation” (Routledge, 2013–2014)
Kuznetsova T. (2013) Russia, in: The Role of the State (eds. M. Scerri, H. Lastres), Routledge, pp. 80–137.
Zaichenko S. (2014) National Innovation System and Inequality in Russia, in: Inequality and Development Challenges (eds. M. Soares, M. Scerri, R. Maharajh), Routledge, pp. 80–148.
Gorodnikova N. (2013) The Russian Federation, in: Financing Innovation (eds. M. Kahn, L. de Melo, M. de Matos), Routledge, pp. 78–133.
Sokolov A., Rudnik P. (2014) Transnational Corporations and Russia’s National Innovation System, in: Transnational Corporations and Local Innovation (eds. J. Cassiolato, G. Zucoloto, D. Abrol, X. Liu). Routledge, pp. 133–188.
Sokolov A., Rudnik P. (2013) Innovation in Russian SMEs: Growth under Transition, in: The Promise of Small and Medium Enterprises BRICS National Systems of Innovation (eds. A. Arroio, M. Scerri), Routledge, pp. 76–120.
- Meissner D., Gokhberg L., Sokolov A. (eds.) (2013) Science,Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future—Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies. Springer, Heidelberg/ New York/ Dordrecht/London.
- Macaulay L., Miles I., Tan Y.L., Theoudoulidis B., Wilby J., Zhao L. (eds.) Case Studies in Service Innovation, Dusseldorf: Springer, 2012.
- Dabić M., Kariv D., Salvador E., Guerrero M., Urbano D., Koski I., Thurner T., Novoseltsev A. Do We Need The Entrepreneurial University? A Triple Helix Perspective, Zagreb: University of Zagreb, 2012.
- Arzumanyan T., Hasanov A., Meerovskaya O., Dolidze T., Bakradze N., Magzieva K., Magzieva S., Bakashova J., Porcescu S., Grozav D., Pikalova A., Proskuryakova L., Mirsaidov I., Jumakuliev D., Yashenkov V., Koval O., Saidov R., Komilova D. White Paper on Opportunities and Challenges in View of Enhancing the EU Cooperation with Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and South Caucasus in Science, Research, and Innovation, Athens: Citronio, 2012.
- Proskuryakova L., Schuch K., Mosora C., Filippidis D., Bonas G., Kienzler K., Wick B., Pikalova A., Sonnenburg J. White Paper on Opportunities and Challenges in View of Enhancing the EU Cooperation with Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and South Caucasus in Science, Research, and Innovation, Bonn: International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 2011
- Yakobson L., Mersiyanova I., Kononykhina O., Benevolenski V., Pamfilova E., Proskuryakova L. Civil society in modernising Russia, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2011.
- Belyaeva N., Proskuryakova L. Civil Society Diamond. CIVICUS Civil Society Index – Shortened Assessment Tool. Report for the Russian Federation, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2008.
- Gokhberg L., Boegh-Nielsen P., Abdrakhmanova G.., Kovaleva G., Shuvalova O., Sokolov A. Information Society Statistics in the Russian Federation: Harmonization with International Standards, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2007.
- Yasin E., Avdasheva S., Askerov E., Bessonov V., Voskoboynikov I., Dolgopyatova T., Golikova V., Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova I., Kosygina A., Kuznetsov B., Simachev Y. Structural Changes in the Russian Industry, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2004.
- Sokolov A. Upgrade: Foresight strategy and actions to assist regions of traditional industry towards a more knowledge based economy, European Commission, 2004.
- Kitrar L. Business Cycles and Cyclical Indicators in Russia, Paris: OECD, 2003.
- Kuzminov Y., Yakovlev A., Gokhberg L., Larionova M., Shadrin A., Kuznetsov B., Gavrilenkov E. The New Economy: A Chance for Russia, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2003.
- Sokolov A., Gokhberg L., Bell E., Schuch K., Burger R., Gorodnikova N., Kuznetsova I. Dialogue on S&T between the European Union and the Russian Federation, Muenchen: CSRS – BIT, 2002.
- Gokhberg L., Westholm G. Science and Technology Indicators in Russia and the European Union, Muenchen: CSRS, 2002.
