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2013, no 3

Editions of the HSE Publishing House

"Foresight-Russia", vol. 7, no 2, 2013
A new issue of the HSE ISSEK academic journal Foresight-Russia includes 5 articles:


Gokhberg L., Shadrin A. (eds.)
Pilot Innovation Territorial Clusters in the Russian Federation. Moscow: HSE, 2013. 108 p. (in Russian)
The national report, prepared jointly by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Higher School of Economics, summarises the results of the first phase of the programme to support clusters, which started in the Russian Federation in 2012, set up the criteria and procedure for the selection of 25 pilot innovation territorial clusters, and measures for their further development. The authors also analyse the best international practices of promoting regional development through cluster policies.

Gokhberg L., Karasev O., Malyshev A. (eds.)
Composite Materials: Production of Carbon Fibres and Products Based on Them. A Roadmap. Мoscow: RUSNANO, HSE, 2013. 136 p. (in Russian)
The book launches a series of joint
publications by RUSNANO and Higher School of Economics, on long-term S&T Foresight studies and innovation-based development in various sectors of economy. Researchers from more than 40 leading Russian and foreign organisations were involved in the evaluation the prospects of carbon fibre usage.

Data Books

Science and Technology. Innovation. Information Society. Pocket Data Book
. Moscow: HSE, 2013. 80 p.

Indicators of Information Society: 2013: Data Book. Moscow: HSE, 2013. 328 p. (in Russian)

Indicators of Education: 2013: Data Book. Moscow: HSE, 2013. 280 p. (in Russian)

The Monitoring of Education Markets and Organisations (MEMO) Bulletins (in Russian)

Information Bulletin “Statistical Characteristics of Professional Education Sphere”, 2013, no 1 (64). Moscow: HSE, 2013. 52 p.

Information Bulletin “Strategies of the Heads of Professional Education Institutions”, 2013, no 3 (66). Moscow: HSE, 2013. 60 p.

Business Climate Surveys
(in Russian)

Business Climate in:
Industry: April, May, June, 2013
Construction in 2Q, 2013
the Real and Service Sectors in 1Q and 2Q, 2013
the Retail in 2Q, 2013

The Economic Sentiment Index (HSE Index) in 2Q, 2013

HSE Working Papers WP BRP Series:
Science, Technology and Innovation / STI

Doroshenko M., Miles I., Vinogradov V.
Knowledge Intensive Business Services as Generators of Innovations. HSE Research Paper. No. WP BRP 12/STI/2013. This preprint is available at the SSRN database: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2282511.

Shmatko N.
Graduates’ Competencies for the Innovation Labour Market. HSE Research Paper. No. WP BRP 13/STI/2013. This preprint is available at the SSRN database.

Fursov K., Miles I.
Framing Emerging Nanotechnologies: Steps Towards a Forward-looking Analysis of Skills. HSE Research Paper. No. WP BRP 15/STI/2013. This preprint is available at the SSRN database.

International Publications

Meissner D., Gokhberg L., Sokolov A. (eds.)
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future. Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies. Springer, Heidelberg/ New York/ Dordrecht/ London, 2013.

Gokhberg L., Fursov K., Miles I.D., Perani G.
Developing and Using Indicators of Emerging and Enabling Technologies, in: Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement. Ed. by F. Gault. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar, 2013,
pp. 349—380.

Sokolov A., Meissner D. Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, in: Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement. Ed. by F. Gault. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar, 2013, pp. 381—402.

Meshkova T., Sigman C., Kastueva-Jean T.
Les Universités Russes: Sont-elles Compétitives?
P.: CNRS Editions, 2013.

Kuznetsova T.
Russia, in: The Role of the State: BRICS National Systems of Innovation. Routledge, 2013, pp. 80—137.

Saritas O., Pace L., Stalpers S.
Stakeholder Participation and Dialogue in Foresight, in: Participation and Interaction in Foresight: Dialogue, Dissemination and Visions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013, no 3, pp. 35—69.

Saritas O.
The Analysis of the UK Technology Foresight Programme from the Dialogue, Vision and Dissemination Perspectives in: Participation and Interaction in Foresight: Dialogue, Dissemination and Visions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013, no 10, pp. 201—211.

Saritas O., Cagnin C., Havas A.
Future-oriented Technology Analysis: Its Potential to Address Disruptive Transformations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2013, vol. 80, no 3, pp. 379—385.

Aleskerov F., Gokhberg L., Egorova L., Myachin A., Sagieva G. Pattern Analysis in the Study of Science, Education and Innovative Activity in Russian Regions. Procedia Computer Science, 2013, vol. 17, pp. 687—694.

Shadrina E., Vinogradov D.
Non-monetary Incentives in Online Experiments. Economics Letters, 2013, vol 119, no 3, pp. 306—310.

Pikalova A., Mazurin A.
Analysis of Knowledge Diffusion and EU-Neighbouring Countries Research Networks Based on the Outcomes of Interviews with INCO Projects’ Consortium Members. WP4/14. SEARCH Working Paper. 2013.

