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NEWSLETTER, 2017, no 2
In this Issue:

  • ISSEK Anniversary
  • Admission to the Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Master’s Programme
  • Innovation Development Rankings: Global and Regional
  • Foresight Studies and Global Technology Trends
  • International Cooperation in STI
  • Digital Economy
  • University Development
  • New ISSEK Publications
On April 26, 2002, the Higher School of Economics Academic Council established the Information Economy Institute 'to conduct research on socio-economic development in the area of information and telecommunication technologies, science and innovation, education and training, and other studies to extend HSE’s presence on the research and consulting services market'. On June 27, 2003, the Information Economy Institute was renamed the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge. In the spirit of HSE’s anti-anniversary (25 years), we’ll use this milestone as a 'high ground' from which we can take a farther look into the future.
Admission to the ISSEK Master’s Programme
The online application for the Governance in Science, Technology and Innovation Master’s Programme must be submitted by August 1.
42 students graduated this year, including 12 from Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. They demonstrated impressive results: they established 'green' start-up companies, analysed the scope of RF–US cooperation on cybersecurity, did internships at the OECD and  Moscow Innovation Agency, participated in the development of the Moscow Metro’s innovation strategy, and found excellent jobs following their practical training — e.g., one graduate is now at the head office of the International Public Transport Union in Brussels. HSE was ranked fifth among Russian universities with the most highly paid graduates during their first year of employment, according to data from an employment monitoring study by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
Oleg Fomichev, Russia’s Deputy Minister of Economic Development, who chaired the programme’s Examination Board this year, thanked his alma mater at the 2017 graduation ceremony for launching this 'high-demand programme for training professionals qualified to manage innovation at public and private research organisations and companies'.
The 6 reasons to study governance of science, technology and innovation at HSE have remained unchanged since the programme first opened.
Innovation Development Rankings: Global and Regional
On June 15, the 10th Global Innovation Index was presented at the UN’s Geneva headquarters. It is traditionally published together with an analytical report, which this year was entitled “Innovation Feeding the World”. In the chapter on Russia, ISSEK researchers Leonid Gokhberg and Ilya Kuzminov analyse the innovation-based development of the Russian agricultural sector.
On June 15, ISSEK presented the 5th issue of the Russian Regional Innovation Development Ranking at the TASS Russian News Agency. The three leading regions have maintained their positions since the previous survey year: the Republic of Tatarstan, the City of Moscow, and the City of St. Petersburg. For the first time, the researchers measured Russian regions’ readiness for the future: the Republic of Yakutia had the highest value of this indicator.
Foresight Studies and Global Technology Trends
At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum-2017, HSE presented a panoramic picture of global technology trends. The university’s stand featured an interactive presentation titled 'What’s going to happen to humankind in 25 years’ time?'. Professor Ozcan Saritas, Deputy Head of the HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, who happened to be in Moscow at the time, 'delivered' two holographic lectures: 'Foresight ForSTI' (in three parts), and 'The New Industrial Revolution'.
A new industrial revolution in Russia: to be or not to be? A report by the Centre for Strategic Research was presented at the expert discussion 'Technological Development: Global Trends and Russia’s Prospects' held as part of XVIII HSE April Conference. Yaroslav Kuzminov, HSE Rector, and Leonid Gokhberg, HSE First Vice Rector and ISSEK Director, commented on its main provisions.
Could economy of the future grow without increased energy consumption? A traditional foresight session was conducted at HSE together with the Global Energy International Award Committee on the eve of the announcement of the new award winners.
International Cooperation in STI
Meeting global energy challenges. Two summits took place in Beijing (China) in June: the Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8), and the Second Meeting Innovation Ministerial (MI-2). Liliana Proskuryakova, Leading Researcher at the HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, was a member of the official Russian delegation.
The Rising Powers project is completed. The results of 12 international network research projects implemented in 20122017 under the auspices of 10 leading British universities were presented in Manchester (UK). The international research team comprising ISSEK experts studied emerging technologies’ impact on the development of innovation systems in China and Russia.