Главы в книгах
- Karasev O., Vishnevskiy K. A Toolkit for Integrated Roadmaps: Employing Nanotechnologies in Water and Wastewater Treatment. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp. 137—159.
- Gokhberg L., Fursov K., Miles I. D., Perani G. Developing and Using Indicators of Emerging and Enabling Technologies. Handbook Of Innovation Indicators And Measurement, Edward Elgar, 2013.
- Sokolov A., Meissner D. Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators. Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement, Edward Elgar, 2013.
- Kuznetsova T. Russia. The Role of the State: BRICS National Systems of Innovation. Routledge India, 2013, pp. 80—137.
- Sokolov A. Foresight in Russia: Implications for Policy Making. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp. 183—198.
- Gokhberg L. Indicators for Science, Technology and Innovation on the Crossroad to Foresight. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp., 257—288.
- Meissner D., Roud V., Cervantes M. Innovation Policy or Policy for Innovation? – In Search of the Optimal Solution for Policy Approach and Organisation. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp. 247—255.
- Meissner D. Instruments to measure Foresight. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp. 43—62.
- Sokolova A., Makarova E. Integrated Framework for Evaluation of National Foresight Studies. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp. 11—30.
- Miles I. D. Public Service Innovation: What messages from the collision of Innovation Studies and Services Research? Handbook of Innovation and Change in Public Services, Edward Elgar, 2013, pp. 72—87.
- Meissner D. Results and Impact of National Foresight-Studies. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp. 31—41.
- Karasev O., Edelkina A. Sectoral Foresight Studies: Future Perspectives of Nanotechnologies. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp. 121—136.
- Saritas O., Pace L. A., Stalpers S. I. Stakeholder Participation and Dialogue in Foresight. Participation and Interaction in Foresight: Dialogue, Dissemination and Visions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013, pp. 35—69.
- Gokhberg L., Sokolov A. Summary – Targeting STI Policy Interventions – Future Challenges for Foresight. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp. 289—292.
- Saritas O. The Analysis of the UK Technology Foresight Programme from the Dialogue, Vision and Dissemination Perspectives. Participation and Interaction in Foresight: Dialogue, Dissemination and Visions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013, pp. 201—211.
- Meissner D., Gokhberg L., Sokolov A. The Meaning of Foresight in Science Technology and Innovation Policy. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future — Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies, Springer, 2013, pp. 1—7.
- Gokhberg L., Zaytseva A., Kuznetsova T. Building a BRICS framework for science, technology and innovation. BRICS: The 2012 New Delhi Summit, London: Newsdesk Communications Ltd, 2012.
- Korolev V., Pikalova A., Proskuryakova L. Creation of the Common Innovation Area for Commonwealth of Independent States. Innovation in the wider Black Sea region: Policies and Structures. (Policy Brief) Brux, 2012, no 26, pp. 8—21.
- Miles I. D., Gee S. Cultures and Innovation. Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century (eds. D.Cox, J. Rigby), London: Routledge, 2012.
- Miles I. D., Rigby J. Demand-Led Innovation. Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century (eds. D.Cox, J. Rigby), London: Routledge, 2012.
- Miles I. D., Gee S. Innovation and Creative Places. Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century (eds. D.Cox, J. Rigby), London: Routledge, 2012.
- Miles I. D., Nugroho Y. Microfinance and Innovation, Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century (eds. D.Cox, J. Rigby), London: Routledge, 2012.
- Green L., Jones B., Miles I. D. Skills for Innovation. Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century (eds. D.Cox, J. Rigby), London: Routledge, 2012.
- Rigby J., Nugroho Y., Morrison K., Miles I. D. Who Drives Innovation. Innovation Policy Challenges for the 21st Century (eds. D.Cox, J. Rigby), London: Routledge, 2012.
- Doroshenko M.E. How Knowledge-Intensive Business Services Upgrade their Customers: Evidence from Russia. Exploring Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Knowledge Management Strategies, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. no 4, pp. 79—99.
- Veselitskaya N., Vishnevskiy K., Karasev O. Integrated roadmap for the nanotechnology water purification in Russia. 12th International GeoConference SGEM 2012, Conference Proceedings, vol. 3, Sofia: STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2012, pp. 467—473.
