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NEWSLETTER, 2015, no 3
Main events at the Institute
On 18–20 November, 2015 the Higher School of Economics will host, together with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation organization (APEC) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Annual international academic conference “Foresight and STI Policy”
More than 20 presentations are scheduled over the three days, covering a wide range of topics – setting and implementing S&T development priorities, international cooperation in the area, further development of Foresight methodology, and advanced S&T policy tools, among many others. 
In particular, the programme includes:
  • Round table discussion “The Main Principles of Priority Setting in the S&T Sector”
  • APEC 2015 economic workshop on STI cooperation
Main discussions will be webcast live.
Registration is open up until 16 November
UNESCO Science Report: towards 2030
The UNESCO Science Report: towards 2030 was officially released at UNESCO headquarters, in Paris, on 10 November 2015.
The results of this research are published every five years.
Written by about 60 experts each covering the country or region from which they hail, the 820-pages UNESCO Science Report: towards 2030 provides more country-level information than ever before.
The chapter on the Russian Federation was written by Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice-Rector at HSE, Director of HSE ISSEK, and Tatiana Kuznetsova, Director of HSE ISSEK Centre for S&T, Innovation and Information Policy.
HSE launches interactive Russian cluster platform
According to ISSEK’s Russian Cluster Observatory, more than 200 cluster initiatives are being implemented in Russia. At the same time, only 26 clusters are recognised at the federal level — those included in the list of pilot innovative territorial clusters and supported by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
To collect reliable information about all clusters, experts of the Russian Cluster Observatory have designed an interactive database — Russian Cluster Map.
It provides access to best practices and enables clusters to find new partners and investors. Cluster managers and other official representatives can input data about their clusters on the project website.
STI policy news and international research cooperation
The Centre for Advanced Studies in STI created last year and based at HSE ISSEK is one of the elements of Higher School of Economics’ new architecture that is relevant to the implementation of its competitiveness programme. On October, HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov took part in a meeting hosted by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets at the Russian Government to discuss ways of improving the global competitiveness of Russian universities.
A regular meeting of the Eurostat Working Group on Information Society Statistics (WG ISS) took place in Luxembourg in October. Experts discussed two new European Union surveys on ICT use in organizations and households. These surveys are due to be launched in 2017. The meeting was attended by two ISSEK experts: Director of the Centre for Statistics and Monitoring of Information Society Gulnara Abdrakhmanova, and Director of the Centre for Socio-Economic Information Processing Elena Nechaeva.
On September, a delegation from Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology visited HSE. Dr. Yi-Bing Lin, head of the delegation and world-class IT expert and Taiwan’s Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, gave an interview to the HSE portal. He shared his views on the future of IT and talked about the potential for partnerships between Russia and Taiwan in various areas of science.
At the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (Dubrovnik, October), Liliana Proskuryakova presented a report on forecasted scenarios for the water sector.
The Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA), ISSEK’s partner in a number of projects, hosted two conferences on STI policy and technology analysis in September. ISSEK Foresight Centre staff members Ozcan Saritas, Nadezhda Mikova, and Pavel Bakhtin made presentations on applying ‘tech mining’ techniques to monitor technology trends.
Alexander Chulok and Konstantin Vishnevskiy, ISSEK Foresight Centre staff members, taught in July at the annual Foresight courses at the University of Manchester (held since 1999 and considered to be some of the world’s most prestigious and important futures courses).
62 joint Russian-EU STI projects will be funded by the ERA.Net RUS Plus consortium. This was announced at the funding parties’ meeting at St. Petersburg State University in July. Elena Nasybulina, leading expert at HSE ISSEK National Contact Point for the international mobility of researchers, took part in the meeting (jointly with the Foresight Centre, the NCP conducted a study to identify priorities for international research partnerships).
In July, HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies was joined by a new colleague — Senior Research Fellow David Sarpong, Programme Lead for the Bristol MSc International Management at the University of the West of England, UK. In an interview to the HSE News Service, he shared his first impressions and expectations of working at HSE.
New Higher School of Economics publications
Data books
Indicators of Science: 2015
Analytical reports 
The Water Sector: Global Challenges and Long-term Trends in Innovation Development
Foresight and STI Governance Journal
no. 3, 2015
Data book “Indicators of Education: 2015”
Pocket data book “Education in Figures: 2015”
Pocket data book “Science. Innovation. Information Society: 2015” 
Information bulletins (in Russian) presenting results of HSE monitoring research 
Monitoring of Global Technology Trends
no. 15 (21): Food as a source of health
no. 14 (20): The nanocarbon basis of high-tech future
no. 13 (19): ”Swarm intelligence” of technological systems
no. 12 (18): Nanosize membranes and catalysts will ensure a green future
no. 11 (17): Flexible solutions for advanced nuclear power engineering
no. 10 (16): New diagnostics and therapy: a personalised approach on the cellular level
no. 9 (15): Agriculture is moving into skyscrapers

