Innovations not aimed at making money: how they emerge, and how can be useful to the economy?
Professor Jonathan Linton, head of the HSE ISSEK Laboratory for Economics of Innovation, and Konstantin Fursov, senior researcher at the laboratory, analysed emergence and dissemination of innovations in various economic conditions. Results of their joint study were presented by Konstantin at the XV International Open and User Innovation Conference at the Innsbruck University (Austria)
Cluster Policy: Reaching Global Competitiveness
The publication prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Joint stock company (corporation) “Russian Venture Company” and the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", is devoted to the results of the competitive selection of clusters participating in the priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation "Development of Innovative Clusters — leaders in world-class investment attractiveness".
HSE will enhance the science and technology foresight system for the CIS
The Commonwealth of Independent States needs a new development agenda, distinct from the model based on the export of raw materials. Ways in which HSE can strengthen foresight as a basis for a long-term partnership with the CIS countries in the field of R&D were discussed at the 20th meeting of the Interstate Council for Cooperation in STI (June 27—28, HSE and Business and Cultural Complex of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Russia).
Foresight and STI Governance no 2, 2017
In the special issue of the journal various aspects of the integration of education, research and innovation activities of universities based on the model of “knowledge triangle” are being considered. The experts from Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Sweden, Iran, Indonesia and OECD share the achievements upon the subject.
Master’s Degree, what next?
On June 30, at the graduation ceremony students of the ISSEK Master's programme "Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation" will meet up to go separate ways after. It is interesting, what paths will they choose? We present one of the 42 career tracks of the students of the 2017 graduation class — the story of Daria Kuzmina, who has recently started working at the International Association of Public Transport (Brussels).
A balanced approach to cooperation with the BRICS countries
On June 21-23, 2017, the international conference ‘Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures’ was held in Manchester, the UK. Mikhail Gershman, the Head of the Centre for Innovation Policy Studies at the Higher School of Economics, presented his report on the current directions of Russian science and technology policy.
Meeting Global Energy Challenges
Two international summits took place in Beijing (China) on 6-9 June 2017: the Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting (CEM8), and the Second Ministerial Meeting on Innovation (Mission Innovation, MI-2). The events’ shared theme was meeting global challenges with innovations and designing common clean energy solutions. Liliana Proskuryakova, the Leading Researcher at the HSE ISSEK Research Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies, was a member of the official Russian delegation.
Figure of the day: 43%
Of biotechnology company executives complain about the insufficiently low inflow of young professionals. This figure is presented in the newsletter “Biotechnology: organisations’ demand for R&D personnel and skills” published in the HSE ISSEK series “Science, Technology, and Innovation”.
Innovation Activities in KIBS Firms: International Comparison
The HSE ISSEK experts compared data about the application of technological, marketing, and organisational innovations by the Russian knowledge-intensive business services sector (KIBS) companies with relevant figures for European countries such as the UK, Germany, Denmark, Malta, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. The results are presented in the latest newsletter in the "Science, Technology, and Innovation" series.
“Digital Week” at the OECD
Gulnara Abdrakhmanova, Director of the HSE ISSEK Centre for Statistics and Monitoring of Information Society, and Olga Demidkina, Leading Expert at the OECD-HSE Partnership Centre took part in the OECD Digital Week (15—19 May, Paris). Its focal point was the meeting of the OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy, which is responsible for a major OECD project “Going Digital”. The participants have also discussed preparation of the Digital Outlook report.