- Miles I. D. Introduction to Service Innovation. Case Studies in Service Innovation, Dusseldorf: Springer, 2012, pp. 9—24.
- Miles I. D. Introduction to the Organisation and its Environment Cases. Case Studies in Service Innovation, Dusseldorf: Springer, 2012, Introduction to Theme 2, pp. 45—47.
- Miles I. D. KIBS And Knowledge Dynamics In Client-Supplier Interaction. Exploring Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Knowledge Management Strategies, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 13—34.
- Vishnevskiy K., Karasev O. Long-term planning tools for water purification sector: roadmapping for nanotechnologies in Russia. BALWOIS. International Conference on water, climate and environment, 28 May – 2 June 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, Skopje: Faculty of civil engineering, 2012.
- Studentsova E. Models of Science in Russia and Germany: History of Convergence and Divergence. European Politics and Society. Studies by Young Russian Scholars, Iss. 4. St. Petersburg: 2012, pp. 105—114.
- Guinet J., Proskuryakova L. Modernization and Innovation: Current Trends, Russian Strategy 2020 and OECD Innovation Policy Review. ITB infoservice. Berichterstattung zur Forschungs-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik weltweit. Russland – Modernisierung durch Innovation und Forschung, Iss. 24, Bonn: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2012, pp. 9—11.
- Proskuryakova L. Science and Innovation Policy of the New Russian Cabinet. Baltic Rim Economics.Quarterly Review, Iss. 4. Turku: 2012, pp. 53—53.
- Thurner T., Novoseltsev A. The Higher School of Economics: An illustration of an entrepreneurial focus within the “new” Russian university environment. Do We Need The Entrepreneurial University? A Triple Helix Perspective (ed. by M. Dabić Zagreb), University of Zagreb, 2012.
- Gokhberg L., Roud V. The Russian Federation: A New Innovation Policy for Sustainable Growth. Global Innovation Index 2012: Stronger Innovation Linkages for Global Growth (eds. S. Dutta, R. Berger), Fontainebleau: INSEAD, 2012, pp. 121—131.
- Abankina I., Aleskerov F., Belousova V., Bonch-Osmolovskaya A., Petrushchenko V. V., Ogorodniychuk D., Yakuba V. I., Zin'kovsky K. University efficiency evaluation with using its reputational component. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Operational Research, Iss. 4, Bangkok: Tadbir Operational Research Group, 2012, pp. 244—253.
- Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T., Zaichenko S. Russia: Universities in the Context of Reforming the National Innovation System. Universities in Transition. The Changing Role and Challenges for Academic Institutions. Series: Insight and Innovation in International Development (ed. by B.Goransson, C. Brundenius), New York: Springer, 2011, pp. 247—260.
- Sagieva G. Biotechnology: National Policy and Development Priorities in Russia. Biotechnology and Innovation Systems — the Role of Public Policy, London: Edward Elgar, 2011.
- Alimova T., Chenina A., Chepurenko A. Business under crisis: to start or to discontinue? (The case of Russia). Theory of Entrepreneurship: new results and prospects (Research papers), Moscow, 2011, pp. 6—42.
- Pikalova A., Proskuryakova L., Korolev V. Creation of the Common Innovation Area for Commonwealth Independent States. Innovation and regional development in the Black Sea: Policies, institutions and structures, Athens: Multimedia Ltd., 2011.
- Vishnevskiy K., Doroshenko M., Karasev O. Foresight and Roadmapping Backgrounding Public and Private Innovation Strategies: Approach of the HSE. Theory Building in Foresight and Futures Studies, Book of Abstracts, Yeditepe International Research Conference on Foresight and Futures, 2011.
- Vishnevskiy K., Karasev O. Roadmapping for nanotechnologies in water purification: Russian experience. Proceedings of Vth World Aqua Congress, 16—18 November 2011, New Delhi, India, 2011.
- Sokolov A. Set Feasible Goals and Reach Them — Day by Day. United Dreams of Europe. With a foreword of the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso. Foundation for Future Studies. Rottach-Egern: Ch. Goetz Verlag, 2011.
- Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T., Russian Federation, in UNESCO Science Report: the Current Status of Science around the World. Paris: UNESCO, 2010.
