‘Isolationism Is the Pathway to Technological Degradation’
The XX April International Academic Conference continued on April 11 with a discussion on digitalization of the economy and public administration. Maxim Akimov, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and Curator of the Digital Economy National Programme, spoke about digital business models, public administration, digitalization in industry and science, and the impact of digital technology on the job market.

“The Government and Universities Should Complement One Another in Social Policy”
An important area being researched today is the relationship between universities and the government in the formation of socioeconomic policy, and this discussion was raised at the international seminar “Universities, Inclusive Development, and Social Innovation” that took place as part of HSE’s XVIII April International Academic Conference.
Global Trends and Prospects of S&T Development in the Russian Federation
The publication presents brief abstracts of the report to the XVIII April International Academic Conference and contains a description of global trends that can have the greatest impact on the development of the economy and society in Russia and abroad, as well as the likely scenarios of the country's scientific and technological development. The material is based on the results of long-lasting studies conducted by the HSE ISSEK, as well as on the results of the data mining system.