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ISSEK Newsletter No. 1 2013

2013, no. 1
Conferences and Workshops
January 22, 2013: The Development of the Sectoral Network of S&T Foresight Centres on the Basis of the Leading Russian Universities: Results and Objectives for the Future
Representatives of the leading universities, responsible for operation of the network of sectoral S&T Foresight centres in six priority areas, discussed the results for 2012 and future plans.
February 27, 2013: Russian S&T Foresight 2030: Results and Objectives for the Future
Research teams engaged in development of the Russian S&T Foresight 2030 discussed the results achieved and ways of their integration.
March 4, 2013: Management of Space Activities: World Experience and Prospects for Russia (news in Russian)
A round table on development of the priorities in restructuring Russian space sector chaired by Leonid Gokhberg was held at HSE. Oleg Karasev presented a Roadmap for the Space Navigation.
March 5, 2013: Raising Efficiency of EU—Russia S&T Collaboration (news in Russian)
At the round table there were presented mechanisms of EU—Russia S&T collaboration and new instruments of partnership to be used after launching the EU programme “Horizon 2020” and the Russian Federal State Programme “S&T Development for the Years 2013—2020”.
Working Groups
February 4—5, 2013: Meeting and Workshop on the European Neighborhood Policy (news in Russian)
Anna Pikalova took part in the discussion of the progress report on the SEARCH project (Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRregionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods) supported by FP7.
February 7—8, 2013: Eurostat Working Group on Education and Training Statistics (news in Russian)
Natalia Kovaleva visited Brussels to discuss issues related to implementation of the new International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011).
March 6—7, 2013: Eurostat Working Group on the Information Society Statistics (news in Russian)
Gulnara Abdrakhmanova and Elena Nechaeva visited Luxembourg for the Eurostat Working group meeting on harmonization of the statistical questionnaires which will be applied in 2014 surveys on the use of ICT in organisations and households.
Russian S&T Foresight 2030 (info in Russian)
In April, ISSEK team completes updating the long-term Foresight of the most important areas of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation up to 2030.
Rising Powers (news in Russian)
At the end of 2012, there started an international research project “Rising Powers” implemented by consortium of the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (UK), Beijing Institute of Technology (China), GeorgiaTech (USA) and ISSEK. The aim of the project is to evaluate the impact of emerging technologies on innovation and socio-economic development of Russia and China.
Indicators of the Business Climate in Russia in the OECD Database (news in Russian)
Starting from 2013, the results of business climate surveys in key sectors of the national economy conducted by ISSEK Centre for Business Tendencies Studies in cooperation with the Federal State Statistics Service will be included on a regular basis to the OECD database “Business Tendencies and Consumer Opinion Surveys (MEI)”.
International Foresight Academy (IFA)
Tiina-Maria Seppänen, a researcher from Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), has spent a month at ISSEK Foresight Centre. She was the first visitor taking part in the exchange in the framework of IFA research mobility activities.
New Releases and Publications
Foresight and Roadmapping
Foresight-Russia, 2013, no.1
A new issue of the HSE academic journal Foresight-Russia includes 4 articles by HSE ISSEK researchers:
Saritas O. Human Enhancement Technologies: Future Outlook and Challenges.
Kaminskiy I., Ogorodova L., Patrushev M., Chulok A. Medicine of the Future: Opportunities for Breakthrough through the Prism of Technology Foresight.
Gershman M. Innovation Development Programmes for the State-owned Companies: First Results.
Doroshenko M., Skripkin K. Developing the National Software Market: Public Policy Alternatives.
Shashnov S., Sokolova A. S&T&I Priorities for the Russian Natural Resources Sector. Foresight, vol.15, no.1.
Karasev O. Methods of Making Corporate Roadmaps of Innovation Development. (The presentation made at the Gazprom S&T Committee in 2012 was published by Gazprom as a special report.)
Science, Technology and Innovation
Proskuryakova L., Abdrakhmanova G., Pitlik H. Public Sector e-Innovations. E-Government and Its Impact on Corruption. WP by NRU HSE. Series: Science, Technology and Innovation. WP BRP 04/STI/2013.
Dimadama Z., Korolev V., Pikalova A., Proskuryakova L., Bakouros I., Liargovas P., Elpida S., Zygiaris S., Angelidou M. Innovation in the Wider Black Sea Region: Policies and Structures. Issue 26. Brux., 2012.
Kotsemir M., Abroskin A. Innovation Concepts and Typology — an Evolutionary Discussion. WP by NRU HSE. Series: Science, Technology and Innovation. 05/STI/2013.
Sociology of Science
Shmatko N. Patterns of Researchers’ Social Mobility and Scientific Capital: Russian Case (Working paper). Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 2012, no. 4.
Shmatko N., Katchanov Y. Social Management of Research Team Efficiency (Working paper). Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 2012, no. 7.
"Encyclopedia of Statistical Terms" in 8 Volumes
(news in Russian)
The complete electronic version of the "Encyclopedia of Statistical Terms" is available on the website of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service. The work on the edition was carried out over 4 years with participation of about 200 experts from the leading research organisations and universities, as well as the relevant ministries and agencies. ISSEK team coordinated the project.
The journal Voprosy Statistiki (Issues of Statistics) 2013, no. 2 includes a specialised section composed of four articles of ISSEK scholars, that touch upon key results of the large-scale project aimed at establishing the system of the monitoring of the economics of science.
