HSE ISSEK Report Is the Most-cited Publication in the Digital Field
Issued in 2019 by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) at HSE University, the report‘What is the Digital Economy?’ has topped the Russian Science Citation Index list of the 6,000 most-cited publications in the digital field in 2019–2021. Analysis of the database shows that other ISSEK papers on digital topics have also become hits in the research world.

Artificial Intelligence for Proactive Policy: A Letter from Leonid Gokhberg to ‘Nature’
As the situation with COVID-19 has shown, mistakes associated with insufficiently developed policy measures in medicine, science, education and other socially significant sectors of the economy are very costly for society. In the July issue of Nature, First Vice-Rector, HSE ISSEK Director Leonid Gokhberg discussed the topic of the growing practice of making management decisions based on big data analysis.

HSE Study Findings: 74 Percent of Teachers Who Did Not Employ Online Resources Now Use Them
A large-scale study conducted by the HSE Laboratory for Media Communications in Education found that the situation with online education is better than was first thought when schools had to switch to Internet-based learning to help stop the spread of coronavirus infections.

Countries Strengthen Scientific Cooperation in Response to Coronavirus Pandemic
The OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (STP) held its first meeting of the year in early April. HSE staff members Mikhail Gershman, Dirk Meissner and Elena Sabelnikova joined Ministry of Education and Science representatives as members of the Russian delegation to the event. Here, they explain which approaches participants discussed for combating the coronavirus and for preventing other global crises.

HSE University Develops Science, Technology and Innovation Foresight for South Africa
On December 4, a forum on developments in science, technology and innovation (STI) was held in Pretoria, South Africa. There, a 10-year development plan was presented, based on an S&T foresight commissioned by the South African government and developed by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge.
Evgeniy Kutsenko: 'Smart Regions Can Only Exist in a Unified System of Coordinates'
Evgeniy Kutsenko, Head of the HSE ISSEK Russian Cluster Observatory, shares on his Facebook page his impressions of taking part in the Regional Studies Association conference in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) which took place on 5-7 June, 2019, mentioning particularly interesting topics and presentations.
Konstantin Fursov about Megaprojects in Social Sciences
Konstantin Fursov, Deputy Director of the ISSEK Centre for Statistics and Monitoring of Science, Technology and Innovation, took part in a meeting on developing human potential for the R&D sector chaired by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on 26 April at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in Dolgoprudny. Here are his comments, taken from the minutes published on the RF Government’s website.
Urban and Housing Policy of Russia through the Experience of the OECD and the UN
On April 12, 2018 the round table "Using the OECD standards and best practices in Urban and Housing Policy" took place at the Higher School of Economics. The event was conducted jointly with DOM.RF Russia Housing and Urban Development Corporation in the framework of the section S "Science and Innovation" of the XIX HSE International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Participants discussed a wide range of issues, in particular the potential of green growth and sustainable urban development.
Higher School of Economics Creates a Platform of the Best Science Management Practices
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge with support from the Ministry of Education and Science launches the online project 'Knowledge Network' to Share Best R&D Management Practices and S&T Results”.
Leonid Gokhberg Spoke on RBC TV about the Impact of Technology on the Labour Market and Future Competency Portfolio
Leonid Gokhberg, HSE First Vice Rector and ISSEK Director, speaking live on RBC TV commented on the labour market trends, and draw the viewers’ attention to the skills and competencies particularly relevant in a knowledge-based economy.