Leonid Gokhberg Spoke on RBC TV about the Impact of Technology on the Labour Market and Future Competency Portfolio
Leonid Gokhberg, HSE First Vice Rector and ISSEK Director, speaking live on RBC TV commented on the labour market trends, and draw the viewers’ attention to the skills and competencies particularly relevant in a knowledge-based economy.

Leonid Gokhberg noted several trends: “The first one is gradual displacement of simple jobs involving standard operations, including routine office work. The second trend is growing demand for professionals with creative competencies. Also, soft skills are becoming increasingly important, but they are changing too: now it’s not just about stress resistance or ability to work as a team member; more complex formats are in order, such as leadership, ability to manage people, critical thinking. The trend towards multidisciplinarity is also quite evident”.
Everything related to information technology makes a separate block. In leading countries big data analysis, cloud computing, machine learning are among the most highly demanded competencies, but in Russia digital skills are not very common, stressed Leonid Gokhberg; the results of an ISSEK study confirm this. During the conversation the expert mentioned another project in the scope of which members of the institute studied prospective competencies related to robotics and biotechnology.
The world is changing ever faster, the volume of information is growing at a colossal rate, and requirements to workers’ skills become increasingly high. It also applies to the R&D sphere. “Gifted researchers frequently tend to express their ideas from a methodological perspective, as opposed to end results and demand-related terms. However, ability to present your research results quickly, clearly, and precisely is a crucial skill, and demand for it is constantly growing”, noted First Vice Rector.
Source: RBC TV