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Associated sessions organized by HSE ISSEK within XVIII April International Academic Conference

Event ended

2–14 апреля 2017 года Институт статистических исследований и экономики знаний НИУ ВШЭ по традиции организует специальные секции в рамках Апрельской международной научной конференции НИУ ВШЭ по проблемам развития экономики и общества.

On April 1214, 2017, HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge will host special sessions, associated with XVIII April International Academic Conference

Online Broadcasting
Section “Science and Technology Foresight”





Secretariat of Section S “Science and Innovation” and Associated sessions organized by HSE ISSEK within XVIII April International Academic Conference:

Ms. Asmik Ayrapetyan: aayrapetyan@hse.ru, tel. +7 (495) 772 95 90, ext. 120-60

Ms. Elena Nasybulina: enasybulina@hse.ru, tel.: +7 (495) 772-95-90, ext. 115-40

Conference web site: https://conf.hse.ru/2017/



April 12

April 13

April 14

  Associated sessions organized by HSE ISSEKXVIII April International Academic Conference


April 12

Myasnitskaya 20,
room 242


Section "Science and Innovation"

(Section S in the Programme of XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development)

Chairs: Leonid Gokhberg (HSE, Russia), Alexander Sokolov (HSE, Russia)

Working language: Russian (without simultaneous translation)




Session S-05. Science, technology and innovation policy

Chair: Тatiana Kuznetsova (HSE, Russia)

Аlexander Frolov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia) State innovation policy models: adjusting the experience of developed countries to the conditions of developing nations (Abstract in Russian)

Ivan Danilin (National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations named after E. Primakov of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) State-owned enterprises as agents of innovative development: theoretical aspects and Russia’s experience (Abstract in Russian

Elena Drugova (National Research Tomsk State University, Russia) Analytical support of university’s research policy: potential for growth (Abstract in Russian)

Ludmila Perepechko (Institute of Thermophysics named after S. Kutateladze, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) Intellectual property management at a Russian state research institute (Abstract in Russian)

Discussant: Vitaly Roud (HSE, Russia)




Session S-06. Science and technology: sectoral and corporate aspects

Chair: Konstantin Vishnevsky  (HSE, Russia)

Мikhail Kuzyk (Interdepartmental Analytical Center, Russia), Nikolai Zudin (Center for Strategic Research, Russia), Yury Simachev (HSE, Russia) What are the causes of insufficient science industry cooperation in Russia? (Abstract in Russian)  

Yury Dranev (HSE, Russia), Boris Semin (HSE, Russia), Maxim Kotsemir (HSE, Russia) R&D and performance in agricultural sector (Abstract)  

Andrey Kovalev (HSE, Russia) Case study of corporate breakthrough innovation in energy technology (Abstract)

Almira Yusupova (Novosibirsk State University, Institute of Economics and Organisation of Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Sofia Khalimova (Novosibirsk State University, Institute of Economics and Organisation of Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) Regional and industrial characteristics of leading high tech companies development (Abstract in Russian)

Discussant: Yulia Milshina (HSE, Russia)




Session S-07. Science and innovation development: regional aspects 

Chair: Mikhail Goland (HSE, Russia)

Anastasia Nosova (Moscow State University, Russia) Production and research integration in German industry in a spatial context (Abstract in Russian

Ekaterina Romanova (Moscow State University, Russia) Governmental role in different types of regional innovation systems in Germany (Abstract in Russian

Maxim Kotsemir (HSE, Russia), Stepan Zemtsov (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia) Regional innovation systems efficiency in Russia: are agglomerations most productive? (Abstract in Russian)

Ekaterina Islankina (HSE, Russia), Evgeniy Kutsenko (HSE, Russia), Alexey Kindras (HSE, Russia) Smart by oneself? Analysis of Russian regional innovation strategies within RIS3 framework (annotation)

Discussant: Evgeny Kutsenko (HSE, Russia)




Session S-08. Technology development: socio-economic impact 

Chair: Alexey Bereznoy (HSE, Russia) 

