Open Doors Day-2020
According to tradition, in mid-April, the HSE ISSEK Master's programme “Governance of Science, Technology, and Innovation” holds an Open Doors Day. In conditions of social isolation, the meeting of potential applicants and programme representatives was first held in an online format — like “Open Windows Day”.
Business Hackathon Creation Lab in Cologne
HSE students participated in Creation Lab, an annual international business hackathon, which is organised as part of the World Business Dialogue in Cologne. The forum’s partner educational, power and retail businesses will implement the best of the suggested solutions in their operations. For the second year in a row, Olga Dremova, a student of the of the HSE ISSEK master’s programme 'Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation', participated in the hackathon. Her team defended the idea of how to simplify the admission of foreign exchange students with the using gamification.
HSE Student Awarded Russia’s Prize ‘For Loyalty to Science’ for Best Radio Programme
Vera Gribanova, a graduate student in the Master’s Programme 'Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation' runs a radio programme about great scientific achievements called ‘Scientific Light’ on the radio station ‘Moscow Talks’ (Govorit Moskva). This year her radio show has received the prestigious prize ‘For Loyalty to Science’, which is awarded annually by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
Where Experts in the Fields of Science, Technology and Innovation are Trained
An expert in science, technology and innovation is a person who provides scientists and engineers with economic, legal, sociological and managerial knowledge in innovative, entrepreneurial teams. These specialists are already in high demand in such organisations as Russian Venture Company, Innovation Promotion Fund, OECD and World Bank; and the demand for them will grow. These specialists are trained at the Master’s Programme 'Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation' of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
Building a Career Dedicated to Foresight and STI Policy Research
Following years of study and work in South America and Europe, Rafael Popper joined HSE Moscow as Professor of Foresight and STI Governance in January 2018. In addition to his job at HSE, he is Principal Scientist in Business, Innovation and Foresight at a world leading research and technology organization (RTO) called VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. With a PhD on 21st Century Foresight from the University of Manchester, Popper has built a career on wide-ranging research of issues in foresight and STI policy. In a recent interview with the HSE News Service, he spoke in depth about his research interests, philosophy on teaching, collaboration across HSE and his love of languages, among other topics.
Get Ready to Innovate
English language Master’s Programme 'Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation' of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge opens new 5th enrolment. 18 April there was the first meeting with the interested candidates. Future innovators, high-tech startup creators and policy makers in S&T took part in the interactive foresight session — in a very uncommon format for the Open Doors Day. Such communication was of great value for all the participants, and made some of them come again — with the applications for admission.
«Sand box» for Innovators
The ability to analyse trends is one of the key skills for those who are going to make management decisions in the field of science, technology and innovation. The students of HSE perfect it, studying theory, examining tools and cases. But it is known that knowledge and skills are much better learnt when resonating with the realities of life or with a relevant information agenda. Educational experience is shared by Dmitry Baryakin, a graduate of the master's programme of the ISSEK (HSE).
Roadmaps of ISSEK Postgraduates
A number of events happened in late October — early November, important to HSE ISSEK members who combine their work with postgraduate studies (or did, or are about to begin).
‘Since I was involved in foresight at World Festival of Youth and Students, it appeared that I was going to meet with President Putin!’
This October World Festival of Youth and Students took place in Sochi bringing together over 20 000 young people from 150 countries. Several HSE international students participated in the event, among them — Nawaid Alam, graduate of Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation programme and HSE doctoral student. He shared his impressions with HSE News Service.

“We’ve Already Taken 3 Tons of Paper for Recycling and Reduced Total Waste in Landfills”
Katerina Shipilova graduates from the HSE Master’s programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” this year. And she already has her own business — a waste paper collection company called MK Service. In the following interview, Katerina speaks about how Master’s studies motivated her to start her own business, and about the specifics of the recycling industry.