Kuznetsova I., Gracheva G., Fridlyanova S. Statistical Measurement of Innovation Processes in Small Enterprises: Development, Use and Transfer of S&T Results.
Gorodnikova N., Ratay T., Rosovetskaya L. Science and Education Integration in the National Statistics: Issues and Perspectives of Developing New Methodologies.
Zaichenko S., Martynova S. Statistical Analysis Tools of Science and Innovation Activities at Russian Universities.
Gershman M. Russian Engineering Organisations: Approaches to Identification and Evaluation of Performance.
Statistical Data Books (in Russian)
Indicators of Science: 2013. Data Book. — Moscow: HSE, 2013. — 400 p.— ISBN 978-5-7218-1310-8.
Indicators of Innovations: 2013. Data Book. — Moscow: HSE, 2013. — 472 p. — ISBN 978-5-7218-1311-5.
Education in Figures: 2013. Pocket Data Book. — Moscow: HSE, 2013. — 80 p. — ISBN 978-5-7218-1306-1.
“Education Economics Monitoring” Bulletins
(in Russian)

No.4 (58). Analysis of Interrelation of Education System and Labour Market in Russia for the Last Five Years. Information Brochure. — Moscow, HSE, 2012. — 36 p.
No.5 (59). Strategies for Vocational Education. Information Brochure. — Moscow, HSE, 2012. — 56 p.
Business Climate Surveys (in Russian)
The Economic Sentiment Index (HSE Index) in the 4th Quarter 2012
Industry in December 2012, January 2013, February 2013
Real Sector and Services Organisations in the 4th Quarter 2012
Wholesale in the 4th Quarter 2012
Retail (in Moscow and Moscow Region) in the 4th Quarter 2012
Construction in the 1st Quarter 2013
In This Issue:
Conferences and Workshops
Working Groups
New Releases and Publications
Upcoming Events
April 2—5, 2013: XIV April International Academic Conference "Modernization of the Economy and Society"
The XIV HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development will be hosted by the Higher School of Economics with support by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
HSE ISSEK organises a two-day section "Science and Innovation" and a special workshop "Global Trends in Public R&D Investments: Designing, Establishing and Operating Centres of Excellence".
See the website for the detailed programme of the HSE ISSEK conference events.
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future. Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies. — Meissner D., Gokhberg L., Sokolov A. (Eds.). — 2013, XV, 330 p. 87 illus., 85 in color. ISBN 978-3-642-31826-9.
A multi-author book edited by Dirk Meissner, Leonid Gokhberg and Alexander Sokolov will be published by Springer Publishing House in May 2013.
Science, technology and innovation policy are topics that much have been written about over the last decades. However until today no common understanding has been articulated on what these policy fields are and how they are correlated with the daily practice of policy making. Thus the book pursuits an approach to developing STI policy measures oriented towards future societal and technological challenges. The concept of evidence based STI policy making is elaborated and put into the context of Foresight studies.
The editorial book brings together contributions from leading international scientists, representatives of national governments and international organisations including the OECD. The book gives practical guidance for policy makers, analysts and researchers on how to leverage the use of Foresight studies which are common practice in many countries for future STI policy approaches.
Science and Technology. Innovation. Information Society. Pocket Data Book. – Moscow: HSE, 2013. – 80 p.
ISBN 978-5-7218-1305-4.
Statistical Characteristics of the Vocational Education System: 2000—2011. The issue will be published in a series "Monitoring of the Economics in Education”. – Moscow: HSE, 2013.
Vishnevskiy K., Meissner D., Karasev O., Khripunova A. Intelligent Data Systems to Aid Decision-Making at Tenders for Oil and Gas Fields Development. HSE Working paper.
Shashnov S., Grebenyuk A. Critical Technologies in Russia: Identification and Implementation.
Maintenance Problems (Problemy Eksploatacji), 2013, no.1.
Submitted Publications
Doroshenko M., Miles I., Vinogradov D. Knowledge Intensive Business Services as Generators of Innovations.
Submitted to Research Policy.
Abankina I., Aleskerov F., Belousova V., Zin’kovskiy K., Petrushchenko V. Evaluating Universities’ Effectiveness by Means of Shell Analysis. Submitted to Voprosy Obrazovanija (Journal of Educational Studies), 2013, no.2.
Khoroshevsky V. Artificial Intelligence and Decision-Making. Semantic Interpretation of Data Patterns on the Basis of Structural Approach. Submitted to Artificial Intelligence and Decision-Making, 2013, no. 2.
Redesigning Innovation Clusters Website
A website of the project of the Russian Cluster Observatory (RCO) will have a new design soon.
In 2012, a methodological, analytical and consulting centre that focuses on carrying out research in the field of cluster politics and working out projects and programmes of certain clusters, was established within the HSE ISSEK. The results of the RCO’s research and project activities are presented in reports aimed at representatives of federal, regional and local authorities that implement cluster politics; managers of clusters and centres of cluster development; participants of cluster initiatives.
The website “Russian Cluster Observatory” compiles relevant laws and regulations, basic documents related to the contest of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, information on measures of the state support of clusters, their contacts and news about the projects implemented within clusters.
Contact Us
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge
Myasnitskaya str.18, Moscow, 101000, Russia
Tel: +7(495) 621-28-73
Fax: +7(495) 625-03-67
E-mail: issek@hse.ru
Website: http://issek.hse.ru/en/about
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