‘An STI-Accelerated and Informed Future is Possible’
The Twelfth International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy’ is kicking off at HSE University on November 22. Alexander Sokolov, chair of the organising committee, talked to the HSE News Service about the evolution of the foresight agenda. Two of the conference speakers, Ibon Zugasti from Spain and Mlungisi Cele from South Africa, shared some highlights of their research.
HSE ISSEK Researchers Analyse Opportunities for Scientific Cooperation between Developing Countries in BRICS + Global South Format
Volume of R&D funding and number of Scopus-indexed publications of the BRICS countries in total already exceed those of the EU-total and the United States. These metrics have opportunity for further growth if the five developing countries strengthen scientific cooperation with other countries from Global South that have significant growth potential. Researchers from the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge Alexander Sokolov, Sergey Shashnov, and Maxim Kotsemir analysed the opportunities for research collaboration within these clusters of countries along with the obstacles standing in the way of greater cooperation.

‘Cooperation with R&D Organisations and Universities Is Significantly Distinctive for Advanced Innovators’
The innovation performance of firms depends on their ability to innovate in cooperation with external partners. In their study, HSE researchers found that most of innovation in Russian manufacturing happens in a sort of open processes, but extensive cooperation networks are barely detectable. The study was published in the December issue of Foresight and STI Governance.

From Future to Present: How the Coronavirus Crisis Opens up New Opportunities for Domestic Business
The pandemic has put global development on hold and this is a chance for Russia to occupy market niches that were previously closed. But innovation should become as essential as air and, without information technology, new niches will still not be open. Alexander Chulok, Director of the HSE University Centre for Science and Technology Foresight, spoke about this in a special report at the global conference' Accelerate Global 2020’.

HSE University Presents First Global Cities Innovation Index
According to HSE University’s Global Cities Innovation Index, New York and London are the world’s most attractive megacities to innovators implementing creative and technological initiatives. Moscow ranked among the rating’s top ten cities, leading in the areas of ‘Innovation Infrastructure’ and ‘Digital Infrastructure and Services’. HSE researchers presented the index at this year’s Open Innovations Forum.

Jonathan Calof: 'I Hope That I Will Be Able to Travel to Moscow to Be with My HSE Colleagues and Friends Soon'
Jonathan Calof has been cooperating with HSE since 2009. In an interview with HSE News Service he talks about how his involvement with HSE began, what projects he has been part of, and how he has organised his online work during the recent lockdown.
Leonid Gokhberg: ‘Almost Every Fifth High-Tech Russian Company Uses Additive Technologies’
Additive technologies including 3D-printing are growing faster than 75% of other relevant digital technology areas, noted Leonid Gokhberg, HSE First Vice-Rector and ISSEK Director, at the forum ‘Additive Technologies, Growing Horizons’ hosted by the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) on 3 December 2019.
The Results of a Study of Russian Entrepreneurs’ Digital Activity Were Discussed at a Joint EC/OECD Workshop
Experts from the ISSEK Centre for Business Tendencies Studies (CBTS) presented the results of a pilot project to measure digital activity of Russian industrial and retail companies at the 9th Joint EC/OECD Workshop (14-15 November 2019, Paris, France).
Russia Is among the World’s Top 10 Producers and Users of Spatial Data
Forecasting the economy’s demand for spatial data, remote sensing data, and geoinformation technologies is one of the key objectives of the study being conducted by HSE experts jointly with the Aerospace Research Institute, commissioned by Rosreestr. A public discussion of the interim results was held on 7 November at the conference ‘Spatial Data for the Digital Economy and Sustainable Development of the Russian Federation’.
Scenarios for the Future, and S&T Development Goals will be Discussed at the HSE Foresight Conference
Strategic planning skills are increasingly often seen as a core competence for the 21st century; researchers are trying to measure regions’ and whole countries’ readiness for the future, while futures studies the world over are conducted on an impressive scientific foundation. On 15-16 November the VIII International Academic Conference “Foresight and STI Policy” will take place in Moscow. Participants from more than 15 countries will present tens of case studies reflecting practices of international organisations (such as OECD, UNESCO, European Commission), governments, major companies, leading universities and R&D centres; analyse global development scenarios and challenges, cutting-edge foresight approaches and tools, and best practices of measuring and monitoring progress in the science, technology and innovation sphere.