1/3 (figure of the day)
of Russian researchers recognise that to be effective they need to work with peers as part of a scientific school. These data were obtained during a nationwide survey of researchers holding doctoral and candidate degrees as part of a Monitoring of the Labour Market for Highly Qualified R&D Personnel study, the most recent wave of which was carried out in 2014 by HSE ISSEK.
Researchers cite inadequate funding as a traditional factor hindering research activity; 56% of respondents cite the need for a ‘decent wage’ while 43% say they need grant opportunities to implement their research projects.
The results of the monitoring study will be published in an international book entitled ‘The value of doctorate degrees on the labour market: research and non-research careers’. The book will present the results of a survey of degree holders in the UK, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Japan, the U.S., and Russia. The book will be published by Springer in the first half of 2015.
Source: HSE website