Dirk Meissner Named Distinguished Professor of HSE University
On March 27, Dirk Meissner, Head of the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Economics of Innovation and Academic Supervisor of the HSE ISSEK Master’s Programme 'Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation', was awarded the honorary status of Distinguished Professor of Higher School of Economics. We express our warmest congratulations to him on this academic achievement!
According to the regulations, Distinguished Professorship is awarded to outstanding researchers for making a significant academic contribution to HSE, for active participation in the university's development and enhancement of its reputation.
Dirk Meissner was born in Dresden, Germany. He graduated from the University of Wolverhampton (UK), defended his thesis at Osaka Sangyo University (Japan), and then, in 2001, earned his doctorate at Dresden University of Technology. In his studies, Dirk Meissner combined academic activity and applied research. He has gained significant experience in the fields of innovations, intellectual property management, risk management, and technology and innovation policy consulting. Before joining HSE, Professor Meissner was responsible for technology and innovation policy at the presidential office of the Swiss Science and Technology Council (SSTC), represented the Council in meetings of expert working parties in various organisations, including OECD. Dirk Meissner presently represents the Russian Federation on the OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP).
Dirk Meissner has been at HSE ISSEK since 2011. Professor Meissner is Head of the Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation where he oversees its management and Academic Supervisor of Master’s Programme "Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation". Two PhD theses have been defended under his tutelage, with another one on the way.
In addition, Professor Meissner works as a co-editor of the HSE Working Paper Series "Science, Technology and Innovation" and is developing a joint series, "Science, Technology and Innovation Studies", with Springer Publishing. He is a member of editorial boards in eight top-rated international scientific journals. Under his editorship, seven research monographs have been issued by international publishers (Springer Nature, Oxford University Press, etc.).
During his work at HSE, Dirk Meissner wrote over 60 articles on S&T and innovation policy in leading peer-reviewed journals (including in Nature) and over twenty chapters in joint monographs.