Anton Grinin (International Center for Education and Research in Science and Humanities, Russia), Leonid Grinin (HSE, Russia) MANBRIC-convergence as the core of the sixth wave of innovation (Abstract in Russian

Alexander Malanichev (New Economic School, Russia) Shale oil production and innovative technologies in the USA: analysis and forecast (Abstract in Russian

Alena Nefedova (HSE, Russia), Yury Voinilov (HSE, Russia) Social acceptance of new technologies in Russia: results of an all-Russian study (Abstract in Russian

Leonid Delitsin (Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Russia) Venture projects screening (Abstract in Russia)

Discussant: Stanislav Zaichenko (HSE, Russia)



April 12 

Myasnitskaya 11,
room 325


Section “Science and Technology Foresight”

Working languages: English and Russian with simultaneous translation








National S&T Foresight

Chair: Alexander Sokolov (HSE, Russia)

Sergey Matveev (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) Current trends and directions of S&T policy in Russia 

Alexander Chulok (HSE, Russia) S&T Foresight in Russia: experience, trends, and perspectives

Yulia Milshina (HSE, Russia) Global challenges and trends in S&T

Kuniko Urashima (NISTEP, Japan) 10th Japanese Foresight: key messages

Dirk Meissner (HSE, Russia) Smart roadmapping for STI Policy




Coffee break




Sectoral Foresight

ChairMarcio de Miranda Santos (CGEE, Brazil)

Marina Klubova (HSE, Russia) Roadmaps for aircraft industry in Russia

Vladimir Salun (HSE, Russia) The future of assistive technologies

Jürgen-Friedrich Hake (Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation, Research Center Jülich, Germany), Holger Schlör (Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation, Research Center Jülich, Germany) The future of energy: renewables, carbon capture and use, storage

Liliana Proskuryakova (HSE, Russia)  Renewable energy foresight: scenarios and policy implications for Russia




S&T Foresight Methodology

ChairKuniko Urashima (NISTEP, Japan)

Yury Dranev (HSE, Russia), Inga Ivanova (HSE, Russia) A new metrix for evaluation of economic sectors based on the input-output statistics

Jackson Max Furtunato Maia (CGEE, Brazil) Network analyses of documents as supporting tools for evidence-based decision making in STI policies

Natalia Shmatko (HSE, Russia) Foresight of skills for transport sector

Lubov Matich (HSE, Russia) Scenarios of technology roadmap application in large companies




Coffee break




Foresight in BRICS Countries

Chair: Alexander Chulok (HSE, Russia)


Anna Grebenyuk (HSE, Russia), Sergey Shashnov (HSE, Russia) S&T priorities for BRICS countries: in search of a win-win strategy

Marcio de Miranda Santos (CGEE, Brazil) CGEE as a provider of intelligence services for the Brazilian STI system

Ozcan Saritas (HSE, Russia) STI Foresight for South Africa: goals, objectives, and methodology

Konstantin Fursov (HSE, Russia), Maxim Kotsemir (HSE, Russia) Using scientometric indicators for analysis of S&T development in BRICS countries

To the top ↑



April 13

Myasnitskaya 11,
room 325


Section “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”

Working languages: English and Russian with simultaneous translation








Science, Technology and Innovation Policy — 1

ChairNicholas Vonortas (The George Washington University, USA; HSE, Russia)

Mario Cervantes (OECD, France) Next generation of STI policy – Foresight for national knowledge innovation system frameworks

Valeriya Vlasova (HSE, Russia), Vitaly Roud (HSE, Russia) Science-industry link in Russian manufacturing

Romy Hilbig (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Debora Greis (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) Professional transfer of knowledge into industry — Best Practices

Pavel Rudnik (HSE, Russia) Government funding of applied research in Russia and measures to stimulate private investment in the development and implementation of national technologies




Coffee break




Science, Technology and Innovation Policy — 2

Chair: Dirk Meissner (HSE, Russia)


Vitaly Roud (HSE, Russia) Knowledge production function in the Russian industrial production – a horizon of 16 years

Paolo Zacchia  (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy),  Helena Schweiger  (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development),  Alexander Stepanov  (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) Are science cities fostering firm innovation? Evidence from Russia's regions