Monitoring Survey of Innovative Behaviour of the Population
Measuring Russians’ scientific literacy: 2014
Green practices and Russians’ attitude to environmental problems
Most demanded science communicators are researchers

Monitoring of Education Markets and Organizations
no. 14: Availability of pre-school education: choosing kindergarten, e-queuing
no. 13: Efficient contract and changing working conditions of teachers
no. 12: Work strategies of university teachers
no. 11: Implementing federal standards for secondary vocational training at vocational schools
no. 10: Implementing vocational training programmes
no. 9: Choosing the school
no. 8: Effect of growing numbers of pupils on schools’ activities, and dealing with the second shift problem: survey of secondary school directors

Monitoring of Information Society
Internet penetration rates in Russia: 2014 (infographics)
Monitoring the Business Climate for Industry and Service Sector Enterprises
Economic Sentiment Index (HSE Index) in 2Q and 3Q 2015
Industry in July, August, September, and October 2015
Construction in 3Q 2015
Wholesale in 2Q 2015
Retail in 3Q 2015
Service sector in 2Q and 3Q 2015
The Russian real sector and service sector in 2Q 2015
ISSEK research provides data for regular publications in mass media and at the HSE website, in particular in the Figure of the Day section:
109 applications have been submitted for ISSEK’s English-language Master’s programme ‘Governance of science, technology and innovation’ (the second admission was three times larger than the first one)
15% of Russian industrial companies’ managers in October reported an outflow of workers compared with September
35% of Russians expect the state of the Russian economy to worsen in the coming year
47% of entrepreneurs in the service sector noted insufficient demand for their services in 3Q 2015
72% of managers of Russian large and medium industrial companies assess their companies’ financial and economic situation as satisfactory
53% of full-time university teachers have several jobs
Moscow professional and technical school teachers’ salary must be raised by 1.5 times to attract ‘perfect’ candidates, according to the heads of these institutions
63% of Russian families with children are willing to support them until they complete their higher education, without expecting them to earn any money
57% of full-time university students in 2014 had a job
65% of full-time Russian university students in 2014 did not have to pay any tuition fees as the state paid for them
13% of full-time Russian university students in 2014 were planning to continue their studies abroad
31% of Russian colleges and technical secondary schools do not admit students to their vocational training programmes due to lack of demand
79% of full-time university teachers are engaged in research
81% of Russian university teachers have published at least one paper during the last year, and spoke at least at one conference
15 US dollars (11 euros) per capita was spent in 2014 on preventing cardio-vascular diseases in Russia
Only 5% of Russians adhere to model green practices in their everyday life
Contact us:

HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge

Address for correspondence: 20 Myasnitskaya st., 101000, Moscow, Russia
Actual address: 9-11 Myasnitskaya st., 101000, Moscow
Phone: +7 (495) 621-28-73
E-mail: issek@hse.ru
Web: http://issek.hse.ru/en


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