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ISSEK Experts’ Participation in St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2018 begins tomorrow. A representative delegation from the Higher School of Economics, and the HSE ISSEK will take part in the business and presentation programmes. In particular, the panel session 'Resources and Economics of Global Oceans' will be held on 25 May, which Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice Rector and ISSEK Director was invited to attend. On 25 and 26 May ISSEK experts will host two discussions at the HSE stand: 'Application of Big Data analytics to support strategic decision-making', and 'Doing science: how comfortable young researchers feel in Russian academia'.

This year the forum’s slogan is 'Building a Trust Economy', and the business programme discussions will be structured into four major subject areas: 'the Global Economy in an Era of Change', 'Harnessing Russia’s Growth Potential', 'Technology for Leadership', and 'Human Capital in the Digital Economy'. The Higher School of Economics is traditionally well-represented at the forum.

On the second day (25 May, between 10:00 and 11:15) the panel session 'Resources and Economics of Global Oceans' will be held in the scope of the 'Global Economy in an Era of Change' block. The session will be attended by Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice Rector and ISSEK Director. The participants will ponder whether we use global oceans’ potential efficiently, and which specific areas of developing marine resources are likely to have the best prospects in the next decade.

An online translation of the session will be available at the forum’s website.

Discussions at the HSE stand

Last year HSE for the first time participated in the forum’s presentations programme. An interactive presentation 'What will happen to the humankind in 25 years’ time' was shown at the HSE stand, designed on the basis of the Global Technology Trends Monitoring study results (the study is conducted by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK)). The stand also featured a virtual auditorium where 3D projections of the university’s professors delivered mini-lectures. This year in addition to interactive presentations (and there will be no shortage of those) the forum guests will be offered a special discussions programme at the HSE stand.

Discussion 'Application of Big Data analytics to support strategic decision-making' (25 May, 16:00–17:30)

Big Data-based tools are becoming increasingly relevant for policy shaping, and making sensible management decisions in a situation of an information boom.

HSE ISSEK experts designed the iFORA smart big data analytics system — a decision-making support tool.

iFORA mines huge volumes of open-source data (more than 25 million documents including academic papers, patents, reviews, and media publications). It helps to map trends, prepare forecasts, identify emerging markets, set up competency centres and cooperation networks.

In the course of the discussion the developers of the iFORA system will demonstrate its abilities, and discuss the growing importance of applying new strategic analytics tools with representatives of companies, universities, and public authorities.


Discussion 'Doing science: how comfortable young researchers feel in Russian academia' (26 May, 11:00–12:00)

One of the objectives of the new 'May Presidential Decrees' is to increase appeal of working in Russia to gifted young researchers. When young people perceive a career in science as a good choice, opt for it, stay with it, and make full use of their potential, a generally favourable overall atmosphere emerges in the sector.

HSE researchers suggested an approach to assessing business climate in the R&D sector on the basis of asking top managers’ opinions regarding the sector’s current state and prospects. The Coordination Board on Young People Employed in Research and Education of the RF Presidential Council for Science and Education has launched a project to identify and eliminate barriers hindering the inflow of young people into the R&D sector.

In the scope of the discussion representatives of HSE, the Coordination Board, and leading Russian research and educational organisations will consider the opportunities for improving science management tools for promoting the inflow of new talent.


  • Konstantin Fursov, Head, HSE ISSEK Unit for Analysis of R&D Performance
  • Nikita Marchenkov, Deputy Director (Research Policy towards Young People), Crystallography and Photonics Research Centre of the RAS; Chairman, the Coordination Board
  • Konstantin Vishnevskiy, Head, HSE ISSEK Unit for Digital Economy Studies
  • Yulia Milshina, Leading Expert, HSE ISSEK International Research and Educational Foresight Centre

For more about the Higher School of Economics’ participation in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum see the special section of the HSE web portal.