- Gokhberg L., Gorodnikova N., Kuznetsova T., Sokolov A., Zaichenko S. Prospective Agenda for Science and Technology and Innovation Policies in Russia. BRICS and Development Alternatives Innovation Systems and Policies, Anthem Press, 2009, pp.73—100.
- Thurner T., Proskuryakova L. Collaborative research efforts in energy efficiency and renewable technology - Evidence from five years of US-Russian research cooperation. Journal of Research Practice, vol. 9, Iss. 1, Article M4, 2013.
- Thurner T., Varughese A. Experiences of project developers around CDM projects in South Africa. Energy Policy, 2013.
- Saritas O., Cagnin C., Havas A. Future-oriented technology analysis: Its potential to address disruptive transformations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2013, vol. 80, no 3, pp. 379—385.
- Shadrina E., Vinogradov D. Non-monetary incentives in online experiments. Economics Letters, 2013, vol. 116, no 3, pp. 225—243.
- Thurner T., Proskuryakova L. Out of the cold – The rising importance of environmental management in the corporate governance of Russian oil- and gas producers. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2013. In print.
- Aleskerov F., Gokhberg L., Egorova L., Myachin A., Sagieva G. Pattern Analysis in the Study of Science, Education and Innovative Activity in Russian Regions. Procedia Computer Science, 2013, vol. 17, pp. 687—694. In print.
- Haegeman K., Marinelli E., Scapolo F., Ricci A., Sokolov A. Quantitative and qualitative approaches in Future-oriented Technology Analysis (FTA): From combination to integration? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2013, vol. 80, no 3, pp. 386—397.
- Thurner T. Rethinking entrepreneurship education in emerging markets – replacing vision by real strength. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2013.
- Shashnov S., Sokolova A. S&T&I priorities for the Russian natural resources sector, Foresight, 2013, vol. 15, no 1, pp. 40—53.
- Guinet J. Adapting public research institutes to new dynamics of innovation. STI Policy Review, 2012, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 117—138.
- Kirtchik O., Gingras Y., Larivière V. Changes in the publication languages and citation practices and their effect on the scientific impact of Russian science (1993–2010). Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2012, vol. 63, no 7, pp. 1411—1419.
- Grebenyuk A., Shashnov S. Critical technologies in Russia: identifying and implementation. Maitnance problems, 2012, vol. 4, pp. 105—116.
- Miles I. D. Dynamic Foresight Evaluation. Foresight, 2012, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 69—81.
- Proskuryakova L., Thurner T. Enabling innovation in extractive industries in commodity based economies. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 2012, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 19—32.
- Zaytsev Y. Energy for Development. The Lessons and Benefits of EU Approach. International Researchers, 2012, vol. 1, no 1, pp. 59—75.
- Fikirkoca A., Saritas O. Foresight for science parks: the case of Ankara University. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2012, vol. 24, no 10, pp. 1071—1085.
- Saritas O., Loveridge D. Ignorance and uncertainty: influences on Future-oriented technology analysis. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2012, vol. 24, no 8, pp. 753—767.
- Kirtchik O. Limits and Strategies for the Internationalization of Russian Economic Science: Sociological Interpretation of Bibliometric Data. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research, 2012, vol. 4, no 1, pp. 19—44.
- Saritas O., Nugroho Y. Mapping issues and envisaging futures: An evolutionary scenario approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2012. vol. 79, no 3, pp. 509—529.
- Gokhberg L., Fursov K., Karasev O. Nanotechnology development and regulatory framework: The case of Russia. Technovation, 2012, no 32 (3—4), pp. 161—162.
- Saritas O., Amanatidou E., Butter M., Carabias V., Konnola T., Leis M., Schaper-Rinkel pp., van Rij V. On concepts and methods in horizon scanning: Lessons from initiating policy dialogues on emerging issues. Science and Public Policy, 2012, vol. 39, no 2, pp. 208—221.
- Kotsemir M. Publication Activity of Russian Researches in Leading International Scientific Journals. Acta Naturae, 2012, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 14—34.
- Meissner D., Zaichenko S. Regional balance of technology transfer and innovation in transitional economy: empirical evidence from Russia. International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems, 2012, vol. 2, no 1, pp. 38—71.
