Figure of the day: 20,4%
Of Russians aged between 25-64 are engaged in self-education, mainly by reading books and magazines relevant to their profession (10%), via the internet (4,8%), and learning from colleagues at work (3,9%). These figures were obtained through a representative survey conducted by the HSE ISSEK (the sample comprised 1,156 people aged 25—64), and published in the new statistical yearbook “Indicators of Education 2017”.
Russia’s Innovation Powerhouses
The HSE ISSEK released its fifth Russian Regional Innovation Ranking at a press conference hosted by TASS. Almost half Russia’s regions are relatively stable in terms of innovative development: their positions in the ranking have not changed significantly. The Republic of Tatarstan, followed by Moscow and St. Petersburg, tops the Ranking.

Russia Takes 45 th Place in the New Global Innovation Index
On June 15, 2017, the tenth Global Innovation Index was presented at the UN headquarters in Geneva. It includes the key indicators of innovative activities in 127 countries. Russia took 45th place in the ranking. Switzerland is leading the ranking for the seventh year in a row. Leonid Gokhberg, Director of HSE ISSEK, is a member of the GII Advisory Board and provides advice on the research underlying the index. He co-authored the analytical report that traditionally accompanies the index with ISSEK researcher Ilya Kuzminov.
Students Examine Cybersecurity Contextualization in Russia and the United States
Students from HSE ISSEK, Stanford University, and Rice University have researched how Russia and the US cooperate in cybersecurity and explored the nuances present in the approaches that each country takes in this area, including different understandings of cybersecurity-related terms. The research was conducted in 2016-2017 as part of the Stanford US-Russia Forum (SURF), a programme dedicated to developing US-Russia cooperation. Over a period of 8 months, 30 American and Russian students and young professionals worked on their projects.
UNIDO Report on CIS Countries’ Industrial Statistics is Published, Prepared With Participation of HSE ISSEK Experts
Organisers and participants of the UNIDO project “Improving Industrial Statistics, and Developing Statistical Indicators for Analysing Industry Development in the CIS countries” discussed results of the project’s analytical component at a workshop in Sochi. An important contribution to the project was made by Liudmila Kitrar, UNIDO Consultant and Deputy Director of the HSE ISSEK Centre for Business Tendencies Studies (CBTS), and the CBTS staff.
Monitoring of Engineering and Industrial Design Market in Russia
The analytical report commissioned to the HSE ISSEK by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation presents the results of the pilot surveys of the Russian engineering and industrial design market, and describes methodological aspects of the monitoring.
Figure of the day: 30%
Of Russians aged between 25-64 have higher education. The share of people with higher education increases in younger age groups. This data is presented in the latest HSE ISSEK statistical yearbook “Indicators of Education 2017”.
E-commerce in Russia
The latest HSE ISSEK bulletin in the “Science, Technology, and Innovation” series presents data about use of e-commerce by Russian individuals and enterprises. Almost every fourth Russian (23%) ordered goods or services via the internet in 2016. 12% of the business sector enterprises used the net to sell their products and services in 2015, and 17% made electronic purchases.
Global Objectives for Clusters
What kind of support innovative clusters need to become world leaders in attracting investments? What affects the success of cluster policies in megalopolises? These and other issues were discussed at the II St. Petersburg International Cluster Conference; Evgeny Kutsenko, Head of the Russian Cluster Observatory, and Vasily Abashkin, its Leading Expert, took part.
HSE Presented Panoramic Picture of Global Technology Trends at SPIEF-2017
The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) was held on 1—3 June 2017. This year the Higher School of Economics took part in the business, discussion, and exhibition programmes. HSE had its own stand featuring an interactive presentation “What’s going to happen to humankind in 25 years’ time?”, based on the results of the HSE ISSEK “Monitoring Global Technology Trends” study.