Papers in Russian Scientific Journals

Abankina I., Aleskerov F., Belousova V., Zinkovsky K., Petruschenko V.
Higher Education Institutions’ Efficiency by Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of Educational Studies, 2013, no 2, pp. 15

Bokov M.
Specifics and Procedures for Obtaining Predictive Knowledge in Foresight. Sociological Studies, 2013, no 3, pp. 74—84.

Kitrar L., Ostapkovich G.
Issues of Measuring Business Cycles: Development of Conceptual Designs and Basic Observation Parameters. Voprosy Statistiki [Issues of Statistics], 2013, no 4, pp. 22—28.

In This Issue:
  • New Publications
  • HSE Workshops
  • External Events
  • International Cooperation


Admission to All-university Elective Course

HSE ISSEK international research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation and research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies invite students from all HSE faculties to the elective course “Science, Technology, Innovation: Analysis, Strategy and Policy”.
This one-of-a-kind course integrates two sections: “Socio-economic Analysis of Science, Technology and Innovation” and “Strategies and Policies in Science, Technology and Innovation”. The course will be given in English by ISSEK international labs staff: Jean Guinet, Ian Miles, Dirk Meissner and Thomas Thurner. Some lectures will be delivered by visiting professors from world top-level universities.
The acquired knowledge will be an invaluable competitive advantage to work in government agencies, international organisations, big high-tech and consulting companies.
Classes begin on September 2, 2013. Course admission deadline is August 30, 2013.


HSE Publications

Regional Innovation Development Rating. Issue 2 / Edited by L. Gokhberg. Moscow: HSE, 2013. (in Russian)
The analytical report prepared by ISSEK continues a series of studies of innovation development in Russian regions (see the first issue of Rating, info in Russian).
The study is based on a system of rating figures for the year of 2011, which represent the socio-economic conditions of innovation activity, scientific and technological potential of regions, the level of innovation activity in regions, as well as the quality of regional innovation policies. The second edition provides an improved methodology for rating calculation. Regular issuing of Rating editions makes it possible to detect the trends of innovation development in different Russian regions.

LED Industry: Innovation Technologies, Products, Markets. A Roadmap / Edited by L. Gokhberg, O. Karasev, A. Malyshev. M.: RUSNANO, HSE, 2013. (in Russian)
This is the second report in a series of joint publications of RUSNANO and Higher School of Economics on long-term Foresight of science, technology and innovation development of various sectors of the economy. It provides a roadmap summarising the results of research on prospects and directions of the development of LED industry in Russia up to 2020. The Roadmap identifies the key trends of research and measures to ensure the key consumer properties of LED products in different applications (mobile devices, large displays, electronic household, industrial and signaling devices, vehicles, lighting and outdoor decorative lighting), as well as ways of achieving competitiveness in the global market.


Thurner T., Varughese A. Experiences of Project Developers Around CDM Projects in South Africa. Energy Policy, 2013.

Proskuryakova L., Thurner T. Collaborative Research Efforts in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technology Evidence from Five Years of USRussian Research Cooperation. Journal of Research Practice, 2013.

Thurner T. Out of the Cold
The Rising Importance of Environmental Management in the Corporate Governance of Russian Oil- and Gas Producers. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2013.

Thurner T. Rethinking Entrepreneurship Education in Emerging Markets – Replacing Vision by Real Strength. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2013.

HSE Workshops

July 2 and 11, 2013: “Promising S&T Development Areas: Analysis of Research Fronts”

Theory-and-practice workshops were organised for Foresight experts by ISSEK research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies. The participants discussed lists of research fronts: 1) in physics and chemistry, and 2) in medicine and biology. The workshops' results will be taken into account in the development of a national technology Foresight system.

June 20, 2013: “Shaping S&T Policy on the Basis of Foresight: International Experience”

This theory-and-practice workshop was devoted to the main trends of long-term Foresight in Russia and other countries. Among the speakers there were leading ISSEK expertsJean Guinet, Sergey Shashnov and Alexander Chulok.

June 11, 2013: “Technology Foresight System: Goals, Objectives, Approaches to Organisation”

HSE ISSEK and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science put together experts to discuss strategic issues related to the national technology Foresight system, that is expected to be set up in Russia according to the presidential decree #596 “On Long-term National Economic Policy” signed on 7 May, 2012.

May 21, 2013: “Russian S&T Foresight 2030: the Achievements and the Challenges for the Future"
The participants of the HSE workshop discussed key results of the national S&T Foresight: 2030, ways of implementing them into national policies, and plans for the future stage of the project — development of the national technology Foresight system.

External Discussions

June 17, 2013: A Round Table "Dialogue on Future among Leaders of Innovation Business" at the venue of the Association of Russian Managers
The event continued the series of public discussions on the Russian long-term S&T Foresight: 2030, commissioned to the NRU HSE by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Alexander Chulok, head of S&T Foresight Department of the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre, was invited as the key speaker to present the vision of global challenges and windows of opportunity opening for the national innovation system to representatives of large companies and development institutes.

June 7, 2013: The Inter-Departmental Technology Foresight Commission Commenced Work
The Russian Ministry of Education and Science hosted the first meeting of the Inter-Departmental Commission on Technology Foresight. The participants discussed initial steps to launch nation-wide systematic activity in this area. The Commission members included Leonid Gokhberg, first vice-rector of HSE and director of ISSEK, and Alexander Sokolov, director of the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre.

