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Figure of the Day: 2.6% — Share of Russian Articles Published Worldwide in Scientific Journals

IQ.hse.ru studies how many articles are published by Russian scientists. According to the report "Russian Science and Technology in Figures" prepared by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, after a marked downturn that lasted until 2013, the publication activity of Russian scientists began to grow.

Figure of the Day: 40% of Russian Researchers are Women

In recent years, the number of women in the Russian research world decreased from 151500 in 2014 to 148300 in 2016. However, there are more doctoral and postdoctoral scholars amongst the female population than males, according to the recent issue of the HSE ISSEK data book “Science and Technology Indicators in the Russian Federation”.

Pi Indicators

On the 14th of March, the world celebrates the 30th anniversary of Pi (π) Day. On this occasion, we examined how frequently this mathematical constant appeared in our publications. And there were a lot of such π-indicators.

Digital Outlook of Russian Scientists

Experts at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge found out to what extent modern digital technologies have taken over the activities of Russian PhD holders.

A Milestone Birthday of Professor Miles

Ian Douglas Miles, DSocSci, Professor of Technological Innovation and Social Change at MIoIR, University of Manchester (UK), and Head of HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, is known as a classical author of books / publications on futures studies, STI policy, service economy and Knowledge Intensive Business Services. He is a cheerful and warmhearted person, who has put tremendous effort into research to make life easier for the society and continues to generously share his knowledge and experience with everyone. We are happy to congratulate our colleague on his birthday!

Illustration for news: Fewer People in Corporations, but More Promising Careers in Research

Fewer People in Corporations, but More Promising Careers in Research

On February 12, the winners of last year's Student Research Paper Competition were announced. Not only did they receive prizes, but also had the opportunity to put some thought-provoking questions to the university administration. HSE portal selected five questions which are highly relevant to researchers at HSE and internationally, and the responses are below.

Leonid Gokhberg’s Comment to HSE Web-portal about ‘Russian Science in Figures’

On the Russian Science Day (February 8) an infographic report entitled ‘Russian Science in Figures’ was published. Leonid Gokhberg, director of ISSEK and the first vice-rector of HSE, has commented some of its main points to HSE web-portal.

Facts about Science in Russia from HSE Research Studies

Science — a large branch of economics in which, the resources are consolidated, transactions are carried out, and significant units of scales are created — requires a consistent, and systemic description. For the past 15 years, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) of the Higher School of Economics has been studying the state of science in Russia using a system of statistical indicators. ISSEK provides long-term foresight on scientific development based on foresight tools. On the occasion of the Day of science in Russia, HSE ISSEK issued two program publications — the infographic report "Russian Science and Technology in Figures" and data book "Science and Technology Indicators".

New Values in the Innovation Policy 'Toolbox'

On January 24, 2018, the Higher School of Economics jointly with RVC JSC held an expert discussion on indicators and instruments of the government’s policy of innovative development, designed for the National Report on Innovation in Russia — 2017.

Higher School of Economics Creates a Platform of the Best Science Management Practices

The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge with support from the Ministry of Education and Science launches the online project 'Knowledge Network' to Share Best R&D Management Practices and S&T Results”.