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Section S "Science and Innovation"

Event ended

On 21 April 2021, as part of the main programme of the XXII April Conference, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge is holding its traditional "Science and Innovation" section. At this section, participants will present their forecasts for technological development and innovation, with a particular focus on developing technological and innovation policies, foresight research methods, assessing and analysing trends in research and technology, while also considering tools to manage R&D activities and their application.

Chairs: L. Gokhberg (HSE University), A. Sokolov (HSE University)

Working language: Russian

The work of the Science and Innovation section will be broadcast online on the HSE ISSEK channel on YouTube.


  • 10:15–11:45 am

    Session 1. Innovation in Companies


    Moderator: E. Kutsenko (HSE University)

    Discussant: A. Bereznoy (HSE University)


    M. Kuzyk (HSE University), A. Fedyunina (HSE University), Y. Simachev (HSE University): Proximity to the Technology Frontier, Competitiveness and Firms’ Growth

    A. Yusupova (NSU), N. Kravchenko (IEIE SB RAS, NSU): High-tech Business under Pandemic: Coronacrisis Consequences, Possibilities of Support

    I. Iudin (HSE University), L. Kuzina (HSE University): Determinants of Employees’ Innovative Behaviour in Russian Organisations

  • 12:00–1:30 pm

    Session 2. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy


    Moderator: T. Kuznetsova (HSE University)

    Discussant: E. Streltsova (HSE University)


    M. Voloshin (MSU): Computer Simulation VS Material Experiment: Approaches to Differentiation

    A. Zheleznov (EUSP), K. Guba (EUSP), E. Chechik (EUSP): The Effects of State Funding Pressure in Publication Strategies of Russian Lead Researchers (abstract)

    E. Sheremet (HSE University), I. Deviatko (HSE University): Lay Plausibility Evaluations of Scientific Findings: the Role of Discipline, Prestige and Research Funding

    K. Guba (EUSP), M. Sokolov (EUSP): Peer Review Versus Bibliometrics. Do the Two Methods Produce Identical Results in Measuring Academic Reputation? (abstract)

  • 1:45–3:15 pm

    Session 3. Science and Innovation: Industry and Regional Aspects


    Moderator: V. Abashkin (HSE University)

    Discussant: E. Kutsenko (HSE University)


    O. Kuznetsova (CEMI RAS), N. Khachatryan (CEMI RAS), A. Akinshin (CEMI RAS): Forecasting of Socio-Economic Development in Russian Regions Using the Simulation Model of Russian Society

    A. Manukov (HSE University), I. Lola (HSE University): Forecasting Employment in Small Business in Russia: the Relevance of Business Surveys (abstract)

    I. Lyubimov (RANEPA): The Structure of Higher Education and the Distance to Technological Frontier

    M. Bakeev (HSE University), I. Lola (HSE University): Factors of the Spread of E-Commerce in the Regions of Russia (abstract)

  • 5:15—6:45 pm

    Session 4. Science and Innovation: an International Dimension


    Moderator: K. Vishnevskiy (HSE University)

    Discussant: V. Roud (HSE University)


    M. Mohammad (FEFU): Impact of Social Capital on Innovation: the Case of Farmers, Working in the Sphere of the Cultural Heritage of Syria

    Z. Mamedyarov (IMEMO): Scientific and Technological Development of the European Pharmaceutical Industry

    A. Tursunov (HSE University — St. Peterburg): Сluster Networks Management: EAEU Inter-Cluster Ties Management

    K. Grasmik (Ca’Foscari University): Innovation Activity and Firm Survival During Economic Crisis (abstract)