“Who is Going to Supervise Policy-Shaping Machines?”
Andrea Di Maio, a Managing Vice President in Gartner Research, spoke about forthcoming changes in the public sector’s digital services, and technology and social trends supporting the shift from e-government to digital government. On 20 March the Gartner’s top manager made a presentation to staff members of the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, and the Institute for Public Administration and Governance.
Science Diplomacy is Gaining “Soft Power”
On February 21, in the framework of the HSE ISSEK Master’s Programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” Professor Pierre-Bruno Ruffini of the University of Le Havre (France) delivered a public lecture on key aspects of “science diplomacy”, which is turning into an increasingly important element of various countries’ influence strategies and the main “soft power” tool in their competing for people’s “hearts and minds”.
Kaja Ciglic: “We Can Be More Secure, But We Will Not Be Totally Secure”
On 9 December, 2016 HSE ISSEK in partnership with Microsoft organised seminar “Cybersecurity. The role of government; business and society”. Kaja Ciglic, Sr. Cybersecurity Strategist, Microsoft, discussed geopolitical trends of global cybersecurity and various initiatives in this space proposed by different stakeholders with the students and faculty.
HSE Hosted a Round Table Discussion of the Role of Financial Technologies in Development of the Financial Sector
On 13 December, the Higher School of Economics jointly with the Bank of Russia hosted a round table discussion “Financial technologies and the future of the banking sector”. Vadim Kalukhov, director of the RF Central Bank’s Financial Technologies, Projects, and Process Organisation Department, made a presentation on major relevant trends and the Bank of Russia’s key projects.
Green Economy Will Help to Eradicate Poverty
In October, at the invitation of HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, Holger Schlör, leading researcher at Jülich Research Centre’s (Forschungszentrum Jülich) Institute of Energy and Climate Research (Germany) spoke to HSE students and staff. According to him, Germany (which the OECD calls “green growth laboratory”) is planning to completely switch to green energy by 2050, generating 80% of energy from renewable sources.
Results of the BRICS Water Forum
According to participants in the BRICS Water Forum, of all global water challenges today only clean water may be addressed through technological innovations.
Strategy-Making Time Comes for Science Towns
Science towns are becoming serious players in the national strategic planning system. The federal law “On the Science Town Status” becomes valid in the next year, obliging the local authorities to design long-term socio-economic development strategies. Science towns’ mayors, members of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, and experts from the Higher School of Economics discussed practical aspects of meeting the law’s requirements at a conference hosted by HSE on 5 July.

Russia's Top Innovation-driven Regions Announced
Russian regions differ significantly in terms of their attitude to innovation, according to a new release of the Russian Regional Innovational Development Ranking prepared by the HSE's experts. Thus, almost one-third of all industrial companies in Chuvashia have implemented innovative technology, while more than half of all manufactured goods in Sakhalin Region are products of innovation; in contrast, little innovative activity is observed in most territories of the North Caucasus. Tatarstan, Moscow and St. Petersburg top the list of Russian regions focused on innovation.
SPIEF 2016: Foresight Session on the Future of the Energy Industry, with Participation of Nobel Prize Winners
On the third day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, 18 June, 2016 at the Global Energy Prize stand, a Foresight session “Science, Technology, and Innovation: Impact on Interconnection of Energy, Environment, and Economy”. The session was moderated by Ozcan Saritas, Leading Research Fellow at the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre.
Vincent Carabias about April Conference
Vincent Carabias-Hutter, Head of Research in Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland) and speaker at HSE ISSEK session “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy” at the XVII April Conference, shared his impressions with an information bulletin “The HSE LOOK” about what did he liked most about the conference and also mentioned plans for collaboration with colleagues from HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre.