Figure of the day: 26%
of Russian industrial enterprises recorded a decline in profits in February compared to the previous month. This is the worst result recorded over the last four and a half years. These data are presented in a new Monitoring the Business Climate in Industrial Organisations study that was conducted in February 15 by the Centre for Business Tendency Studies at HSE ISSEK.
Education in Figures: Pocket Data Book
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterizing trends in the development ofgeneral, as well as lower and secondary vocational and higher education in the Russian Federation.It also covers key education indicators for OECD countries.
Figure of the day: 28%
of Russian universities feel ‘intense competition’ on the market for educational services. 15% of vocational schools and colleges report facing ‘intense competition’. These data were obtained during a survey of heads of vocational training schools that was conducted as part of a Monitoring of Education Markets and Organisations study held by Higher School of Economics in collaboration the Levada Center.
'My Nickname at School Was 'Professor'. I Had to Live up to It'
Why do people become researchers and pursue careers in science? What is more important for them — self-fulfillment or financial incentives? On the day before Russia celebrated Science Day on Feb 8, HSE’s news service talked to researchers working at HSE about what motivated them to become scientists.
Figure of the day: 83%
of Russians who hold Doctorate of Sciences and Candidate of Sciences degrees are involved in various forms of international cooperation. These data were obtained during a nationwide survey of 2,852 researchers holding these degrees as part of a Monitoring of the Labour Market for Highly Qualified R&D Personnel study. The survey was conducted in September—November 2014 using representative sampling.
Science and Technology. Innovation. Information Society
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterizing S&T, innovation and Information Society in the Russian Federation.
Can Everything in Science Be Measured?
Giorgio Sirilli, Associate Research Director at Italy’s Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth of National Research Council (IRCrES), an active participant and former chair of the OECD Working Party of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators (NESTI), and author of over 200 academic publications, gave an open lecture at HSE on January 21, 2015, as part of the Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation MA programme.
Figure of the Day: 33.7%
of ninth grade students whose parents do not have a higher education perform at the A-level or B-level in school. These data were obtained during a survey of 9th and 11th grade students at secondary schools that was conducted as part of a Monitoring of Education Markets and Organisations study by Higher School of Economics and the Levada Centre.
Figure of the day: 400 million roubles
is the minimum amount that could be saved per year for each gigawatt of electricity if new generation power-generating units were installed at coal-fired thermal power plants. This and other technologies to improve the efficiency of thermal energy are the subject of a new issue of the ‘Global Technology Trends’ newsletter published (in Russian) by HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge ISSEK.
Figure of the day: 11%
of Russians who hold doctoral and candidate degrees conduct research in the same academic field as their parents. These data were obtained during a survey carried out in September—November 2014 as part of a Monitoring of the Labour Market for Highly Qualified R&D Personnel study. In total, 2,852 researchers with doctoral or candidate degrees were surveyed.