Centre for cooperation with the OECD
Director of the Centre
Candidate of Science (Political Science)
The Information and coordination center for cooperation with OECD (OECD-HSE Center) has been part of the HSE since 2004.
The Centre’s tasks include information and analytical support for cooperation between Russian executive bodies and the OECD, as well as coordinating interaction between HSE educational and research departments and the OECD in their specific fields. The Centre regularly supports cooperation between the Russian Ministry of Education and Science with the OECD in educational, science and technology and innovation policy, including coordinating Russia’s participation in OECD analytical projects.
In education, the OECD-HSE Centre and the ISSEK coordinated Russia’s participation in such OECD projects as the Thematic Review of Tertiary Education and the Thematic Review of Equity in Education. Currently Tatyana Meshkova, Director of the Center, is national coordinator of Russia’s participation in the Assessment of higher education learning outcomes (AHELO) project in economics.
Being a member of the Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) OECD programme, the OECD-HSE Center participates in various IMHE project and initiatives: among others, it has taken part in the Internationalization Quality Review and Supporting Quality Teaching in Higher Education projects.
In terms of science and technology policy, one of the Center’s activities is coordinating Russia’s participation in OECD international studies into the Careers of Doctorate Holders and the international comparative study of innovation regimes in economics based on microdata analysis (Innovation Microdata Project).
The ISSEK regularly gathers and presents statistical and analytical data on education and science in the form of questionnaires or analytical reports for providing data about Russia in statistical collections, data bases and analytical publications of the OECD, as well as in such respected publications as: OECD Education at a Glance, OECD Education Policy Analysis, OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook, Main Science and Technology Indicators (MSTI), OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard.
The ISSEK uses the OECD methodology to prepare analytical and statistical outlooks and reports. For instance, by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science the ISSEK has started preparing regular state reviews of national innovation system and government innovation policy of Russia “Russia’s innovation index” that are based on the OECD methodology and act as an analogue to the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard.
The ISSEK researchers take part as experts in the work of several committees and working groups of the OECD including Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP), Working Group of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators (NESTI), Working Party on Indicators for the Information Society (WPIIS), Working Party on Research Institutions and Human Resources (RIHR).
The ISSEK takes an active part in analytical works related to the OECD Innovation Strategy. In particular, L.M. Gokhberg the ISSEK director is a member of the special working group under the NESTI group - Advisory Board that carries out strategical planning of the OECD actions in the field of science and innovation indicators in line with the OECD Innovation strategy. L.M. Gokhberg has also been invited to head the newly established OECD working group – Task Force under NESTI, the aim of which is to prepare together with national experts of a number of OECD countries harmonized recommendations on evaluation of emerging and supportive technologies.
OECD Innovation Strategy as well as OECD OECD Green Growth Strategy is the basis for many analytical projects and products of the ISSEK in the field of innovation and science and technology policy that are carried out by the university on request of ministries and agencies of Russia.
The ISSEK OECD-HSE Centre actively participates in expert work connected with analytical support of Russia’s accession to the OECD. The project aimed at analyzing the possibilities of adaptation of Russia’s laws to the OECD law base was implemented in 2008 by order of the Russian Ministry for Economic Development. The ISSEK HSE-OECD Centre acted as a coordinator and many Russian experts participated. This project was carried out in the light of accession negotiations between Russia and the OECD and the expert variant of the so-called “accession memorandum”resulted from it.
Within the framework of Russia’s accession negotiations with the OECD the ISSEK HSE-OECD Centre regularly organizes expert meetings and seminars with participation of the OECD experts. April 26, 2011 in the HSE a round table “Russia and the OECD: working together for a stronger world economy” with participation of ÁngelGurría, Secretary-General of the OECD took place. July 7, 2011 visit of Richard Boucher, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD, to the HSE was organized.
In terms of economics, HSE experts regularly participate in preparing Economic Reviews of the Russian Federation.
Economic Review of Russia along with the OECD review on trade market and social policy of the Russian Federation was presented on December 12, 2011 at the expert seminar organized by the ISSEK HSE-OECD Centre together with the HSE Directorate of expert-analytical work. ÁngelGurría, Secretary-General of the OECD and a number of international and Russian experts participated in this event.
Taking into consideration abundant analytical potential and authority of the OECD, important tasks of the ISSEK HSE-OECD Centre’s activity include: fostering wider inclusion of HSE researchers in the analytical work of the Organisation and its divisions; and the realization of information and coordination and advisory support for research parties of the HSE that are interested in more active cooperation with the OECD.
If you would like any more information about the ISSEK OECD-HSE Centre’s activities, please contact Tatyana Meshkova, the Center’s Director, phone number +7 (495) 531-00-02, or via e-mail: tmeshkova@hse.ru.
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