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Technology Platforms, Cluster Policy and Cluster Initiatives: New Platforms for Dialogue

In the beginning of 2012 HSE ISSEK initiated creation of two special web-sites devoted to problems of development of the technology platforms as well as making of cluster policy and implementing cluster initiatives. These efforts are part of HSE activities on methodological, information and organization support of implementing new Russian Government’s initiatives in the field of STI policy.

Cluster Policy and Cluster Initiatives

Since the mid-2000s, Russia has implemented a variety of measures aimed at the elaboration of cluster policy. The most ambitious initiative in this direction is the competitive selection of pilot programs for the development of innovative regional clusters, which was announced by the Ministry of Economic Development in the beginning of 2012. The purpose of the competition was to identify and to promote the development of the most competitive clusters.

At the end of the contest between the 94 announced projects the Working Group on Developing Public-Private Partnership under the Government Commission on High Technology and Innovation have selected 25 pilot programs. These clusters are located in areas with the high level of concentration and the dynamics of science, technology and production activities. In addition to small and medium enterprises, the number of participants of innovative regional clusters includes several leading Russian companies, science and educational organizations.

During the competition HSE worked closely with the Ministry of Economic Development. HSE experts assisted in the preparation of development programs for several clusters that participated in the competition. In addition, HSE experts created the system for electronic examination of applications - cluster-expert.hse.ru. All applications for participation in the competition were placed in that web portal, that measure helped avoiding the need to send them to the experts in paper and electronic form.

Currently, Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia launches new portal "Сluster Policy and Cluster Initiatives” aimed at the creation of an integrated information system and communication platform in the field. Special attention in the implementation of site functions will be given to the information and analytical support of the realization of the development programs of pilot innovative territorial clusters whose list was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Key users of the portal will be members of the functioning and potential clusters, state authorities interested in the development of clusters, development institutions, financial institutions, expert and scientific communities, associations and unions of entrepreneurs.

At present, the functions of the portal are: collection of information about the events and activities related to clusters, classification and placement of the current regulatory framework for public support of cluster development, description of the state support instruments for innovative regional clusters, publishing the current contact information of the cluster development centers in regions of the Russian Federation, creation of the digital library for the cluster policy, etc.

The site will have the interactive map of innovative regional clusters with relative infographics. First, the map will display information about 25 pilot innovative regional clusters, whose programs have been recognized in the competition of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In the future, it is possible to add information about other regional clusters.

Technology Platforms

Technology platforms are the promising tool for science, technology and innovation policies designed to bring together business, science, government and civil society in creation of advanced commercial technologies, new products and services involving additional resources for research and development, improvement of the regulatory framework in the field of science, technology and innovation development.

Forming the methodological basis for the development of technology platforms HSE is actively involved in creation of the on-line open space for Russian technology platforms’ functioning - the new portal.

The web site is going to become the place for information about the technology platforms, discussion of the important issues between the various parties involved. The site is also aimed at encouraging the cooperation between Russian technology platforms through information exchange and providing of the contacts of platform members. The specialists of the Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge HSE (ISSEK HSE) are going to moderate the site.