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HSE Staff and Students Conference to Elect New Academic Council

HSE Staff and Students Conference will be held on 20 March, 2019. This collegiate governing body of the university convenes every 5 years. The previous conference took place in 2014. The ISSEK will be represented by 5 delegates.

The participants will review the progress report on HSE’s Development Programme implementation, and elect HSE Academic Council. Another item on the agenda is electing a representative body to protect the interests of HSE staff. There are two trade unions currently active at HSE, neither of which comprises more than a half of the personnel. According to the labour code the abovementioned body is supposed to perform a number of important functions, ranging from approving local regulations to setting pay scales.

ISSEK will be represented by 5 delegates elected by the institute’s staff by absentee voting: Konstantin Fursov, Deputy Director of the ISSEK Centre for Statistics and Monitoring of Science, Technology and Innovation; Mikhail Gershman, Deputy Director of the Centre for S&T, Innovation and Information Policy; Veronica Belousova, Head of Unit for Knowledge-Intensive Services Market Research; Gleb Kuzmin, Leading Expert at the Centre for Processing Social and Economic Information; and Svetlana Malchenko, Head of the ISSEK Financial Management Department.

The conference will start at 13:00 at the HSE Conference Hall at 57, Trifonovskaya St.

See also:

HSE Gears up for Staff and Student Conference: A Look Back at the University’s International Activities