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Vincent Carabias about April Conference

Vincent Carabias-Hutter, Head of Research in Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland) and speaker at HSE ISSEK session “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy” at the XVII April Conference, shared his impressions with an information bulletin “The HSE LOOK” about what did he liked most about the conference and also mentioned plans for collaboration with colleagues from HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre.

Vicente Carabias, Lecturer of Technology Foresight and Head of Sustainable Energy Systems at Institute of Sustainable Development, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.

What did you like most about the April Conference?

First of all, I must say that the conference is very well-prepared and organized. Secondly, there are many interesting reports about the technological foresight in other countries, particularly in Russia, which is difficult for me and my colleagues to learn otherwise from Switzerland.

Did you also present findings of your own or did you mostly participate in the discussion?

I have given a presentation about a horizon scanning study for the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development on future STI issues of relevance for the post-2015 development agenda. The comments were useful for reflecting on further work. It was a global study, and now we need to break down the results to look closely at the regional and country level.

I’ve also discussed collaboration plans with colleagues from HSE Foresight Centre, and we had a meeting about a starting cooperation on “Participative Foresight for Smarter Cities” as well as on further plans.

Sourse: The HSE LOOK