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NEWSLETTER, 2015, no 1
XVI HSE Annual Conference with a special session on "Science and Innovation" organised by ISSEK
On April 7-10, 2015 in Moscow, the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)  supported by the World Bank will host the XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. On April 8-10, 2015 the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) will host the special section "Science and Innovation" which will include the following discussions:
  • Foresight and Priority Setting in Science, Technology and Innovation: Issues for S&T Policy
  • Round table "Development of International Network of Foresight centres"
  • Round table "Regional Conditions and Policy as Aspects of Innovation Development"
  • Workshop on the Cross-border Cooperation in the Knowledge Triangle (Research, Education and Innovation)
  • Workshop on international cooperation in the EU Framework Programme “Horizon 2020” – New Challenges and Opportunities for the Third Countries
  • Foresight in Aerospace Industry: Opportunities for Russia
  • Workshop “Water Sector Strategies”
Applying for the English-language Master’s programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” for international students
The second wave of enrolment for this Master’s Programme, successfully launched by ISSEK in 2014, is now open until 15th May, 2015.

On April 14, 2015 ISSEK will hold an Open Doors Day for the Programme.

Prospective international students are offered the following benefits:
  • flexible approach to studies which allows choosing one of two main streams – STI Management or STI Policy
  • focus on group and individual research and project work as well as practical application of the acquired skills
  • a renowned international teaching staff including recognized Russian and foreign professors, research fellows and experts from Russian and foreign companies
  • potential internships at leading Russian and international companies, federal and regional government agencies
  • student exchange and double degree programmes at top European and Asian Universities (all Universities are well recognized internationally and are placed high in such world university rankings as Times Higher Education and QS)
  • full-tuition scholarships for successful applicants
  • multicultural environment represented by international students
  • a heavily discounted rate for students’ accommodation
On January 21, 2015 Giorgio Sirilli, Associate Research Director at Italy’s Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth of National Research Council (IRCrES), an active participant and former chair of the OECD Working Party of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators (NESTI), and author of over 200 academic publications, gave an open lecture at HSE, as part of the Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation MA programme. Summary of his lecture.
HSE Publications
Foresight-Russia, no 1, 2015

Mariya Dobryakova, Zoya Kotel'nikova: Social Embeddedness of Technology: Prospective Research Areas

Irina Dezhina, Alexey Ponomarev, Alexander Frolov: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Russia: Outlines of a New Policy

Evgeniy Kutsenko: Pilot Innovative Territorial Clusters in Russia: A Sustainable Development Mode

Sergey Makarov, Ekaterina Ugnich: Business-catalysts as Drivers of Regional Innovation Systems

Jonathan Calof, Gregory Richards, Jack Smith: Foresight, Competitive Intelligence and Business Analytics — Tools for Making Industrial Programmes More Efficient
Data Books (in Russian)
Science. Innovation. Information society: 2014. Pocket data book

The publication contains the main indicators describing the Russian Federation’s R&D and innovation potential, data on intellectual property, R&D productivity, and development of the ICT sector.
The data book includes data collected by Rosstat, Russian Ministry of Education and Science, OECD, Eurostat, UNESCO, Rospatent, WIPO, various countries’ national statistical services, and results of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge’s research.
Indicators of Science: 2015
Indicators of Innovation Activity: 2015
Information society: development trends in Russian regions. Issue 2
Information society: Russian population’s demand for ICT
Pilot innovative territorial clusters in the Russian Federation: implementing development programmes
Galina Kitova. Tax-based promotion of R&D and innovation in Russia: practices and studies
Monitoring research
Innovation Activities of the Innovation Process Actors monitoring project
ISSEK has monitored innovation activities of Russian manufacturing and service sector companies since 2009, including measurement of technological, organisational, economic and marketing innovations; production support services; assessment of companies’ competitive environment and innovation strategies; sources of innovations and mechanisms for their creation; knowledge management practices; intellectual capital, etc.
The following newsletters were published in 2015 (in Russian):
№ 1: Barriers hindering R&D organisations’ participation in innovation processes
№ 2: R&D organisations’ partners in innovation processes
№ 3: Specific features of the interaction between innovative companies and other participants of innovation process
№ 4: Specific features of government support for innovation activities
Monitoring of Global Technology Trends
Since autumn, 2014 ISSEK has been publishing "trendletters" presenting the results of global technology trends monitoring. Each issue describes three promising trends identified in priority S&T development areas. The following trendletters were published in January – March, 2015 (in Russian):
№ 1(7): Efficient heat-and-power engineering technologies
№ 2(8): Future medicine: genetic engineering technologies for developing targeted drugs and molecular diagnostics tools
№ 3(9): Smart materials for innovative electronics and power industry
№ 4(10): New technologies for the forest sector
Surveys on Business Climate (in Russian)
The Economic Sentiment Index (HSE Index) in 4Q 2014
Industry in: December, 2014, January and February, 2015
Wholesale in 4Q 2014
Small Companies in ICT and Retail in the 2nd half of 2014
Investment activity in Russian industy in 2014
Figures of the Day
ISSEK research provides data for regular publications in the  mass media and at the HSE website.
31% of Russians believe that science is too complicated for people who are untrained
74% of Russians believe that most scientists want to work on problems that make life better for common people
11% of Russians who hold Doctor of Science and Candidate of Science degrees do research in the same academic field as their parents
83% of Russians who hold Doctor of Sciences and Candidate of Sciences degrees are involved in various forms of international cooperation
7 000 Russian women hold a Doctor of Sciences degree
28% of Russian universities feel ‘intense competition’ on the market for educational services. 15% of vocational schools and colleges report facing ‘intense competition’
41% of Russians aged 25—64 years who are receiving continuing education are doing so for general development or to follow their passions
24% of teachers believe that skills in the field of computer and information technologies are what they lack most when it comes to working effectively
22% of teachers are involved in tutoring
8.9% is the share of innovative products in total sales made by industrial enterprises
26% of Russian industrial enterprises recorded a decline in profits in February compared to the previous month. This is the worst result recorded over the last four and a half years
45% of executives at industrial companies noted in February that uncertainty in Russia’s economic situation is preventing the development of their businesses
630 people attended the lecture marathon ‘Ideas 2020: Journey into the World of the Future’ that was organised by the Higher School of Economics in collaboration with the Polytechnic Museum (Moscow) and the Helmholtz Association (Germany). Leading research fellows from ISSEK — Ruslan Saygitov and Ozcan Saritas — were among the lecturers
20 Russian regions took part in ‘Management of Regional Clusters: Best International Practices’, a research and practical seminar that was organised by the Russian Cluster Observatory at HSE ISSEK
Contact us:

HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge

Address for correspondence: 20, Myasnitskaya st., 101000, Moscow, Russia
Actual address: 9-11, Myasnitskaya st., 101000, Moscow
Phone: +7 495 621-28-73
Fax: +7 495 625-03-67
E-mail: issek@hse.ru
Web: http://issek.hse.ru/en
Facebook: www.facebook.com/issek.hse.ru


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