Stanislav Zaichenko (HSE, Russia) Human resources related aspects of state S&T policy in Russia: results of empirical research

Vitaly Dementyev (HSE, Russia) Effective R&D spending under state programmes as an instrument  of efficient STI Policy

To the top ↑


April 13

Myasnitskaya 11,
room 325


International workshop “The Next Production Revolution: Outcomes of the OECD Global Project and Opportunities for Russia”

Working languages: English and Russian with simultaneous translation




Welcome address

Leonid Gokhberg (HSE, Russia)
Vasiliy Osmakov (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation)
Alexey Kozyrev (Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation)




Part 1. The Next Production Revolution: experience of the OECD and Russia


Mario Cervantes (Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation, OECD) The Next Production Revolution: Implications for STI Policy




Banu Onaral (School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems, Drexel University, USA) Transition from the Information Era to the “Age of the Mind”: a Window of Opportunity for Emerging Economies




Ulrich Finger (EURECOM, France) EURECOM. Connecting  academic excellence, industry and international education




Ozcan Saritas (HSE, Russia) Considering the broader context of the New Industrial Revolution




Q&A Session
Panel discussion

 16:30–16:45  Konstantin Vishnevskiy (HSE, Russia) Global technology trends and prospects for industrial revolution in Russia



Artem Shadrin (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)  Support of technology and innovation development in Russia: policy, initiatives, projects




Alexey Borovkov (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia) National Technology Initiative as a tool of global leadership in production technologies








Q&A Session

Panel discussion




Coffee break




Part 2. Round table “The Next Production Revolution: Industrial and STI Policy Issues"

Ozcan Saritas (HSE, Russia)
Konstantin Vishnevskiy (HSE, Russia)




Questions for discussion:

  • Which new production systems will emerge?
  • Which global trends of the next production revolution are of the highest relevance for Russia?
  • What would be the future opportunities and challenges for Russia in the new industrial era?
  • What are the main barriers impeding the development of new production technologies in Russia? How can they be overcome?
  • How can the OECD experience spur Russia’s innovation and technology development?
  • What technology areas need priority state support?
  • What managerial instruments and practices may prove most effective?
  • What are key areas of Russia-OECD cooperation in advanced production?

Invited participants:

Igor Agamirzyan (HSE, Russia), Grigory Andrushchak (Russian Venture Company, Russia), Vladislav Antipov (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Russia), Sergey Chernyshev (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N. Zhukovsky), Ilya Dolmatov (HSE, Russia), Alexander Fertman (Skolkovo Foundation, Russia), Evgeny Kudryashov (Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automative Engine Institute “NAMI”, Russia), Dmitry Ivanov (Research and Production Association “Saturn”, Russia), Andrey Klepach (Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs – Vnesheconombank, Russia), Banu Onaral (School of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems, Drexel University, USA), Alexey Ponomarev (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia), Yury Simachev (HSE, Russia), Dmitry Stupin (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia), Kirill Sypalo (National Research Center "Zhukovsky Institute", Russia), Leonid Vodovatov (Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs — Vnesheconombank , Russia)




Follow-up and closing remarks 

To the top ↑


April 14

Myasnitskaya 11,
room 325


International workshop “Universities, Inclusive Development and Social Innovation

Working languages: English and Russian with simultaneous translation








Welcome and introduction

Claes Brundenius (Lund University, Sweden)
Leonid Gokhberg  (HSE, Russia) 




Bo Göransson (Lund University, Sweden) Innovation and the marketisation of universities

Stanislav Zaichenko (HSE, Russia) Universities as actors of inclusive development in Russia

Thiago Renault (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil)  Social innovation and inclusive development at Brazilian universities

Nicholas Vonortas (The George Washington University, USA; HSE, Russia) University – Industry Collaboration: Empirical Evidence from Brazil

Аnda Adamsone-Fiskovica (Baltic Studies Centre, Latvia) Social innovation and social inclusiveness at universities in Latvia

Galia Figueroa (Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany) Universities, inclusive development and social innovation: is that debate relevant in Cuba?




Coffee break








Summing up and next steps