Statistical review of the development of education in the Russian Federation: for the years of 2000-2010
The paper «Statistical review of the development of education in the Russian Federation: for the years of 2000-2010» by Natalia Kovaleva (director, Center for Statistics and Monitoring of Educaton, HSE ISSEK), Irina Zabaturina (senior research fellow, HSE ISSEK) and Nikolay Shugal (research fellow, Research and Educational Laboratory for Analysis and Modeling of Institutional Dynamics, HSE) is published in the journal «Voprosy Statistiki» (Statistical Issues), № 5, 2012.
Regional balance of technology transfer and innovation in transitional economy: empirical evidence from Russia (journal article)
The article "Regional balance of technology transfer and innovation in transitional economy: empirical evidence from Russia" by Dirk Meissner and Stanislav Zaichenko (HSE ISSEK) is published in the "International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems".
S&T co-operation between the EU-Russia: status and prospects
On June 28-29, 2012 a meeting devoted to conditions and implementation prospects of the Seventh EU Framework Programme’s project ERA.Net RUS took place in the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research. A wide range of issues was discussed at the meeting, including results of the pilot joint competitions for Science and Innovation, protection of intellectual property created within the framework of joint projects, measures to increase effectiveness of scientific co-operation, etc.. Representatives of the EU evaluated effectiveness of the pilot competitions and came out with recommendations for improving the competitive procedures.
Foresight: Exploring the Future, Shaping the Present
25-29 June 2012 a short course “Foresight: Exploring the Future, Shaping the Present” took place at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR, University of Manchester, Manchester, Great Britain). The agenda of this training was devoted to exploring frameworks and methodology of Foresight.
‘Foresight-Russia’, issue 2, 2012
A new issue of the ‘Foresight-Russia’ journal has been published
Lecture «Future of Mass Communications» by Andrew Heyward
On June 20, 2012 the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge HSE, organized an open lecture by Andrew Heyward «Future of Mass Communications».
Lecture «Globalization of Science and Innovation – the Chinese Response» by Prof. XUE Lan
On June 20, 2012 the Research Laboratory of Science and Technology Studies, HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK), organized an open lecture by Professor XUE Lan «Globalization of Science and Innovation – the Chinese Response»
Education in Figures: Pocket Data Book
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterizing trends in the development of preschool, general education, lower and secondary vocational education as well as higher and postgraduate professional education in the Russian Federation. It covers also key education indicators for the OECD
Workshop “Linkages between Actors in the Innovation System”
An international workshop «Linkages between Actors in the Innovation System» took place on the 13-15th of June 2012. Eminent researchers and leading experts in innovation studies from the UK, Norway and Sweden joined their colleagues from the HSE to discuss the recent developments in the field of science, technology and innovation.
Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms
Within the framework of the European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation the international conference “Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms” was held by Fraunhofer ISI from 12 to 13 June 2012 in Karlsruhe (Germany) highlighting the key issues of innovation policy in Europe and developing countries in the short and long term.