Alexander Sokolov, Deputy Director of ISSEK, Director of the ISSEK Foresight Centre, made a presentation on setting priorities for international S&T cooperation at the 3rd meeting of the BRICS STI Funding Working Group (May, Pretoria, South Africa).
Alexander Sokolov took part in the second meeting of the International Panel of Futurists at the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (Morocco), and presented a plenary report at the conference 'Anticiper les Enjeux Majeur de Demain' ('Anticipating the Grand Challenges of Tomorrow') (May, the Moroccan National Library, Rabat).
Innovations go East! Initiatives on innovation-based development in the Asia-Pacific region, which were designed with participation of HSE experts, in particular to support innovation clusters and fast-growing high-tech companies, were presented by the Russian delegation at the 10th meeting of the APEC Policy Partnership on Science, Technology, and Innovation (May, Hanoi, Vietnam).
Russian researchers’ weight in the global balance of scientific influence is increasing. ISSEK experts have analysed Russian researchers’ affiliations indicated in the international academic citations databases Web of Science and Scopus.
Industrial development in the CIS: Is there a potential for stepping up re-industrialisation? The UNIDO published an analytical report on industrial development in the CIS countries in 20052014, which was prepared by Liudmila Kitrar, a UNIDO consultant and the Deputy Director of the ISSEK Centre for Business Tendencies Studies, with the participation of her colleagues at the Centre.
Digital Economy
ISSEK actively participated in developing the Digital Economy programme. Its first draft was discussed and approved at the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects meeting.
Gulnara Abdrakhmanova, Director of the ISSEK Centre for Statistics and Monitoring of Information Society, and Olga Demidkina, Leading Expert at the OECD-HSE Partnership Centre, took part in the OECD’s Digital Week (May, Paris, France).
ISSEK launched a series of 'Digital Economy' information bulletins, to be published in turns with the weekly 'Science, Technology, and Innovation' reports. The authors of the first issue in the new series analysed Russians’ professional competences and user skills regarding computers, the internet, and other ICTs.
University Development
A special issue of the Foresight and STI Governance journal (2017, vol. 11, no. 2) was published and focused on the topic “Knowledge Triangle: Universities in Innovation System”. Various aspects of integrating universities’ educational, research, and innovation activities were analysed by experts from the OECD, Russia, the UK, Austria, Sweden, Iran, and Indonesia.
The state and universities should complement one another in social policy. Ways to involve universities in implementing national socio-economic policy were discussed at the international workshop 'Universities, Inclusive Development, and Social Innovation' held in the framework of the ISSEK’s special section on STI policy at the XVIII HSE April Conference.
Why do foreign students choose to study at HSE? Alena Nefedova, Junior Researcher at the ISSEK, answers this question in her paper published in the Higher Education in Russia and Beyond journal.
New Publications
'Science, Technology and Innovation Studies' Series with Springer
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition
(edited by Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Information Resources Management Association, USA)
HSE Data Books
  • Indicators of Education: 2017 (in Russian)
  • Education in Figures: 2017 (in English, forthcoming)
  • Digital Economy Indicators: 2017 (in Russian, forthcoming)
Foresight and STI Governance Journal: 2017, vol. 11, no. 2
Foresight and STI Governance is an open access journal. Electronic versions of the issues can be downloaded at the journal's website, and via mobile applications available at the AppStore and GooglePlay.
Analytical Reports (in Russian)
Science, Technology, and Innovation, and Digital Economy series (in Russian)
Global Technology Trends Monitoring (in Russian)
Surveys on Business Climate (in Russian)
  • Industry in March, April, and May, 2017
  • Construction in 1Q 2017
  • Wholesale in 1Q 2017
  • Retail in 1Q 2017
  • Economic Sentiment Index (HSE Index) in 1Q 2017
  • Services in 1Q 2017
  • The Russian real sector and services sector in 1Q 2017
  • Consumer expectations in 1Q 2017
  • Small retail companies in 1Q 2017
Contact us:

HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge
Address for correspondence: 20 Myasnitskaya St., 101000, Moscow, Russia
Actual address: 11 Myasnitskaya St., 101000, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 621-28-73
E-mail: issek@hse.ru
Web: http://issek.hse.ru/en
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