Figure of the Day: 0.1% is Russia’s Share in the Global Exports of ICT Products
Major exporters of information and communication technologies-based products (such as computers, communication equipment, household electronics, etc.) are China (32,3%), the US (9,7%), Singapore, and the Republic of Korea (7,6% each).
Connecting to New Data Flows
The 2018 FIFA World Cup showed that big data analysis allows to significantly improve traffic flows in a megacity. How to organise nationwide collection of statistical data to build more up-to-date and reliable indicators was discussed at the expert meeting on 28 December hosted by the Higher School of Economics jointly with the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Rosstat. Pavel Malkov, the new head of the Federal State Statistics Service, and his colleagues presented general approaches to restructuring the service, and discussed with HSE experts the prospects for setting up Digital Analytical Platform which is being designed by Rosstat. The participants agreed that big data will not replace conventional statistics but allow to fill numerous 'white spots' in it.
Science. Technology. Innovation: 2019
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterising S&T and innovation potential of the Russian Federation. There are the information about intellectual property, S&T output, data of international comparisons given.
10 Facts about Russian Teachers
Here are a few facts and figures about activities of the most important in the knowledge-based economy professionals.
The Attractiveness of Academic Career in Russia
The new issue of the HSE ISSEK newsletter 'Science, Technology and Innovation' presents statistics on the growth of the number of researchers in Russia, the share of graduates hired by R&D organisations, and the growth of R&D personnel’s average monthly salaries during the previous 15 years.
Russia Moves to the 10th Place in R&D Expenditures Ranking The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presented a ranking of 20 countries — leaders in terms of gross domestic expenditures on research and development (GERD).
Russia in the World Publication Activity Ranking: Natural Sciences
Russia is ranked 10th in the world according to publication activity by scientists in the natural sciences. China and the USA top this ranking. Russia is among the top 5 countries in some fields of the natural sciences, while in others, by contrast, it makes a low contribution to world science. Historically, these results come from the disciplinary structure of the Russian science. In total, 3.7% of publications in these areas in international scientific journals were written with the participation of Russian scientists in 2015–2017.
Education in Figures: 2018
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterising trends in the development of general, secondary vocational and higher education in the Russian Federation. It also covers key education indicators for the OECD countries.
Workers for Digital Economy
The impact of digitalisation of the economy on the national labour market commanded increased attention in recent years. Development of information and communication technologies (ICT) leads to the emergence of new professions and promotes employment in the ICT sector. Experts at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) have calculated, on the basis of the Rosstat survey, how many people work in ICT-related professions.
Advanced Model of State Statistics in the Digital Era
On April 10, Leonid Gokhberg, First Vice Rector of HSE and Director of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, presented a report — ‘Advanced Model of State Statistics in the Digital Era’ during panel session 'National System of Data Management: Interaction between Society, Business and State' at the XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development.