ERA-Net.Rus Workshops at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow
On 16—17 May, two thematic expert workshops were held in Moscow by the FP7 ERA-Net.RUS project, in the areas of Nanotechnologies and Environment/Climate Change, International Cooperation Directorate, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Commission informs in its monthly newsletter INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH UPDATE, June, 2013 (issue 35).
Involving scientists from EU Member States, the FP-Associated Countries and the JRC as well as from Russia, the workshops developed recommendations for sub-topics to be addressed by the single joint call which the ERA-Net.RUS-Plus project plans to announce in early 2014.
The workshops were hosted by the Russian National Research University 'Higher School of Economics' and followed two similar thematic expert round-tables in Brussels on 22—23 April, which elaborated recommendations for sub-topics for the ERA-Net.RUS-Plus call in Health and the Social Science & Humanities.
Funding organisations from eleven EU Member States and FP-Associated Countries as well as all main research-funding organisations in Russia participate in the ERA-Net.RUS-Plus project.
For further information, please contact Jürgen Sanders, DG RTD or Richard Burger, EU Delegation Moscow.