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Analytical reports

Publications in English


Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight

Year: 2016

Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight was approved by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on January 3, 2014 (№ DM-P8-5).

The aim of the study was to identify Russia’s most promising areas of science and technology that are capable of playing an important role in solving various social and economic issues and realising the country’s competitive advantages. The Foresight examines current global challenges, the windows of opportunity and threats linked to these challenges, future innovation markets, radical new products and technologies, and research areas in seven priority fields: Information and Communication Technologies; Biotechnology; Medicine and Health Care; New Materials and Nanotechnologies; Environmental Management; Transport and Space Systems; Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving. The final recommendations have been widely discussed with a large number of Russian and foreign experts.

The report is of practical interest to international organisations, government agencies, companies, research organisations, universities, technology platforms, innovative regional clusters, and other organisations.



Global Technology Trends

Year: 2016

The publication presents results of the project “Global Technology Trends Monitoring” being implemented by the HSE ISSEK as a part of HSE Basic Research Programme. The objective of the project is to identify key trends in S&T with the potentials of significant impact on social and economic development across the globe and in Russia. 


STI Priority Setting in the EU Countries and the Russian Federation: Best Practices

Year: 2016

The paper presents an analysis of best practices in STI priority setting in the EU member states (UK, Germany, and Finland) and in the Russian Federation; compares priority systems adopted by various European countries; and identifies prospective subject areas for further development of international cooperation.


   Russian-language publications (only summaries in English)


Trends in the Development of the Internet in Russia

Year: 2018

The analytical report prepared by the NRU HSE ISSEK on the request of the Coordination Center for TLD RU presents the main results of a comprehensive study of the Internet development trends, transformational changes that take place in the economy, social area, and everyday life influenced by network technologies, assessment of the level of online technologies in Russia in comparison with foreign countries; regional comparisons are provided as well.

The publication is intended for representatives of the expert community, business, authorities, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the development of the Internet.


Technological Future of the Russian Economy

Year: 2018

The report was presented on 11 April 2018 at the plenary session "Technological future of the Russian economy" within the framework of the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. The report is based on research conducted by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia with the participation of a large group of leading experts within the work on improvement of the Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight in accordance with the requirements of No. 172-FZ "On strategic planning in the Russian Federation".

The research focuses on the dynamics of the Russian economy and its sectors, their problems and prospects given the ongoing technological changes. The foresight is based on a systematic assessment of global and national trends that affect science and technology, and challenges they pose; on the present level, opportunities, and needs of scientific and technological development, taking into account country's socio-economic goals, resources and accumulated capital.


Advanced Model of State Statistics in the Digital Era

Year: 2018

On April 10, Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice Rector of HSE and Director of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, presented a report — ‘Advanced Model of State Statistics in the Digital Era’ during panel session 'National System of Data Management: Interaction between Society, Business and State' at the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.

The government has decided to develop a National Data Management System based on Russia’s Federal Statistics Service (Rosstat). Within that framework, the integration of statistical, administrative and open data must be ensured. This will require the development of a new model of state statistics, which will meet the information needs of citizens, business, and authorities. The report presents the key areas of structural and functional transformation in Russian state statistics as the basis for the future National Data Management System. In particular, it looked at organising dialogue between the statistical service and its users, integrating data from various sources, and intellectual work with information in the context of Russia’s currently digitalizing economy.


Monitoring of Engineering and Industrial Design Market in Russia

Year: 2017

The analytical report commissioned to the HSE ISSEK by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation presents the results of the pilot surveys of the Russian engineering and industrial design market, and describes methodological aspects of the monitoring.

The publication presents a concept of monitoring of the engineering services and industrial design market, including definitions and statistical classifications for the sector and new questionnaires for specialised statistical surveys, and the results of statistical analysis of the pilot surveys of large and medium companies, small and micro firms, and business climate in the engineering services and industrial design sector.


S&T Foresight Study for the Russian Agricultural Sector Until 2030

Year: 2017

The report presents the S&T foresight study for the agricultural sector of the Russian Federation until 2030, developed by the Higher School of Economics at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation with the participation of representatives of leading scientific organisations, universities, companies, industrial unions and associations, technological platforms.


Renewable Energy 2030: Global Challenges and Long-Term Innovation Development Trends

Year: 2017

The analytical report presents the results of the foresight project “Investigation of Global Challenges and Long-Term Trends in Innovative Development in the Sphere of Renewable Energy Sources”, conducted by the HSE ISSEK with information and financial support of “Renova Group”.


The Water Sector: Global Challenges and Long-Term Trends in Innovation Development

Year: 2015

The report presents results of the foresight study “Global challenges and long-term innovation development trends” commissioned by the Renova Group of Companies.


