Evgeniy Kutsenko on Moscow’s 30th Place in the Global Innovation Index 2018
On 10 July, the Global Innovation Index 2018 was published. In the new ranking, Russia holds the 46th place out of 126, while Moscow made it into the top 30 of the world’s most innovative cities. In his Rusbase column Evgeniy Kutsenko, head of the HSE ISSEK Russian Cluster Observatory, commented on the factors which have contributed to the capital city’s impressive success.
Russian Authorities Oppose University
"Curie", a Swedish web magazine devoted to the world of research, refers to the data book “Science, Technology and Innovations: 2017” published by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge. David Isaksson, the author of the article, examines the Russian research field by visiting the European University of Saint Petersburg, talking with foreign scientists in Russia and reflecting on freedom of expression in Russian universities.
Leonid Gokhberg Spoke on RBC TV about the Impact of Technology on the Labour Market and Future Competency Portfolio
Leonid Gokhberg, HSE First Vice Rector and ISSEK Director, speaking live on RBC TV commented on the labour market trends, and draw the viewers’ attention to the skills and competencies particularly relevant in a knowledge-based economy.