HSE ISSEK events at UNESCO Futures Literacy Summit
On December 8–12, 2020, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) of National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University, Russia) will present its Foresight related activities in the framework of UNESCO High-Level Futures Literacy Summit.
At this Summit, UNESCO member states and government representatives, international and not-for-profit organizations, as well as the private sector will express their commitment to the development and diffusion of Futures Literacy as an essential competency for the realization of humanity’s aspirations in the 21st Century. The Summit is a virtual event and will consist of High-level plenary sessions, Futures Literacy Agora and Global Futures Literacy Network side-events online and open to the public.
We are pleased to invite you to attend our exhibition booths 'HSE University' and 'Foresight and STI Governance' Journal and to take part in two Foresight workshops: ‘Foresight 3.0: The Literacy for Transformation’, and ‘Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Foresight for South Africa’.
Please note that an additional registration for the Summit is required. >>>
For all queries and additional information on ISSEK events, please contact Ms. Elena Nasybulina (e-mail: enasybulina@hse.ru).
A short guide for participants of UNESCO FL Summit 2020

✦ HSE University is the largest educational and research centre for social studies and humanities in Eastern & Central Europe.
✦ Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (HSE ISSEK) is the largest research unit in HSE, and a leading centre of excellence in STI with 25 years of experience.
✦ In 2020, HSE University became the flagship of a large consortium conducting social studies of human capital, where HSE ISSEK plays a key role in the research area titled ‘Human Being in the Era of Technological Transformation'.
✦ HSE ISSEK carries out basic and applied interdisciplinary research in:
futures studies & STI policy research including science and technology (S&T) foresight, technology roadmapping; monitoring of global technology trends; measurement of STI, education and digital economy; strategies and patterns of behaviour of actors within innovation systems (companies, universities, research organisations, knowledge-intensive business services, highly qualified R&D personnel, population); design and evaluation of STI policy tools including regional and cluster policies, etc.
✦ More or less twelve of the twenty-one HSE ISSEK research centres and laboratories are involved in future studies.
✦ Since the early years of its history, the HSE ISSEK has been strongly integrated into the global research community.
Co-operation: participation in research initiatives and working groups
✦ UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies
✦ UNIDO Regional Technology Foresight Centre
✦ International Advisory Board, Global Innovation Index (by WIPO, INSEAD, Cornell University)
✦ OECD Government Foresight Community
✦ OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy
✦ EU expert group on Regional Foresight Blueprint
✦ Asia-Pacific Futurists Network
✦ Asian STI Think Tanks Network
✦ Advisory Board: European Futurists Conference, International FTA Conference, etc.
✦ Editorial boards of major international scientific journals
✦ The BRICS Project (by Globelics expert community)
✦ Consultancies in Foresight and evaluation of national programmes (China, Vietnam, Morocco, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Uzbekistan, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Kazakhstan, etc.)
✦ Projects funded by the European Commission (within EU Framework programmes), World Bank, national governments, and multinational companies
With students and high-ranking officials
✦ Launched in 2014 by HSE ISSEK, the International Master’s Programme ‘Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation’ combines two educational tracks: one goes for management, innovation and technology in companies and corporate worlds, and the other — for the government and policies. It is among the Top 10 most in-demand programmes of the HSE University.
Within academia
With business and expert communities, media and society
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