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What Makes the Age of Mind Closer?

According to philosophers, the current information age, sometimes called the age of knowledge, will be replaced by the age of mind, where decision-making processes at different levels of public life will be based on evidence, scientifically validated tools and, in particular, on analysis of Big Data. XVIII April International Academic Conference presents an opportunity to understand ​​the drivers shaping the new reality, which will increasingly depend on the quality of governance in S&T.

On April 12–14, 2017, HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) will host a series of events dedicated to STI policy issues and long-term forecasting with participation of representatives of international organizations (OECD, EBRD, etc.), leading scientific organizations and universities from Russia and foreign countries, executive authorities, development institutions and large companies.


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Section “Science and Technology Foresight”

April 12 — Section “Science and Innovation” (Myasnitskaya 20, room 242, 10.00—18:30)   


  • State innovation policy models: the experience of developed and developing countries
  • Regional innovation systems: governmental role in their development, evaluation of efficiency (based on the example of Germany and Russia)
  • Smart by oneself? HSE analysis of Russian regional innovation strategies within RIS3 framework
  • Social acceptance of new technologies in Russia: results of an all-Russian study
  • Agents of innovative development: state-owned enterprises, universities, etc.
  • The interaction of science and business (example of Russia), production and research integration (example of Germany)
  • Analytical support of university’s research policy: potential for growth; Intellectual property management at a Russian state research institute
  • R&D and performance in agricultural sector (case studies)
  • Corporate breakthrough innovation in energy technology
  • MANBRIC-convergence (medical, additive technologies, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies and robotics cognitive technologies) as the core of the sixth wave of innovation
  • Shale oil production and innovative technologies in the USA: analysis and forecast
  • Venture projects screening

April 12 — Section “Science and Technology Foresight” (Myasnitskaya 11, room 325, 10.00—18:30)   


  • Current trends and directions of S&T policy in Russia
  • S&T Foresight for Brazil, Russia, South Africa and Japan
  • Global challenges and trends in S&T
  • Smart roadmapping for STI Policy, scenarios of technology roadmap application in large companies and development of sectors (example of aircraft industry)
  • The future of industries: assistive technologies, energetics (renewables source of energy)
  • Foresight of skills for transport sector
  • A new metrix for evaluation of economic sectors
  • Network analyses of documents as supporting tools for evidence-based decision making in STI policies
  • S&T cooperation among BRICS  countries: priorities and search of a win-win strategy
  • CGEE as a provider of intelligence services for the Brazilian STI system
  • Using scientometric indicators for analysis of S&T development in BRICS countries

April 13 — Section “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy” (Myasnitskaya 11, room 325, 10.00—18:30)   


  • Foresight for national knowledge innovation system frameworks (OECD)
  • Are science cities fostering firm innovation? Evidence from Russia's regions
  • Science-industry link in Russian manufacturing
  • Professional transfer of knowledge into industry — Best Practices
  • Government funding of applied research in Russia and measures to stimulate private investment in the development and implementation of national technologies
  • Knowledge production function in the Russian industrial production – a horizon of 16 years
  • Human resources related aspects of state S&T policy in Russia: results of empirical research
  • Effective R&D spending under state programmes as an instrument  of efficient STI Policy

April 13 — International workshop “The Next Production Revolution: Outcomes of the OECD Global Project and Opportunities for Russia” (Myasnitskaya 11, room 325, 10.00—18:30)    

Part 1. The Next Production Revolution: experience of the OECD and Russia


  • Welcome address:Leonid Gokhberg (HSE, Russia), Vasiliy Osmakov (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation), Alexey Kozyrev (Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation), Artem Shadrin (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)
  • OECD Global Project “The Next Production Revolution”: outcomes and prospects for further development, implications for STI Policy, global technology trends and prospects for industrial revolution in Russia
  • Support of technology and innovation development in Russia: policy, initiatives, projects
  • Transition from the Information Era to the “Age of the Mind”: a Window of Opportunity for Emerging Economies

Part 2. Round table “The Next Production Revolution: Industrial and STI Policy Issues"

Questions for discussion:

  • What technology areas need priority state support?
  • What managerial instruments and practices may prove most effective?
  • How can the OECD experience spur Russia’s innovation and technology development?
  • What are the main barriers impending the development of new production technologies in Russia? How can they be overcome?
  • Which new production systems will emerge?
  • Which global trends of the next production revolution are of the highest relevance for Russia?
  • What would be the future opportunities and challenges for Russia in the new industrial era?
  • What are key areas of Russia-OECD cooperation in advanced production?

April 14 — International workshop “Universities, Inclusive Development and Social Innovation” (Myasnitskaya 11, room 325, 10.00—18:30)   


  • Welcome and introduction: Claes Brundenius (Lund University, Sweden), Leonid Gokhberg  (HSE, Russia)
  • Innovation and the marketisation of universities
  • University – Industry Collaboration: Empirical Evidence from Brazil
  • Social innovation and inclusive development at Brazilian, Russian, Latvian and Cuban universities

Full program of the conference is available here.

Registration is open until April 7, 2017 at: https://www.hse.ru/en/expresspolls/poll/200665451.html


To attend other thematic sessions featured in the conference program, please register on the conference website: https://conf.hse.ru/en/2017/


Ms. Asmik Ayrapetyan: aayrapetyan@hse.ru, tel. +7 (495) 772 95 90, ext. 120-60

Ms. Elena Nasybulina: enasybulina@hse.ru, tel.: +7 (495) 772-95-90, ext. 115-40

Conference web site: https://conf.hse.ru/2017/