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HSE April Conference: a structured look at Russian science’s organisation and future

On 20-22 April, 2016, in the scope of HSE’s XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) will host the “Science and Innovation” section comprising two specialised sections: “Science and Technology Foresight” and “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”. Experts invited from leading Russian and international universities and research centres, international organisations, government agencies, companies, and development institutes will discuss cutting-edge S&T policy models and formats. Debates on a wide range of topics on priorities of and resources for intensive development of the Russian economy, compared with best international practices for promoting innovation, will create a foundation for making recommendations for the currently being designed Russian S&T Development Strategy Until 2030.


Programme of HSE ISSEK Sections at April Conference "Science and Technology Foresight” and “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”

More than 70 presentations will be made in the scope of the “Science and Innovation” section, reflecting major STI policy challenges, methodologies and best practices of foresight studies, and innovation-based development tools for specific industries and regions, including cluster approach and smart specialisation.

Several presentations will be devoted to mechanisms and tools for funding R&D and promoting development in the innovative sector of the economy; in particular, research grants model will be analysed (on the example of the Russian Science Foundation’s case studies) and crowdfunding mechanisms. Various aspects of measuring the R&D sector’s productivity will be discussed by leading HSE researchers in such perspectives as efficient contract in science, assessing results achieved by Russian research organisations, and technology transfer.

Global trends and best practices in S&T policy making will be discussed in the presentation by Susan Schneegans, Editor-in-Chief of the UNESCO Science Report 2010 and an editor and contributor to the new UNESCO Science Report 2030. Michael Keenan will speak about the innovation policy platform being developed by the OECD. Fabiana Scapolo (the European Commission), Кuniko Urashima (the Japanese National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, NISTEP), Cristiano Cagnin (the Brazilian Centre for Strategic Studies and Management, CGEE) and other top-level experts will comment on national and international experiences of implementing foresight projects.

Alexander Chulok, Deputy Director of the ISSEK Foresight Centre, will speak about methodologies applied in the course of Russian S&T foresight studies. Ilya Kuzminov, Leading expert of the Foresight Centre, will present the foresight study for Russian agriculture and food sector commissioned by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. A number of other presentations by the Centre’s staff will be devoted to various specific tools for studying the future, such as big data analysis in the scope of global technology trends monitoring and other foresight projects; the umbrella roadmaps technique; and approaches to setting medium- and long-term technological development priorities for particular industries.

Nicholas Vonortas (Professor at the George Washington University, USA, and Leading researcher at the ISSEK Foresight Centre) will discuss the importance of industry-specific and corporate foresight studies on the example of Canadian telecommunications companies Nortel and BlackBerry.

In the scope of the “New Industrial Revolution and Advanced Manufacturing” section Alexey Borovkov, First Vice-Rector of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, will speak about prospective areas for developing advanced manufacturing technologies in Russia. Computational materials design is the topic of the presentation by Artem Oganov, Head of laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, professor at the Skoltech (Russia) and the Stony Brook University (USA). Another discussion hosted jointly with the Renova Group of Companies, will be devoted to the Russian foresight study of renewable energy sources and scenarios for the next energy wave.

Also, in the framework of the overall April Conference programme a plenary discussion “Technological Challenges and Innovations” will be organised, moderated by HSE First Vice-Rector Leonid Gokhberg; Evgeny Yasin, HSE Academic Supervisor, will take part. Invited speakers include Arkady Dvorkovich, Deputy Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Fortov, President of the RAS, Dmitry Belousov, Head of Macroeconomics sector at the Centre for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting, and Dmitry Zimin, Honorary President of Vymplecom, Inc. Plenary reports will be presented by Leonid Gokhberg (HSE) and Alexey Ponomarev (Vice-President for strategy and industry relations, Skoltech).

On 22 April, in the scope of the “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy” section an international workshop “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in the BRICS Countries” will be held, to discuss models and mechanisms for supporting research in all five member countries, and techniques and approaches to evaluating efficiency of relevant policies.

Full programme of the ISSEK-hosted sections “Science and Technology Foresight” and “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”. No fees will be charged for participation.

To take part, please register at: https://www.hse.ru/expresspolls/poll/178993262.html no later than 17 April 2016. Participants’ badges and passes to the HSE premises will be issued on the basis of the registration data.

The ISSEK-hosted sections will be held in two HSE building at the following addresses: 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa (M-20 in the programme) and 11 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa (M-11 in the programme)

Additional information about the April Conference is available at: https://conf.hse.ru/en/2016/.

If you have any questions regarding the ISSEK-hosted sections “Science and Technology Foresight” and “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”, please email them at: issek@hse.ru.

Videos of conferense dissussions:

Plenary session 'Technological Challenges And Innovations'

Honorary paper by Professor Dr. Peter Strohschneider (President, German Research Foundation) New "new." On some paradoxes of science organization

Session "Science and Technology Foresight"Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

Session "Science, Technology and Innovation Policy"Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Session "Clusters and Networks in Russian Regions: The Role of the State Policy"

Session "Smart Specialization for Regional Innovation Strategies: EU Experience and Applications for the Russian Regions"

New Industrial Revolution and Advanced Manufacturing – Part 1, Part 2.

Session "Foresight of Renewables: Scenarios for the Next Energy Wave"

International Workshop "Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in BRICS Countries"  Part 1, Part 2

Comments and conference speaker's videos:

Dr Fabiana Scapolo from European Commission Joint Research Centre at the April Conference.

Cristiano Cagnin and Alexander Chulok: about the April Conference and cooperation with the HSEabout Foresight agenda and russian scholarsabout scientific trends.

Interview with Michael Keenan, OECD, about his work and about young researchers of the HSE.

Vincent Carabias about April Conference.