‘Geographical Distance No Longer a Problem’: ISSEK Fosters Cooperation with Think Tanks in BRICS Countries
In September, the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge hosted an international working meeting with representatives from Brazilian, Egyptian, and Indian think tanks. The participants discussed opportunities for cooperation, including joint surveys, comparative studies, databases, and publications on foresight, technology, and innovation. It was also decided to draft a multilateral agreement to establish the BRICS Foresight Association.

HSE Experts Take Part in the First International Workshop on Technological Sustainability of BRICS
On September 19–20, Skoltech hosted the First International Workshop on Technological Sustainability of BRICS: University-Industry Partnerships, organised jointly with HSE University Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center. The meeting was held as part of the BRICS working group on technology foresight and science and technology studies.

HSE University Releases Global Ranking of Top Cities for High-Tech and Creative Industries
Researchers at HSE ISSEK have released the third ranking of megacities based on their innovation attractiveness—HSE Global Cities Innovation Index 2024 (HSE GCII 2024). Moscow ranks ninth, while London, New York, and Tokyo lead the ranking. The top ten also include Beijing, San Francisco, Paris, Shanghai, Los Angeles, and Seoul. In addition to Moscow, 25 other Russian cities are among the top 1,000, including St. Petersburg (73), Novosibirsk (183), and others.

HSE University and Sber Conduct Foresight in Artificial Intelligence
HSE University, in collaboration with Sber, have conducted a foresight study on artificial intelligence (AI). Its early results were discussed by the participants of a strategic foresight session on exploratory research in AI, held at the Coordination Centre of the Russian Government, headed by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. The results from the foresight study will inform the Unified Research and Development Programme in the Field of AI.

What Will 2024 Be Like? The Forecast by iFORA
RBC journalists decided to ask Russian artificial intelligence systems what 2024 will be like. Four leading Russian companies and HSE University took part in the project. The questions were answered by the iFORA big data intelligent analysis system developed by HSE ISSEK.

Artificial Intelligence as a Driver of Digital Transformation
In December, the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge and the HSE AI Research Centre participated in UNCTAD eWeek to discuss the future of the emerging digital economy. One of the topics discussed during the conference was artificial intelligence and its applications in driving the digital transformation of industry sectors. The session was co-organised by HSE University.

Dirk Meissner: ‘An Element of Trust Is Essential for an Individual’s Professional Performance and Organisational Knowledge Production’
Cyber attacks exploit flaws in software, human error or misplaced trust. The end goal is to access information, money or to disrupt an organisation. To keep a step ahead of these criminals requires the organisation to have ‘strategic cyber-foresight’, advise Bruno Fischer of the University of Campinas, and Dirk Meissner, of HSE University Moscow. Researchers commented for the R&D Today on the highlights of their Guest Editorial in a Special Section for the IEEE, Transactions on Engineering Management, VOL. 69, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2022, they have curated, that covers cybersecurity.

What Makes Cities Attractive to Innovators?
How do we evaluate the contribution of innovations to urban development? Why do cities need innovation? How do cities attract top talents? These and many other questions were addressed by the participants of the international online discussion ‘Increasing the Innovation Attractiveness of Global Cities: Best Practices’ organised by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (HSE ISSEK) on March 1, 2023. The event also featured the presentation of new outcomes of a global study on urban innovation carried out since 2020.

‘An STI-Accelerated and Informed Future is Possible’
The Twelfth International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy’ is kicking off at HSE University on November 22. Alexander Sokolov, chair of the organising committee, talked to the HSE News Service about the evolution of the foresight agenda. Two of the conference speakers, Ibon Zugasti from Spain and Mlungisi Cele from South Africa, shared some highlights of their research.

UNESCO Chair on Future Studies Opens at HSE University
In 2022, a HSE University department joined the ranks of UNESCO Futures Literacy Chairs. This builds on the work of the ISSEK International Research and Educational Foresight Centre, and the activity of the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre. Professor Alexander Sokolov, head of the new department, Director of the International Research and Educational Foresight Centre, and Deputy Director of HSE ISSEK, spoke about the establishment, aims and objectives of the UNESCO Chair on Future Studies.