- Meissner D. Results and impact of national Foresight-studies. Futures, 2012, no 44, pp. 904—913.
- Saritas O., Miles I. D. Scan-4-Light: a Searchlight function horizon scanning and trend monitoring project. Foresight, 2012, vol. 14, no 6, pp. 489—510.
- Shmatko N., Katchanov Y. Social Structure and Agency as Time-scaled Dynamical System. The Case of Scientific Capital. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2012, vol. 6, no 133, pp. 133—136.
- Miles I. D., Saritas O. The depth of the horizon: searching, scanning and widening horizons. Foresight, 2012, vol. 14, no 6, pp. 530—545.
- Thurner T. The history of the Austrian commercial colleges from their foundation as independent educational institutes to full integration into public administration (1850s-1950s). Entreprises et histoire, 2012, vol. 65, no 4, pp. 986—1011.
- Gokhberg L., Roud V. The Russian Federation: A New Innovation Policy for Sustainable Growth. AmCham News, 2012, vol. 17, no 95, pp. 10—16.
- Thurner T., Cramer P. The South African Support System for Start-Up Companies: Assessing the Khula Indemnity Scheme. Competition and Change, 2012, vol. 16, no 1, pp. 56—70.
- Karasev O., Rudnik P., Sokolov A. Emerging technology-related markets in Russia: the case of nanotechnology. Journal of East - West Business, 2011, vol. 17, no 23, pp. 101—119.
- Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T. S&T and innovation in Russia: key challenges of the post-crisis period. Journal of East - West Business, 2011, vol. 17, no 2-3, pp. 73—89.
- Heredia M., Kirtchik O. Comparing Post-Soviet and Latin American Societies: From “Transition” to “Transformation”. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research, 2010, vol. 2, no 2, pp. 5—12.
- Gokhberg L. Principles for a New-generation Innovation Policy. Baltic Rim Economies, 2010, no 3, pp. 37—37.
- Heredia M., Kirtchik O. The Russian and Argentinean experiences of radical reform. Between economy and politics. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research, 2010, vol. 2, no 2, pp. 22—64.
- Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T., Zaichenko S. Towards a new role of universities in Russia: prospects and limitations. Science and Public Policy, 2009, vol. 36, no 2, pp. 121—126.
- Schugal N., Ershov E. An Empirical Model of the Relationship between Value Added Elements and Final Product in the Russian Economy. Studies on Russian Economic Development, 2008, no 2, pp. 116—135.
- Schugal N., Ershov E. A Theoretical Model of the Relationship between Value Added Elements and Final Product. Studies on Russian Economic Development, 2008, no 1, pp. 20—34.
- Gokhberg L. Basic Research in Russia: Human Resources and Funding. Economic Systems, 1994, vol. 18, no 2.
- Pikalova A., Mazurin A. Analysis of knowledge diffusion and EU-Neighbouring Countries research networks based on the outcomes of interviews with INCO projects’ consortium members, SEARCH Working Paper, WP4/2013/14, University of Barcelona.
- Shmatko N., Katchanov Y. A New Conceptual Mathematical Model of the Scientific Capital and Its Empirical Test, WP 05/2013Cornell University.
- Kotsemir M., Meissner D. Conceptualizing the innovation process – trends and outlook, WP 10/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Fursov K., Miles I. D. Framing emerging nanotechnologies: steps towards a forward-looking analysis of skills, WP 15/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Boldyrev I., Kirtchik O. General equilibrium theory behind the iron curtain: the case of Victor Polterovic, WP 14/HUM/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Shmatko N. Graduates’ competencies for the innovation labour market, WP /STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics. In print.
