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Higher School of Economics and "Russian Helicopters" agreed on scientific and technological cooperation

In the photo: First Vice Rector of the Higher School of Economics Leonid Gokhberg and General Director of "Russian Helicopters”"Andrey Boginsky.
Photo by "Russians Helicopters"

The parties agreed to jointly identify promising areas of scientific and innovative development, global technological trends and advanced competencies in the field of civilian helicopter construction.

"Higher School of Economics and “Russian Helicopters” already have a successful experience of cooperation in the field of forecasting the future," said Leonid Gokhberg, first vice rector of the Higher School of Economics. — The experts of the holding have always participated in the foresight projects of aviation subjects hosted by the HSE International Foresight Centre. We very much appreciate their contribution to the development of the forecasts of scientific and technological development in the Russian Federation until 2030 that was developed by HSE. HSE and “Russian Helicopters” are allied in a quest to achieve global competitiveness, orientation to the best world practices and standards. I am sure that we can strengthen each other in terms of supporting high-tech projects with the flexible integration of education, science, technology and innovation, as well as in the field of corporate innovation policy and the preparation of new competencies needed to work in breakthrough areas".

"Cooperation with the Higher School of Economics opens new opportunities for the holding in the field of foresight and optimization of production. Nowadays these tools are extremely relevant, especially for companies that produce high-tech products. In the near future our specialists and partners from the Higher School of Economics will begin working on a number of projects in this area," said Andrei Boginsky, General Director of the holding company "Russian Helicopters".

The document is signed for a period of two years and envisages joint efforts of the parties in a number of areas, including the examination of iFORA. Among the first joint projects, a foresight of competencies is planned, which aims to provide recommendations on the anticipatory policy of training personnel and increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources at the enterprises of "Russian Helicopters".