Innovation Development Programmes of Russian State-Owned Companies: Interim Results and Priorities

Year: 2015

The report presents the analysis of the implementation of innovation programmes and best innovation management practices in Russian state-owned companies and multinationals. The report covers such issues as innovation management, finance of R&D and innovation projects, open innovation and interaction with external organisations, and innovation outcomes. Future priorities for innovation programmes were also analysed.


Civil Shipbuilding 2030. A Foresight Study

Year: 2015

The results of the foresight study of shipbuilding technologies and markets, commissioned by the Krylov State Research Centre.


Pilot Innovative Clusters in the Russian Federation: Implementation of Development Programs

Year: 2015

The report prepared jointly by HSE and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation presents preliminary results and priority areas of the government programme for regional innovative clusters launched in 2012.


Information Society: Demand for the Information and Communication Technology by the Population in Russia

Year: 2015

The analytical report presents the results of a study of the Russian population on the usage of information and communication technologies (ICT). The publication includes international comparisons of major indicators. The analysis is based on the Russian and Eurostat statistical data.


Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight. Information and Communication Technologies

Year: 2014

The publication presents a summary of the Russian S&T Foresight 2030 study results for the priority area "Information and Communication Technologies".


Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight. New Materials and Nanotechnology

Year: 2014

The publication presents a summary of the Russian S&T Foresight 2030 study results for the priority area "New Materials and Nanotechnology".


Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight. Transport and Space Systems

Year: 2014

The publication presents a summary of the Russian S&T Foresight 2030 study results for the priority area "Transport and Space Systems".



Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight. Medicine and Health

Year: 2014

The publication presents a summary of the Russian S&T Foresight 2030 study results for the priority area "Medicine and Health".


Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight. Biotechnology

Year: 2014

The publication presents a summary of the Russian S&T Foresight 2030 study results for the priority area "Biotechnology".



Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight. Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving

Year: 2014

The publication presents a summary of the Russian S&T Foresight 2030 study results for the priority area "Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving".


Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight. Efficient Environmental Management

Year: 2014

The publication presents a summary of the Russian S&T Foresight 2030 study results for the priority area "Efficient Environmental Management".



LED Industry: Innovative Technologies, Products and Markets. A Roadmap

Year: 2014

This analytical report presents the results of a study of the Russian light-emitting diodes sector’s development prospects for the period until 2020, commissioned by RUSNANO, and a roadmap based on the study results. A comprehensive analysis of the sector is based on the survey of Russian and international experts representing all groups of market players and research community.




Long-Term Priorities for the Russian Applied Research Sector

Year: 2013

The report presents priorities for long-term development of the Russian applied research in seven fields: Information and Communication Technologies, Biotechnology, Medicine and Health, New Materials and Nanotechnology, Efficient Environmental Management, Transport and Space Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving. Key subject areas were identified for each of the fields, with prospective innovative products and specific objectives for applied research. The current state of Russian research was compared to the international achievements.


Pilot Innovative Clusters in the Russian Federation

Year: 2013

The report prepared by HSE jointly with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation presents an analysis of the results of the first stage of the cluster support programme, launched in 2012. International experience of implementing cluster programmes was analysed; criteria and procedures for selecting pilot regional innovative clusters in Russia presented, together with policy measures to support their further development.


Composite Materials: Production of Carbon Fibres and Products Based on Them. A Roadmap

Year: 2013

This analytical report presents the results of a study of the carbon fibre and related products industry’s development, commissioned by RUSNANO, and a roadmap based on the study results. The roadmap describes various development trajectories for technologies which would provide key consumer properties of carbon fibre for the period until 2020, and significant competitive advantages of carbon-fibre-based nanoproducts in various segments of the economy, including aerospace, construction, energy, manufacturing, sports and recreational products, oil and gas production and transportation, and medicine.


Information Society Outlook

Year: 2012

The data book offers international comparisons of information society indicators: ICT infrastructure, ICT sector, international trade of ICT goods and services, ICT usage by households, individuals, enterprises, the public sector, and the social sphere. The special section comprises information society indicators by regions of the Russian Federation.


Russian Innovation Index

Year: 2011

The publication presents an analysis of the Russian innovation system compared with other countries. It is based on key indicators of innovation activities, knowledge generation, staff training and information society development. The final section is devoted to the country's global positioning in S&T.


Innovation Development for the Modernisation of the Russian Economy

Year: 2008

The publication presents key indicators describing Russia’s innovation development, the analysis of major objectives, areas, and relevant government policies, and ways to increase their efficiency. Particular attention is paid to assessing nanoindustry’s prospects and government support.

HSE publications distributors  


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