Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation: Priority Tasks and Crucial Tradeoffs
In the framework of an open panel session of the Expert Group № 5 Jean Guinet has presented the report «Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation: Priority Tasks and Crucial Tradeoffs».
International Training Workshop «R&D and Innovation Statistics»
On May 23-24 in the framework of the IncoNet EECA project the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge in collaboration with the Center for Social Innovation (Austria) delivered the International Training Workshop «R&D and Innovation Statistics».
Workshop by Prof. Yves Gingras “New Areas for Use of Bibliometric Methods”, May 20
On May 20th Prof. Yves Gingras has delivered a “New Areas for Use of Bibliometric Methods” at the HSE. The event has been organized by the Research Laboratory of Science and Technology Studies, HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
Project workshop "Opportunities and needs for advanced cooperation schemes of S&T and innovation programme owners in EU MS/AC and Russia"
The second ERA.Net RUS workshop was successfully implemented in Moscow and came accross large interest of stakeholder involved in S&T cooperation between EU MS/AC and Russia. Among the 60 participants were programme owners, members of the ERA.Net RUS Consortium, members of the European Commission, DG Research and S&T Councillors at EU/AC embassies in Moscow.