7th Foresight Conference: the Role of Society in Search for Grand Responses to Grand Challenges
On November 1–2, 2017, Higher School of Economics will host its 7th Annual International Academic Conference "Foresight and STI Policy" organised by HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge. This year, the conference will be devoted to the role of society in search for grand responses to grand challenges.
Five years ago, participants of 2nd Foresight conference examined promising, future-oriented research areas and dynamics of breakthrough technologies, discussing them for the first time in the context of global trends and grand challenges.
Global trends are large-scale long-term economic, social, technological and natural global shifts which entail a radical change in life and human activity, as well as in the development of the economy and society. Presentation "Global technology trends and prospects for industrial revolution in Russia" in the framework of 18th April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (HSE, April 11—14, 2017)
"The grand challenges are a set of problems, threats and opportunities that must be addressed by the state; their complexity and scope obstruct their solution, elimination or implementation only through an increase in resources’ allocation..." Strategy for the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation approved by the Order of the President of the Russian Federation on 1 December 2016 No. 642.
The Program of 7th Foresight Conference will be based on the search for effective grand responses to grand challenges both by science and technology, and by society, which simultaneously acts as the subject of social processes that cause the emergence and spread of grand challenges, and as the object of their impact. The relevance of this agenda is further confirmed by various provisions of the Strategy for the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation adopted in late 2016. The conference will feature presentations by distinguished world-class Foresight experts and leading national futurologists.
On November 2, 2017, the conference will feature a special workshop “Perspectives of Science and Technology in BRICS Countries” which will examine trends of S&T development in BRICS states and identify priorities for international cooperation in STI based on mutual interest and available competences.
Following the conference, the annual meeting of the International Advisory Board of HSE ISSEK Foresight Center will take place. The Center acts as a Regional UNIDO centre for Technology Foresight in Russia and the CIS.
Registration is open until October 29, 2017.
Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Myasnitskaya 11, room 518
- Elena Nasybulina, phone: +7 495 772 9590*11540, email: enasybulina@hse.ru
- Asmik Ayrapetyan, phone: 7 495 772 95 90*12060, email: aayrapetyan@hse.ru