Digitalization of the Whole Country
Can we really say that digitalization has affected everyone and every aspect of people’s lives? Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice Rector, Director of the Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), has shared his opinion on this matter, referring to official statistics and sociologic surveys done by HSE University.

Russians’ Digital Practices During Lockdown
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge has released the results of its survey on digital practices in 2020, which illustrate the changes in how people have mastered new formats to solve routine tasks.The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge has released the results of its survey on digital practices in 2020, which illustrate the changes in how people have mastered new formats to solve routine tasks.
How Digital Technologies Affect the Quality of Life
HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents the indicators of Russians’ ‘digital well-being’, measured with the use of the OECD methodology.
Population’s Perception of Interaction with Robots
HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents the results of the population survey of perception of interacting with robots.
The Professions of Digital Economy
HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents the data concerning the employment in professions which are connected with the intensive use of ICT. The estimates are based on the OECD methodology.

Digital Inequality a Key Challenge on the Road to the Digital Future
Along with personal computers, the digital economy originated in the 1980s and quickly began to evolve, with information and technology becoming a bigger and bigger determinant of a country’s economic growth. A new stage of this evolution is now upon us, with explosive technology and data transformation now becoming one of the decisive factors of production.
Internal Expenditures on Digital Economy Development
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents results of the pilot calculation of internal expenditures on digital economy development, based on data collected in the course of federal statistical observations and by the Bank of Russia. According to the HSE ISSEK estimates, in 2017 internal expenditures on digital economy development amounted to approximately 3.3 trillion roubles, or 3.6% of GDP.
Business Digitalisation Index
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge designed the Business Digitalisation Index which measures the rate of entrepreneurial sector organisations’ adapting to digital transformation in Russia, European countries, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, and Japan. The index is calculated on the basis of the following five indicators: broadband internet access, use of cloud-based services, RFID technology, and ERP systems, and participation in e-commerce.
Figure of the Day: 0.1% is Russia’s Share in the Global Exports of ICT Products
Major exporters of information and communication technologies-based products (such as computers, communication equipment, household electronics, etc.) are China (32,3%), the US (9,7%), Singapore, and the Republic of Korea (7,6% each).
Workers for Digital Economy
The impact of digitalisation of the economy on the national labour market commanded increased attention in recent years. Development of information and communication technologies (ICT) leads to the emergence of new professions and promotes employment in the ICT sector. Experts at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) have calculated, on the basis of the Rosstat survey, how many people work in ICT-related professions.