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NEWSLETTER, 2014, no 4
Conference "Foresight and STI Policy"
On November 6–7, 2014, the 4th Annual International Academic Conference “Foresight and STI Policy” was held at the Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow. The event was organised by HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) and its International Research and Educational Foresight Centre — a Regional UNIDO centre for technology foresight in Russia and the CIS.
Conference participants discussed issues related to forming national S&T foresight systems, foresights studies for particular sectors of economy, and creating new tools for STI policy.
S&T Priorities for the Russian Federation
Under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre organises work on adjusting the lists of priority S&T development areas and critical technologies for the Russian Federation.
The preliminary results of the work were presented by Alexander Sokolov, Director of HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre, and discussed by representatives of the Ministry, Russian Academy of Sciences and public research centres at the All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials on September 19, and at the Federal Agency for Scientific Organisations on October 7, 2014.
Foresight for Business
On October 8, 2014 at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Alexander Chulok, Deputy Director of HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre, presented to representatives of the expert and business communities the prospects the S&T foresight system opens up for Russian companies.
Cluster Policy
Pilot innovative regional clusters received federal funding for their development programmes for the second time. The expert commission of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development has completed selection of projects suggested by clusters. Like in the previous year, the preliminary selection was done via online voting by the expert commission members at the website of the Russian Cluster Observatory at HSE ISSEK. The selected projects were approved at the commission’s physical meetings.

Innovative Medical Technologies Cluster will appear in Moscow. Its configuration and prospects were discussed at a round table during the second day of HSE's Foresight Conference.

Social Sciences Foresight Survey
On 26–29 September, 2014 in the framework of the "Social Sciences Foresight" survey supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation HSE ISSEK conducted a public opinion survey (1,670 respondents aged 16+) aimed at measuring social impacts of innovation. The main results will be presented in an analytical report. Some highlights are provided below:

- What does innovation mean to Russians: Online education, robots, and automatic cookers

- The key priorities for development for Russians are agriculture, industry and medicine
International Contacts
On November 27–28, 2014 the 5th International Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) was held in Brussels, Belgium. A team of HSE ISSEK experts participated in several panel and poster sessions.
Ozcan Saritas, Professor of Innovation and Business at HSE ISSEK, sat on the conference scientific committee and moderated one of the panel sessions "Cutting Edge FTA Approaches: Tools and Approaches".
Alexander Chulok presented a report “Russian S&T Foresight 2030: Looking for New Drivers of Growth”. Anna Sokolova and Nadezhda Mikova spoke on “Comparing Information Sources for Identifying Technology Trends”.
Alexander Sokolov, Anna Grebenyuk and Sergey Shashnov presented a poster “Addressing National Problems through the Prism of Grand Challenges: a New Cycle of Russian Critical Technologies”. Sergey Bredikhin prepared a poster “Exploring the Coherent Catastrophism as a Creative Interface for FTA”.
On November 26, 2014 the Inter-sessional Panel 2014–2015 of the UNCTAD Commission on Science and Technology for Development was held in Geneva, Switzerland. A glance from Russia on the topic "Strategic Foresight for the Post-2015 Development Agenda" was presented by Ozcan Saritas, Professor of Innovation and Business at HSE ISSEK.
On October 14, 2014 the Higher School of Economics hosted the first meeting of the Advisory Board of the WTO Expertise Centre, co-founded by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, Sberbank, and HSE. Established on the basis of the RF government regulation, the Сentre aims to provide expert support to Russia’s membership in the WTO, consult Russian companies on making deals and settling trade disputes in the WTO framework. Yaroslav Kuzminov, HSE Rector, and Leonid Gokhberg, HSE First Vice-Rector and Director of HSE ISSEK, joined the Advisory Board.
On October 6, 2014 HSE hosted International Workshop “Horizon 2020 & International Researchers’ Mobility: EU Supporting Tools”. The event was organised by HSE ISSEK Centre for International Projects under the EU 7th RTD Framework Programme BILAT-RUS-Advanced project (“Advancement of the Bilateral Partnership in Scientific Research and Innovation with the Russian Federation”).
On September 8, 2014 Esko Aho, former Prime Minister of Finland, spoke to the students of the new HSE ISSEK Master’s programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation”. The politician who has led his nation into the European Union told the future managers what could hinder successful development of a country, or a particular company.
HSE Publications
Foresight-Russia, no 3, 2014

Schuch K. Participation of the "New" EU Member States in the European Research Programmes — A Long Way to Go

Gokhberg L., Kitova G., Roud V. Tax Incentives for R&D and Innovation: Demand versus Effects

Kovalev A., Proskuryakova L. Innovation in Russian District Heating: Opportunities, Barriers, Mechanisms

Gershman M., Kuznetsova T. Performance-related Pay in the Russian R&D Sector

Cervantes M., Meissner D. Commercialising Public Research under the Open Innovation Model: New Trends
Data Books (in Russian)

Monitoring of Education Markets and Organisations (in Russian)
Surveys on Business Climate (in Russian)

The Economic Sentiment Index (HSE Index) in 3Q 2014 
The Real Sector and the Service Sector Enterprises in 3Q 2014

Industry in: September, October, and November, 2014 
Small Companies in Construction, and Industry in the 2nd half of 2014 
Figures of the Day
HSE ISSEK's research provided data for regular publications in mass media and at HSE website.
36,9% is the share of total investment in technological innovation that Russian companies devote to research and development
300 million tons of concentrated agricultural and forest waste are produced by Russian industry each year
190 litres is the average daily usage of water per a person in Russia
47% of Russians aged 16 to 74 use social networks
81% of parents whose children study in educational institutions are satisfied with the quality of their education
48% of parents of high school students planning to enter a university don’t give thought to the fact that their children may end up studying in a different region
35% of Russian universities do not have dormitories for students
51% of families do not reject the idea of higher education for their children if they are unsuccessful in enrolling for a tuition-free spot
35% of parents say that their children study in vocational schools, colleges or training schools because they need to ‘get on their feet’ as soon as possible and begin earning income for the family
55% of Russians aged 25–64 who have a vocational education believe that their current activities partially or fully coincide with the education they received
60% of Russian company heads believe that the ability to solve work-related problems without help is acquired by employees only with experience in working independently
31% of construction companies are experiencing a shortage in graduates from educational institutions who have either technical or labour training
15% of Russian companies discuss personnel issues at every management meeting
72% of Russian managers at small industrial companies note that one of the main factors limiting production is the uncertainty in the current economic situation
40% of entrepreneurs working in the wholesale sector reported a decline in sales in 3Q 2014
30% of entrepreneurs in the retail sector reported that they have reduced headcount in their organisations in 4Q 2014
29% of Russians expect the economic situation to deteriorate in the next 12 months
38% of Russian industrial company leaders report that demand for their products is ‘below normal’ levels
1/3 of Russian researchers agree that to be effective they need to work with peers as part of a scientific school
Contact us:

HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge

Address for correspondence: 20, Myasnitskaya st., 101000, Moscow, Russia
Actual address: 9-11, Myasnitskaya st., 101000, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 621-28-73
Fax: +7 495 625-03-67
E-mail: issek@hse.ru
Web: http://issek.hse.ru/en
Facebook: www.facebook.com/issek.hse.ru


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