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'Atlas of Future Technologies' Nominated for the Enlightener 2018 Award

The Organising Committee of the Enlightener 2018 Award has published a long list of 24 books, each of which has a chance to become the best popular science book of the new season. Among other titles, the long list includes 'Atlas of Future Technologies' which presents results of the Global Technology Trends Monitoring study. This ongoing project is being implemented by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) for more than five years. The award winners will be announced in the early October.

'Atlas of Future Technologies'

A.V. Sokolova, N.S. Mikova, E.V. Gutaruk et al.; Editor L.M. Gokhberg; HSE. M.: Tochka Publishing Group, Alpina Publishers, 2017. — 192 pp. — ISBN 978-5-9614-5978-4 (in cover).

Editorial Board: L.M. Gokhberg (Editor in Chief), O. Saritas, A.V. Sokolov

Authors: A.V. Sokolova, N.S. Mikova, E.V. Gutaruk, L.M. Gokhberg, O. Saritas, A.V. Sokolov, A.A. Chulok, I.F. Kuzminov, R.T. Saygitov, P.D. Bakhtin, A.B. Yaroslavtsev, A.A. Osmolovskiy, L.Y. Matich, E.M. Reshetova, O.V. Koroleva, E.A. Zhukova, V.M. Sokolskiy, V.V. Akimova, A.K. Kornilova, E.I. Merkulova, L.A. Kiseleva, N.V. Zalesskiy, V.V. Efimenko

The goal of the Global Technology Trends Monitoring project is to identify key S&T development trends with the biggest potential long-term impact on economic and social development, in Russia and elsewhere. The study is conducted using specialised data collection tools originally designed by the ISSEK to detect current global technology trends.

The long list of the Enlightener 2018 Award:

1. Vladimir Alpatov. Language Science from Aristotle to Computational Linguistics. М.: Alpina Non Fiction, 2018;
2. Olga Arnold. People and Beasts: Myths and Reality. М.: Alpina Non Fiction, 2018;
3. Olga Astapova. Sources of Authority Sacralisation. Sacred Powers in the Ancient Kingdoms of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Israel. М.: RIPOL Classics, 2017;
4. Sofia Bagdasarova. The Disgusting Art. The Humour and Horror of Painting Masterpieces. М.: Eksmo, 2018;
5. Katerina Belenkina, Ilya Veniavkin, Anna Nemzer, Tatiana Trofimova. The Museum of the ‘90s. Territory of Freedom. М.: NLO, 2016;
6. Denis Gorelov. The Motherland of Little Elephants. М.: Fluid FreeFly, 2018;
7. Leonid Gokhberg (Editor in Chief). Atlas of Future Technologies. М.: Tochka Publishing Group, Alpina Publishers, 2017;
8. Stanislav Drobyshevskiy. Tales from the Grotto: 50 Stories About Ancient People’s Lives. М.: Alpina Non Fiction, 2018;
9. Evgeniy Zharinov. Lectures About Foreign Literature. From Homer to Dante. М.: AST, 2018;
10. Andrei Zhuravlev. Creation of Earth. How Live Organisms Created Our World. М.: Alpina Non Fiction, 2018;
11. Sergei Zotov, Mikhail Maizuls, Dilshat Kharman. The Suffering Middle Ages. М.: AST, 2018;
12. Vladislav Inozemtsev. An Outdated Country. Russia in the 21st Century World. М.: Alpina Publishers, 2018;
13. Borislav Kozlovskiy. Maximum Repost: How the Social Networks Make Us Believe Fake News. М.: Alpina Publishers, 2018;
14. Boris Kolonitskiy. #1917 Seventeen Sketches of the History of Russian Revolution. St.Pb.: European University Publishers, 2018;
15. Arkadiy Kuramshin. Life Stories of Remarkable Devices. М.: AST, 2018;
16. Ivan Kurilla. Sworn Friends. History of Opinions, Fantasies, Contacts, and Mutual (Mis)understandings Between Russia and the US. М.: NLO, 2018;
17. Alexander Panchin. Protection from Dark Arts. A Guidebook to the World of Paranormal Phenomena. М.: Corpus, 2018;
18. Sergei Parnovskiy. How the Universe Works. Introduction to Modern Cosmology. М.: Alpina Non Fiction, 2018;
19. Irina Pozdniakova. Amateur Astronomy. М.: AST, 2018;
20. Alexei Savvateyev. Mathematics for Humanists. Live Lectures. М.: Dmitri Pozharskiy University;
21. Amiran Urushadze. The Caucasian War. Seven Stories. М.: NLO, 2018;
22. Dmitri Shvidkovskiy. From Megalith to Megacity: Sketches of the History of Architecture and Urban Planning. М.: Kuchkovo Pole; ABC design, 2018;
23. Irina Yakutenko. Will and Self-control. How Genes and Brain Get in the Way of Our Fighting Temptations. М.: Alpina Non Fiction, 2018;
24. Sergei Yastrebov. From Atoms to the Tree: Introduction to the Modern Life Science. М.: Alpina Non Fiction, 2018.

Alexander Gavrilov, Co-Chairman of the Enlightener 2018 Award Organising Committee, literary critic, Kulturträger, TV host, and Head of the 'Book Institute', made video presentations of all books on the long list:

About 'Atlas of Future Technologies' Alexander Gavrilov spoke for 7 minutes and 10 seconds: 'Atlas of Future Technologies' is the result of a project being implemented by the Higher School of Economics. There’s a lab there which studies short-term trends. What’s going to happen to metallurgy? How medicine will develop? The atlas presents these trends in a very compact form, and what I particularly like about this book, apart from it being engaging and stimulating one’s imagination, is that it’s totally focused on the near future. I think an unfortunate backwards turn has recently happened in the domain of the popular science literature, along with all other areas of our life. We turn to our history, try to find starting points of certain current events, ponder former injustices — but we spend very little time thinking about the future. If we look at the very emergence of popular science literature, during the Jules Verne era and thereabouts, we would see that it was mostly about what the humankind was about to do — not about what it had done in the past. So in that sense, 'Atlas of Future Technologies' seems to me to indicate that the skewed balance between an orientation towards the past and the future is levelling out'.

About the Enlightener Award

The award is given for the best popular science book in Russian. Instituted in 2008 by Dmitri Zimin, the founder and honorary president of Vympelcom, and by the Dynasty Non-Profit Programmes Foundation. Since 2016 sponsored by Zimin Foundation. More than 150 books are submitted annually. The Organising Committee selects 25 of them (or in some years, 24) for the long list, in two nominations: Humanities, and Natural and Precise Sciences. Then an independent jury makes a short list comprising 8 books. The award supports Russian-speaking scientists and science journalists capable of presenting cutting-edge research and discoveries in a simple and engaging way.