June 7, 2013: An Extended Meeting at the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade on Development of Shipbuilding

Experts discussed the implementation of the state programme “Development of Shipbuilding in 2013—2030” during the first half of the year. Future objectives and steps were outlined in the presentation on scenarios and prospects for the industry’s development by Oleg Karasev, deputy director of the Foresight Centre.

May 23, 2013: An Expert Workshop at the Russian Ministry of Economic Development “Russia’s Joining the OECD: Evaluating Possible Consequences”

The workshop was moderated by Vladimir Tkachenko, director of International Organisations Department of the hosting ministry, and Leonid Gokhberg, first vice-rector of HSE and director of ISSEK. Representatives of other ministries (M. of Justice, M. of Natural Resources and Environment, M. of Labour and Social Protection, M. of Education and Science) and of the Federal Accreditation Service referred in their discussion to the results of the study (text in Russian) conducted by HSE experts and presented during the workshop.

May 20, 2013: Forum at RIA Novosti “Innovation Media Day”

As part of Innovation Media Day, a discussion panel “Technologies of the Future: A View from Innovation Leaders, Development Institutions, and Media" was held. The panel was organised jointly by HSE, RIA Novosti, and Russian Venture Company. Ozcan Saritas, HSE Professor and researcher at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, spoke about the system for monitoring global trends which has been created at Higher School of Economics. Another HSE project, "Russian S&T Foresight: 2030", was presented by Alexander Chulok, head of the HSE’s Foresight Center Department.

International Cooperation

July 18—19, 2013: International Workshop on “State Research Organisations: Interaction between Science and the Real Economy Sector"

The workshop has been organised by the HSE ISSEK in order to bring together high-level overseas experts with researchers from Higher School of Economics, and encourage them to engage in dialogue regarding research around the themes of “Public Research and Industry-Science Links”. Over 50 Russian and international scholars with expertise in fields such as emerging technologies, innovation policy and its evaluation, R&D programmes and their assessment, technology transfer and other related areas took part in the event.

July 9 and 12, 2013: Workshops by Mario Cervantes on Open Science and Smart Specialisation

A visiting expert Mario Cervantes, Senior Economist at the Country Studies and Outlook Division, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry at OECD, delivered workshops on “Open Science: Policies and Impact” and “Smart Specialisation — The Role and Potential of Future Looking (Foresight) for Specialisation Strategies” at Higher School of Economics. The event was organised by ISSEK research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies.

June 24—25, 2013: Visit of Mariano Laplane: Strengthening Cooperation between BRICS Countries in Research

Professor Mariano Laplane, President of the Center for Strategic Studies and Management in Science, Technology and Innovation (CGEE), Brazil, was on a two-day visit at HSE. As a result, an Agreement of Understanding was signed, which defined the areas for further cooperation between the Center and the HSE ISSEK.

June 17—19, 2013: The 4th INCO Conference in Marseille

157 participants from 68 countries discussed the directions for international science and innovation cooperation between the EU and Latin American and the Caribbean, and Mediterranean Partner Countries. The event was held as a part of “INCONTACT — One World” project which is the official network of the FP7 INCO NCPs. The Russian INCO NCP, organised within the framework of the HSE ISSEK's activities, was represented by Liliana Proskuryakova.

June 14, 2013: Giulio Perani's lecture on "Measuring Innovation beyond Enterprises: Options and Challenges"

The head of the Unit for R&D Statistics at Italian National Institute of Statistics Giulio Perani focused on the current status of innovation statistics in the OECD and EU contexts and on the prospects for improving the guidelines provided by the OECD’s Oslo Manual on collecting innovation data. The event was organised by ISSEK research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation.

May 21, 2013: Workshop by Claude Canizares ‘ARISE 2: Unleashing America’s Research & Innovation Enterprise’ (news in Russian)
At the
workshop hosted by the HSE ISSEK a new strategy of science and technology development of the United States ARISE 2 (Advancing Research in Science and Engineering) was presented by one of its authors, vice-president for research at MIT Claude Canizares.

May 16—17, 2013: ERA.NET—RUS Project Seminar
The participants of the International workshop on setting S&T priorities have built roadmaps outlining thematic areas for Russia—EU joint research in nanotechnology and climate change. The event was hosted at HSE and organised by the HSE ISSEK in the framework of the ERA.NET—RUS project. Similar workshops for medicine and social sphere subject areas were held in Brussels on April 22—23.  
Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge
Myasnitskaya str.18, Moscow, 101000, Russia
Phone: +7 495 621-28-73
Fax: +7 495 625-03-67
E-mail: issek@hse.ru
Web: http://issek.hse.ru/en/
Quick Links
The Russian Long-Term S&T Foresight: 2030
International Research and Educational Foresight Centre
Foresight-Russia Journal
Russian Cluster Observatory
Technological Platforms
International Contact Point "Mobility"
International Сontact Point "INCO"
OECD — HSE Partnership Centre
HSE ISSEK Data Books

List of International Publications


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