- Kotsemir M., Abroskin A, Meissner D. Innovation Concepts and Typology – An Evolutionary Discussion, WP 05/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Vishnevskiy K., Meissner D., Karasev O., Khripunova A. Intelligent Data Systems to Aid Decision-Making at Tenders for Oil and Gas Fields Development, WP 07/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Kutsenko E., Meissner D. Key Features of the First Phase of the National Cluster Programme in Russia, WP 11/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Doroshenko M., Miles I. D., Vinogradov D. Knowledge intensive business services as generators of innovations, WP 12/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Kotsemir M. Measuring National Innovation Systems Efficiency – a Review of DEA Approach, WP 16/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T., Roud V., Zaichenko S. Monitoring innovation activities of innovation process participants (2011: R&D organisations), WP 06/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Proskuryakova L., Pitlik H., Abdrakhmanova G. Public sector e-innovations. E-government and its impact on corruption, WP 04/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Khramova E., Meissner D., Sagieva G. Statistical Patent Analysis Indicators as a Means of Determining Country Technological Specialisation, WP 09/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Zaytseva A., Shuvalova, O., Meissner, D. User Innovation – Empirical Evidence from Russia, WP 08/STI/2013, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Gokhberg L., Fursov K., Perani G. Developing a statistical framework for the measurement of enabling technologies and their applications: draft guidelines for collecting and interpreting technology data, Working Party of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators. DSTI/EAS/STP/NESTI(2012)9/ANN1 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova T., Roud V. Exploring innovation modes of Russian companies: what does the diversity of actors mean for policymaking? WP 01/STI/2012, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Makarova E., Sokolova A. Foresight Evaluation: Lessons from Project Management, WP 01/ Man /2012, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Gershman M. New challenges for STI policy from the internationalization of R&D: the case of Russian-German R&D cooperation, WP 02/STI/2012, Moscow: Higher School of Economics.
- Shmatko N. Patterns of Researchers’ Social Mobility and Scientific Capital: Russian Case, (September 4, 2012 ). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2141229 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2141229
- Shmatko N., Katchanov Y. Social Management of Research Team Efficiency, (March 7, 2012). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2017566 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2017566
- Fursov K., Ориоль Л. Stocktaking of national experiences in the calculation of R&D full-time equivalents: key findings and proposals for next steps, Working Party of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators. STI/EAS/STP/NESTI(2012)10, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- Korhonen I., Goel R., Belousova V. Causes of Corruption in Russia: A Disaggregated Analysis, BOFIT Discussion Papers. Bank of Finland Institute for Economies in Transition, 2011, no 31.
- Aleskerov F., Belousova V., Serdyuk M., Solodkov V. Dynamic Analysis of the Behavioural Patterns of the Largest Commercial Banks in the Russian Federation, Applied mathematics working paper series, 12/2008, International centre for economic research.
Статистические сборники
- Fridlyanova S., Belousova V., Fursov K., Gokhberg L., Gorodnikova N., Gracheva G., Khramova E. B., Kuznetsova I., Kovaleva G., Markova Y., Martynova S., Ratay T., Rosovetskaya L., Sagieva G., Studentsova E. Science and Technology. Innovation. Information Society: Pocket Data Book, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2013.
- Gokhberg L., Kuznetsova V., Kovaleva G., Kovaleva N., Ozerova O., Shuvalova O., Zabaturina I. Education in Figures: Pocket Data Book, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2012.
- Fridlyanova S., Gokhberg L., Gorodnikova N., Gracheva G., Kuznetsova I., Martynova S., Ratay T., Rosovetskaya L. Indicators of Innovation in the Russian Federation: Data Book, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2012.
- Abdrakhmanova G., Kovaleva G., Kevesh M., Nechaeva E., Shuvalova O. Information Society Outlook, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2012.
- Fridlyanova S., Fursov K., Gokhberg L., Gorodnikova N., Gracheva G., Khramova E., Kirchyk O., Kuznetsova I., Martynova S., Ratay T., Rosovetskaya L., Ryzhikova Z., Sagieva G., Shuvalova O. Science and Technology Indicators in the Russian Federation: Data Book, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2012.
- Gokhberg L., Kovaleva N., Ozerova O., Shuvalova O., Zabaturina I., Kuznetsova V., Remorenko I. Indicators of Education in the Russian Federation: Data Book, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2011.
- Gokhberg L., Fursov K., Gorodnikova N., Gosteva S., Kuznetsova I., Shuvalova O., Sagieva G., Ryzhikova Z., Rosovetskaya L., Ratay T., Martynova S., Kovaleva G. Science and Technology. Innovation. Information Society. Pocket Data Book, Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2010.
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