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Tag "discussions"

Triple Helix in Manchester

The University of Manchester (UK) hosted the XVI International Triple Helix Conference on 5-8 September, 2018. The ISSEK was represented by Mikhail Gershman, Deputy Director of the Centre for S&T, Innovation and Information Policy who presented new indicators which could help improve efficiency of public administration in the Russian R&D sphere.

Region 2.0 — Looking for Smart Specialisation in the Era of Global Challenges

On August, 28–29, the 5th International Management Platform named after V. N. Eitingon under the motto ‘Leadership of the future. Knowledge. Skills. Results’ took place in Voronezh. Alexander Chulok, Director of the HSE ISSEK Centre for Science and Technology Foresight, took part in the plenary session and moderated one of the sections.

Ozcan Saritas Took Part in the 4th Asia-Pacific Futurists Network Conference

On August 28-29, 2018, the 4th Asia-Pacific Futurists Network Conference was held in Bangkok. On August 30, among the associated events of the conference, the opening ceremony of the Innovation Foresight Institute took place, founded at the initiative of the National Innovation Agency of Thailand. Deputy Head of the ISSEK Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies Ozcan Saritas attended these events.

Global Сhallenges to Moscow

The Moscow City Department of Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Higher School of Economics held a joint field foresight session in the scope of setting up the Moscow Innovation and Production Cluster. More than 200 experts — representatives of the research and education community, innovative businesses, and public authorities discussed priority areas for development of the capital city’s S&T sector, global trends affecting the city’s economy, and incentives and cooperation mechanisms which would help to make a technological leap.

The Country’s Innovation Showcase

The Moscow Innovative and Production Cluster which can potentially comprise all advanced industries in the city is moving on ever closer to practical implementation. Its structure, boundaries, management system, and the balance of federal support tools and those the city is willing to provide were discussed at the strategic session hosted jointly by the Moscow City Department of Science, Industrial Policy, and Entrepreneurship, and HSE.

Clusters are Moving Closer in Moscow

On July 25, a four-day strategic session 'Strategic Priorities and New Opportunities for the Development of Innovative Clusters' was opened in Moscow. The event was organised by the Ministry of Economic Development, RVC JSC jointly with the Higher School of Economics. Representatives of government offices, leading universities, scientific organisations and enterprises involved in the activities of the clusters discussed new challenges and directions of development in the format of strategic sessions. A cross-cutting theme, the digitalisation, was examined in light of the federal priorities, best regional practices and common problems.

Creators of the Future: #foresight4EU

On June 4–5, 2018, the main European foresight conference — FTA2018 conference was held in Brussels. Future in the making #foresight4EU. It was organised by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, which has a long history of partnership with the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre. The staff of the centre Alexander Sokolov, Alexander Chulok, Sergey Shashnov, Ozcan Saritas and Maxim Kotsemir took part in the event.

ISSEK Experts’ Participation in St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2018 begins tomorrow. A representative delegation from the Higher School of Economics, and the HSE ISSEK will take part in the business and presentation programmes. In particular, the panel session 'Resources and Economics of Global Oceans' will be held on 25 May, which Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice Rector and ISSEK Director was invited to attend. On 25 and 26 May ISSEK experts will host two discussions at the HSE stand: 'Application of Big Data analytics to support strategic decision-making', and 'Doing science: how comfortable young researchers feel in Russian academia'.

Strategic Planning: Systemic Development vs Manual Control

At the round table discussion 'Strategic planning: moving on towards a working model' during the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development members of the Russian Government and representatives of various ministries jointly with HSE researchers considered how efficiently the country does its strategic planning, and which specific tools it uses in the process.

Urban and Housing Policy of Russia through the Experience of the OECD and the UN

On April 12, 2018 the round table "Using the OECD standards and best practices in Urban and Housing Policy" took place at the Higher School of Economics. The event was conducted jointly with DOM.RF Russia Housing and Urban Development Corporation in the framework of the section S "Science and Innovation" of the XIX HSE International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Participants discussed a wide range of issues, in particular the potential of green growth and sustainable urban development.