In Contact with the International Research Community
The 4th INCO Conference, “Strengthening international cooperation in Research & Innovation Experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean, and Mediterranean Partner Countries”, and the annual NCP meeting took place on 17—19 June 2013 in Marseille, France. The event focused on the future of international cooperation in Research and Innovation in Horizon 2020. It was held as a part of “INCONTACT—One World” project which is the official network of the FP7 INCO NCPs. The Russian INCO NCP, organised within the HSE ISSEK, was represented by Liliana Proskuryakova.
Are Innovation Companies’ Leaders Ready to Start a Dialogue About the Future?
On 17 June, 2013 the Association of Russian Managers hosted a round table discussion which continued the series of public debates on the Russian long-term S&T Foresight until 2030, commissioned to the HSE by the RF Ministry of Education and Science. The vision of global challenges and windows of opportunity opening for the national innovation system based on this large-scale project, was presented in the paper by Alexander Chulok.
Science and Technology. Innovation. Information Society. Pocket Data Book
"Science. Innovations. Information Society. Pocket data book" has been published. The statistical digest contains main indicators characterizing S&T and innovation potential of the Russian Federation.
Lessons of Evaluation
29th April — 3rd May, 2013 Stanislav Zaichenko and Sergey Bredikhin, researchers at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), took part in the Executive Education Course “Evaluation of Science and Innovation Policies” organised by the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR), University of Manchester, Great Britain.
Giulio Perani: ‘I am always very happy to meet students and researchers from the HSE’
On June 14, 2013 a visiting expert Giulio Perani delivered a lecture on 'Measuring Innovation beyond Enterprises: Options and Challenges' at ISSEK. His presentation was focused on the current status of innovation statistics in the OECD and EU contexts and on the prospects for improving the guidelines provided by the OECD’s Oslo Manual on collecting innovation data. The event was organised by the HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation. Giulio Perani gave a special interview to HSE news service.
Personal Health Systems development scenarios up to 2030 were discussed at the Foresight Workshop in Manchester
The PHS Foresight scenarios workshop was held in Manchester, Great Britain, on June 13 and 14, 2013, as a part of the FP7 project ‘Personal Health Systems (PHS) Foresight’. The Higher School of Economics was represented by the researchers of Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, Oleg Ena and Irina Efimenko (Center for Information Intelligence Applications and Systems, CIAS).
Technology Foresight: How to Make It Efficient
On 11 June, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge of the HSE (ISSEK) and the RF Ministry of Education and Science hosted a theory-and-practice seminar “Technology Foresight System: Goals, Objectives, Approaches to Organisation”.
The Moscow News: Science on the sidelines
Kristen Blyth from The Moscow News in her article “Science on the sidelines” reports the results of ISSEK junior research fellow Maxim Kotsemir’s study on the dynamics of the publication activity of Russian researchers in Web of Science in 2001—2011. The Moscow News article is about Vladimir Fortov, the newly elected President of the Russian Academy of Sciences and current situation in Russian science.
Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement
Edward Elgar Publishing has published a multi-author book "Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement". Two chapters are prepared by the HSE ISSEK specialists.
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future
A multi-author book “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future. Potentials and Limits of Foresight Studies” edited by Dirk Meissner, Leonid Gokhberg and Alexander Sokolov is published by Springer Publishing House.